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<br /> -3.---�Q9� �Y��J�1's�'B 4&�',�.ETT�'Q...�'rxnl¢n9,Zithograp)sng and County Si�pplzes°Omaha - . .
<br /> _.. _ ___.� _ ._ , ., __ ___ �_–_ e_.___ .___._ _ _. —.,_ – — ---
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> --BB�tht-�_._�._T�.QTri�8411--$e-hL1B'AArid---------- filed for record this-- ---.---31----------------day of------D@CgBI�;��_-----------------
<br /> �, D,, i9_ 1Q , at-- -- - - - -__4_�10 -o'clock - P -M•
<br /> -- -- ---- -- - - --- - - Warranty
<br /> TO Deed. ' p
<br /> - - - ---��t/!i�—�u.-�- �� - - -
<br /> -- � — '��intt�_ .
<br /> ---- -- 2drs,_Augusta__Bruchmaan- -.------ - ----- �-- �:9����e
<br /> - -- - - --- ----- - -- �----�- - - - -- --
<br /> Ueputy.
<br /> Know All IVIen l�y Tlaese Pr�esents:
<br /> That---$extha Ad,Thomp�on__and_Gh_r__i�--�'h__ompson,--her_hueband---- ------ ---------.--=------------------------------------
<br /> - - - -- --------
<br /> of the County of_-----Ha��--------------------------- ----and State of------------2��17T�8_;�el .-----------------------------------------------_Grantor_8--.., in cnnsideration
<br /> Thirt three hundr�d & 00 100 _________________________DOLL9.RS,
<br /> of the sum of - --- -- y----- - -- - ---------- -- ---- --- - - - --------- -- - -
<br /> - ---- -- ------------------------------------------------
<br /> in hand paid, do_._..__________hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL; AND CONVEY unto__�r8 _.AuguBtB BTUChm8rtT1
<br /> - - ------ -- - ---- - - - - -.. - _-- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- -- - - - - - - - --- - -- --- - - -- --- ---- - - -- - --
<br /> Hall ?3Pbra8ka _ _ Grantee_____.._,the followin
<br /> of the County of_ ------ - - --- -- ---- - - ----and State of- - --- - - - - --- --- ---- -- - - � g
<br /> described premises, sit,uated in the County of_________________Ag1� _.___ ._______and State of Nebraska, to wit;
<br /> - - -
<br /> Lot No. Cne 41� _ _in__�lock__No.____Thirt_y____�_3__U).__in___the__ariginal__to�n__,__no�r _City__of__arand____I_s_1_and_____
<br /> -- -- - - - - -
<br /> 7�Tebraaka, as the sa�v i� lsid--out -plat�od_ _and r_tcord_od-.-- ---------- _. ------ - --- ----- -------- ------------
<br /> -- - - - - -- --- --- -- - - -- --- - -- -- -- -_ - _- - ----- - - --- -- - ---
<br /> -- -- ----- - - --- -- -- - -- ---
<br /> -- - ------ --- ---- -- - ------ - ---- -- -- ----- -- --- -- - -- - - - ------ -- - - --- --- -- -- - - - - - - - ---------- - ---- - -- - ------------
<br /> - -- ------ ------ -- - - -- - --_ - --- - - --- ---- - -- ----- - - - -- -- --- -- -- - - -- ----- -- - - ------ --------- --- - ------ ------ - - - :--- - ------
<br /> -- ---- - ---- - ---- --- -- -- -- - - ---- -- ---- ---- -- --- ---- --- ------ - ----- - ----------
<br /> - - ---- -- - - - -- ------- -- -- - - --- - - ---- --
<br /> Together with all tlie tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd all the Estate,R,ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor�________, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO K4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________.and to_____________=__h8T__ _________._____heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And_______�______________________hereby covenant__.___with the said Grantee.___________that___.._I______________hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that__.___I ___.______ha��__good right and lawful authorit,y to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances !
<br /> whatsoever------------ -- ------------- ---------- - -- ---- -- -- -- ------ - -- - - ---- - - - ---- ------------- -- - -- --- - -- ---- -----------------------------
<br /> -- --- - --- -- - -- - - - -- - -- --- - - -- ----- ----- - - -- ---- And---- - -- -- ---- - -4P� -- ----- - - -=-----------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons wllomsoever, _____._______ _..________._________________------_--- _--__----__------------------------------------
<br /> --- ---- -- ---- ---- -- - --- -- - -
<br /> Dated the--------------30th---------- --day of_-----------------A��9�ib�T ----------A, D., 19_10-----•
<br /> WITNESS --------------------Bertha__2�._'Phompson_-------------------------------
<br /> Chris Thompsan
<br /> ------ ------.John--�,_�'Y�.orAg�_Qm-- --- -
<br /> ----- -- ----- - --- ------ - --- - , - ------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Aal l SS'
<br /> ---------------------------------County, On this 31.�!' -----------_da,y of_--------DBC@�b9T---------------------A. D., i9---_��Cl, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public___________________---_-------------------------within and for said County, personally came________________. ----------------------------------------------------
<br /> --- - �ertha___M._T�ioapeon--an�--Ch�-r-i-a-�.'�io�gs��-,---�a-r------2��a.sba�d------ -- ------- --------------
<br /> ---- ------ - ----- ------ ------ ------- -------- ---- ----- - - --- �-------- ------------------ -------------- -- -------- ------------------- ----------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person._�______whose name_�______ar�________.__-_____-__--_-_afI'ixed to the above instru-
<br /> (SEAL} ment as grantor__�______, and___.____t2�ey__________severally acknowledged the same to be______'�hSi�_.________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribe�'a'n���v��Fd and afi3xed my ofl'icial seal at----------------------------------------------
<br /> _________4�"atld__I s__lanci_}__Ne�r______________________._________on the date last above written. .
<br /> ------------------------John---R._Thompson-=---------------------------
<br /> Not�,ry Public.
<br /> , My cominission expires-------------...--- - ------ ---Febr�-X-----�5------------191fi-----------------Y9e-----------
<br /> i
<br /> . .
<br />