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- <br /> � �� <br /> �...�:. � � � ° � 0 ° � <br /> � a <br /> T 5004$-PiLOPP&BAItTLF_T[^CO.,Prinling,Litiaopraphin{/and Gou7ily Supplies;O^naFie. " �' --'-�'_—-_—�--'�-�-T—i_��� <br /> FR�i�7 I hereby cer�ify tha.t this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> �. -- filed for record this-- -----5'��-- -- __clay of__---__ ..._,�'Ari'LaA1'y-..---------- <br /> --- - --__Daniel �s_iher __ _ __.. - --- <br /> �. D., 19_11_ -, at -_ - - -10-.45:_ ._ - -�'clock- - -- ---- A,�_I��. <br /> -- - -- ---- - _ a �P].d0_WAr- -_ _ _ _ �arranty <br /> I, T� � Deed. <br /> ���'������ <br /> --- - - -- - _1,�8�tvs�n__P.CQttP�l1._ _ --- - ��-� a6=���--. <br /> t <br /> -- - -- -- -- - - <br /> _ - - - - -- -- -- -- --- <br /> Deputy. <br /> I�nodv All 1VIen ]b� Z'l�ese Pr�sents v <br /> That I r _D�t1ie_l__S�iher____. _ - - - _: - - - - -- - -- -- -_ - --- -- <br /> _ �_ wi_do wer ) - _ _ -- -- <br /> - - - - ___ -- - - --_ - _ -- - - - - - --- <br /> Hall_---- --------------- ------and State of------------N_eh.r��k�__ - --------- -----------------------------------__Grantor--------, in consideration <br /> of the County of____________________________ <br /> of the sum of- ----�YlA _-ThOU.B3Tld ��d-i�0�1�0- - -- ---- ------------------------ ------- - ------------------------------------------------------------DOLLARS, <br /> ' _he,reb GR��T, B�1RG��IN, SELL, A11'D C0�'YVEY unto. ._I+S�q�OZl__P_.COS�'Q11,_.. ___. ___ <br /> in hand paid, do__ _ y <br /> - _ _ -- -- -- - -- - <br /> �i311 �,nd State of_____ ----- - - N967CASk�L _---, Grantee-------, <br /> of�he Coun_tY of_ --- -- - __ - _ __ ` - - _ _ --- - the following <br /> describe�prernises,,situated in the County of___. __._._______�a�l _ ___and State of Nebraska, to u�it; <br /> _ -- - --- --- -- - <br /> ---------__ _Lots__Nn___Nine----(9�- anc�__No_�Ten ---{_�0-)----in--�l�o_�k._.�'o_..Fau�teen----(_l4_)--�'a�rvi._a�___Park__Addition---to--------------- <br /> -- - Grand--I�l�c�-,---Nelaraska3 -�.�___survQ��tl-s --P-la����1_antl.-re_c_o_rded_._.---------------- ------------ -- <br /> - --- --- - --- ---- --- <br /> -------------- -Sub�o_ct___ho�tevv_x. -�o-- ons__m�r��;�ge---in--ths--sum--�f---�-1Q�..4Q--�a��h---�ntar_���---�hoxe_Qn---from--------------- <br /> -_November-_l,_-1.910,_ _at---the--acate---o�-_14__�__�ae_r_--annum,__which---th-e_-�rant_ee-- h�__r__ein__ae�umes__and-__--------_-- <br /> --- a�����--tsa- Pa3� as.___part- nf the - abflve �c_onsiderat_ian. -- --- -- - - - - -- - -- ---- ----- ------ - ---- --- -- ------ <br /> ----- - - Posseasion �o_ .�ie. �a.vaz� flf--�he -gr�rai�ea--on__��rch-7.-:- -�.9�.�.--- - ------ ---- -------- - - - ------ - ---- <br /> --- --- --- - - - - - - -- --- -- - ----- -- -- ----- - - ---------------------- ----- --- - -- -- -- - ----- ----- --- - -- - ----- ---- <br /> To�ether w fh aIl the tenefnents, 2ieredit�mentr, and appurtenances tl�ereunto belong�ing, and �,11 the Estate,R,ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and � <br /> Demancl wllatsoever of tl�e said Grant,or___.__.___, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> TO H_AVE AND TO �IOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_ ______and to____________h��___.____ heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever. And_________________�__ ______-___liereby� covenant__ ____with the said Grantee_________that________ .____I_________hold_______said premises by good and perfect <br /> title.; that________I_________________I�a__VQgood right and lawful authority to sell a.nd convey the same; that tliey are free and clear of�till liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever---------eg-�e�t.._e.�--�bS�_Y__e___�t_��_e.d.- -- - - - - - --- - - -- ---- - -- ------- ---- --- - ---- <br /> --- ---------- - ------ -------------- -- ----------------- <br /> ---- - - --- ----- - - -- - -- - ---- - -------- -- --- - - - -- -- - --- ---- ----- --------- - ------- - - ---------- ---------------- - -------------------------------- <br /> �. ----- - - - - --- --- - --_ ._ . <br /> - - - -- - - <br /> -- -- -- - -- <br /> - - . --- And------- --- ---- - --- - - --I-- -- ------------covenant--- ---to warrant and <br /> I' defend to said premises against f,he lawful claims of all persorls ti�liomsoever, ._____9X_�6j�t__a8._�k2c?Y�__.��3�.6d,_________ ____________.____________________________,_ <br /> --- -- ------ __- -- --- --- _ --- - -- - ---- --- - - -- ---------- -- -- - ---- -- ------- ---- - ---------------------------------------------- ------ <br /> Dated the- --25th ---- - - -----da,y of_- -- NOYE231be�- ----- ---- ------A. D., 19_10-----• <br /> WITNESS -------------------.Darii@�---�8ib@� --------------------------- <br /> - ------------- -------- ------------------------------------------------ <br /> i ---- -- ------ -- - - - .�'ame� -E.Di1l -- -- - __- - <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKrl, <br /> ss, <br /> -- - -----�ic�.11--------Coutlty, . On tliis--------------2� of_----------N_oY.e2�ex----------------A, D., �9---10_, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a Tvotary Publi�____a�,?�O�n�8C1_______.___________ within and for said County, personally came__.________._..________________________� .___________________.___ <br /> --- - - - ---I�anie-1__��ihe� --- -- --- - ----- ------------- -- - ----------------- -------------------------------- ----------------- <br /> - --------- - - --- ------- - - - -------(--a---�tic�o�re r- �--- ._.- ---------------- ---- ---- ----------------------------- ---------------- - <br /> --------------- <br />'' �o me personally known to be the identical person.________whose name_______.___.1�_____________________a8°ixed to the above instru- <br /> (SEAI,� ment as grantor__________, and______he__________severally acknowledged the same to be_______________hi�_______voluntary act and deed <br /> for �he purpose therein e�pressed, <br /> n <br /> IN tiVITNESS WHEREOF` I have hereunto subscribed my'�i and affixed my official seal at______________________________________________ <br /> __-_--__----4T�x1�-_I91Arid}-_�T�-b�-=-___--------------------on the date last above written. <br /> J.E.Dill <br /> ------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> „ Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires--------------------------------------- -��July-----lbth-----------------------------j9_13.--- <br />, <br />