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<br /> _. ;.. __ -: _�::��-�.�rQPP&SAI�TLEIT CO Priutin.gxl.ith�ra,phzng and County�u�z�zlaest O�nahe. _ _— _ .-= -_. _ ��—__ ------ —-_�
<br /> - - _.� . __ _ . _. _ ,. �.-- -- —_ _ —�
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Ilidex and
<br /> �arah._A.Craig- - - - _- - -- - -
<br /> filed for record this--- -----4th, .----- -------day of---J'E►T11�$],"y-------- -----------------
<br /> • �, D., i9_ .�1___, at-- -- --- - - --11__ - -o'clock -- - --A.--M,
<br /> - -- - -- --- - - - - - -- -- -- -- __ Warranty
<br />' TO Deed.
<br /> _ ���-� /� _
<br /> r 1
<br /> --- - -- -Harr3�t--L.Crai� -- - ----- _ _- �� --- -��-�-�-e�
<br /> - -- - -- --- - - -- --
<br /> -- - - -- - veputy.
<br /> Know 1�11 1VIen by T$�ese Presents:
<br /> That- I, Sarath__A._C�a�.�- - - - --- - - - -- - - -- - - ------
<br /> -- --- --- --- -- ---- --- --- �a__�ridow} -- - - . _ ---- - _ - ----- --__ - --- -- ------------ ---
<br /> of the County of------ -----------------�a�-1------------- -------and State of_------------N.oY�raBk&---.------------- ----------------------------------------��Grantor--------, in cnnsideration
<br /> of tne sum ot'--t3ne_-� _no--140 -- Do�la��--� LQVa �--Af_f_e_ction- - - ------ ---- - -------------- -------------------------- --------------�,
<br /> in hand paid; do_____________herehy GRA?VT, BARGAIN, SELL, �14'D CONVEY unto_ _______ �aT__r3E3t___L,_Cr$i_g__. __ ____________________ _
<br /> -- --- ---- - -
<br /> of tlie County of_--- ----.--- ------F��t1.1---- --------- -------------aiid State of_ _NebxB��a_---- --.----- ---, Grantee-------,the following
<br /> - -- -- - _ - -
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of____________________..Hal1 ______and State of 1�'ebraska, to wit:
<br /> _L9t$ -(�0)_ _T�ren�yr -��5� Thir�y-f iue-r- -and - ( ���--Thir_t-Y---e3.s,- i�-i�es�--I�arwn-�4dc�i-t-�o�-ta- �-e �ity------
<br /> -of--Grand--Island_,____N�b��ka_� �� -au�cveyeci,_ �_�,atte_�i__a��t_ r��QrdQSI. -- - - -- - - -- - - -- ---- ------ ----- -----
<br /> The arantor__re�eryes___�.__1i_fe_ leasa___in_ _�he.. 3bove_ _desc_r__3bed__proper�_y cl_u_ring_her__natural__1ifa, __to .
<br /> ---o_��upy_-th-e--d�r�lling--as__he-r_home-,----hut--said-grant�e --�-a--�a-Y-.f_or_--all---t_axe�---and---�epa3re---of----avarY--------
<br /> -- -nature --as_s.e��sd --against--aaid �rczpert�-. - _- -- - - - - - -- --- ------- - ---- -- ------ - - -- - ----- ----- ------
<br /> Together with aIl the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ir,g, �,nd alI the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_ , and cf either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, .
<br /> TO �AVE A1VD TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_______..and to______._�'?6eT_________________._____heirs and �
<br /> _______hereb covenalit_______with the said Grantee_ that____T_________..__ hold__________sa-id remises h aood and erfect I
<br /> assigns forever. And_______ I_ ___ y -- P Y b P
<br /> title; that__________I_____.___________ha_Y�_good right and lawful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of �,11 lier�s and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever_----���e_�t_..t o__a�,�--�a�Q_�__.and__a�_�Q s�m���_s___o�.__evQr_y__��'�_u_x�---x�o�r__a�a.���t--�ai�__property.----------------------
<br /> - ---- --- ._. -- - -.--- -------- --- - - - - --And----- ---- ----- - - --._ I- ---- - ----_.- ----------covenant------to warrant and
<br /> defend to said Premises against the lawful c,laims of all persons whomsoever, _e����t_ _ai3___ab040_ ���ted _..___
<br /> llated the------- ---4 th ----- - - --da,y of_---- ��.i'�Li�try- ----- - - ---- ---A. D., 19--�.1-- �
<br /> WITNESS ---------------------Sarah---A-�---C rai g-------------------------------------
<br /> S.G.Huston
<br /> � -------- ------ ---- ------- ---- --------- --- --- --- - / - ------ ---------------- --------------- --------------------------------------------
<br /> �ss,
<br /> _ _ _H8_11_____________County, On this_ 4th ___________day of__._________�TF�71'i�r_y_____.___.__.______A. D., 19__11__, before me, the
<br /> � � y oint e _ � .. .,
<br /> undersi, ned a Notar Public_____a�?p____�.________S�___.__. within and for saia l,ounty, personally came___________.______ ----------------_-_-__-_--------------------------
<br /> -- ---- Sarah---�,Crai-�--------- - -------- -- ------ --- - ---- ---------------------------- ------------------------------------
<br /> (� widow) --------------
<br /> - -------- --------------------------- -- ----------- ------------------ -- ----------- ------------------------- -------------- ------------------- -
<br /> to me personally I�nown to be the identical person_________whose name______________��3_______._____________._affixed to the above instru-
<br /> ment as grantor__________, and_____�hQ___._________�#e�4�acknowledged the same to be__���______�___________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for Ghe purpose therein expressed.
<br /> (�EAL} n
<br /> Il�' WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and afCixed my ofl'icial seal at____________________.________________________
<br /> __�rand_._Z_�la�d,__�Z�_;_k�r���.A_________________________on the date last above written. -
<br /> S.C.Huston
<br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires---------------------- -----------------------July__-----25-------------------------------1912------
<br />�
<br />