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� � � <br /> � D D ° 0 ° D <br /> � o <br /> �._ ,_ _ �..v: ___ .= ���.�_ �.�--�_ _��._ --- - <br /> 500t8-RLOPP�fr BfI12fiL1'TT CO.,PTa'nting,Luhopraphinp ancZ Count?�Supplies,O�nahn.. " --—' � � <br /> _ . _ _ __ <br /> FR��� I liereby certify that this instr•ument was entered ori Nurnerical Index and <br /> filed for record this_ - ----- 29th- -----..---ciay of----------3?9Q.---------------------------- <br /> - --- - LaYd--l��__:�i�nslr_ix__& _�rife- -- <br /> A, D., i9_10 -_, at---- --4 - - - - - - -o'clock -- p.._._i'Vl, <br /> . ___ -- - _ _ V6�arranty <br /> - - - - - <br /> TO Deed. ' <br /> - ---- - - --- _ ------ - -- <br /> Co ty Cler•k, <br /> -- - __ .�._�'.��U.�-t-Ox1-___ - - _- - - <br /> ----__- --- - -------- -- -- -- - - -- ---� - <br /> �epu�y. <br /> I�now All 1VIeri b� T�aese I'resents: <br />, �hat --_�Qyd_'�`« _Hend.ria-and- Ziba A, 8end�i� (-��sb�d & w3:fe} --- -- --- ----- - - - -- --- - -- - <br /> - - ----�--- <br /> of the County of--- .-.----- -- --k�t�ll--- ----------___ _. <br /> ---ar2d State of-------------------_____N_9_bra8k8 --------- -- --- ------ - --,-----Grantor-�---, in consideration <br /> of the sum of -- F3f ty & I10�1�4 - - -_ -- - -- -- - -- -- -------- -- - - ----- --------DOLLARS, <br /> ----- ------ -------- ----- <br /> in hand paid, do--------.__ __hereby GFA_NT, Pr1R�_�IN, SELL, A.ND CONti'EY unto-- -- - --. - -------- -----. _.--_ -----.. . <br /> _--- -. -..._ ---- - <br /> - - - - - _ - -- -+4.�";,�U.B�DA - - -- - - - .- - - --- ----- -------- <br /> of the Coun�y of___ ___.. ---H817. -----__ and State of_ --- --. ---------------lIBbTEtBkS------------ ---, Grantee-----,the following <br /> descrix�ed premises, situa,ted in the Cou�ity of.._____.______. _____..�a�Z. -______._----_--_--------�,nd Sta,te of Nebra.ska,, to wit: <br /> -- --- -- --Ea��--��lf-- �f_Lota --N3na -B:.-T�n-3:�--B�oc� -��to---in--w�es�t �ib--c�iv�s���- --o�- par� -o�--�a�t�--Wes�------- <br />�, ---------4uar�er._Qf---Sc�uth--Baet-�uart�-r -of �ectian Twenty -(�0�-T����p-El�,van -E��3-�Torth o�--Ra�ge- --- <br /> -- -----. _.___Nir�e---(-91__�e�t o�, th�---Fth -P.�.- ��-G�and-Islax�d, -��11 _Goun��,: Nebr�.alta; -�}ie- gramt-ors-tQ r�move the <br /> ----------bu3lding�--and---Pump---�ich--ar-a-r4r�er-�ro-d--by him,-�aEm�-�o-be- r��-�ec�-b�- '�ebrt�ar�-��a°�---1��-� - - -- <br /> --- -_- - - - - -- --- - - - -- -- - -- -- _ - --.--- ---- - -- - -- --- - --- -- - - - -- ---- - -- ------- -- -- - --- <br /> -- -- -- - - - --- -- -- - _- -- - - - - - - ---- - -- - - --- --- - --- - ---- -- -- - - - - ------- ---- - - --- ------------ ------ <br /> ------- -- -- - - - -- <br /> - - - --- -- <br /> - --- -- -- <br /> -- -- - - ------- - -- ---- ------------ ------ <br />� To�ether witli all the tenetnents, hereditarients, and appurterlar�ees therelinto belon�ing, a,nd all the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br />'��� Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_�_______, and of eitlaef� of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, � <br /> TO H_�VE AND TO HOT D the above-clescribed premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and ta_ _.__.hi_S__._____________________heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever, �ind________ __tY9_______________hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee_______.___that_____S�8_____________hold__________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title,; that____ _WE3____ ____ _____.___haVe__good right a1i�1 lati�°ful alzthority to sell a.nd convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever----------------- - - -------- -- -- - -- -- - - -- --- - -- ------ -------- - --- ----- - -- -- - -------- - - -- ------ - ---- --------------------------- <br /> ---- ----------- --- - - - - -- - - - -- - ---- -- - - -- - -- ----- -- -------- - ---- -- ----------- --- -- - ._- --------- --- --------------- -- ----------------- <br /> - -- ----- - - - - - - - -And--- - - -- W8 - - - - -----------------covenant- ------to warrant and <br />''i defend to said preinises against the lawful claims of�,11 persons whomsoever, ______________ _.__________ _______._.______________________ <br /> ------- - -- --------- -- - ------------------------ <br /> I� ---- -_. - --- - -- - ___- __ - --- -- --- -- - --- - --- -- --------- ----- - -- -------------- -------------- --------- <br />,, Dated the-- - - - 29th - - -- -- - --daY of_- - - - De�IIlb�� --- ---------- -----A, D,, 19_IQ----� <br /> ��ITNESS -----------------------------�c?�C�--'I.---�eildTiS-------------------------- <br /> - --- - ---- -------ZibB►- .��---��x�ds_3.,u.------------------------- <br /> --- - - -------�a�Q� -E-• -Dill_ --- -- - <br /> - STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> �ss. <br /> HAIl-----_.-------County, On this---------------�9�h-------------------day of_----------D9C.@?7�1?�T-----------------A. D,, 19_14---, before me, the <br /> undersi�ned� a iVo�ary l�ublie---------------------------------------------within and for said Couuty, Personally came------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> - -- -kQyd-W.--Hendrix__and--Ziba-a.--�ez�d���----��u�b�nad--&---�i.f�-#---------------------------------------------- <br /> - ----- - - --- -- - ----------- --- ---------- -- --------------------- .__-------- --------- ------------------------------ ---------�---------- ---------------- <br /> to me personally known to he the identical person_.�_____whose name_k�_______.______t��g_____________af�ixed to the above instru- <br /> ment as grantor.�________, and.______�h�'3t'_._______severally acknowledged the same to Ue_____'�h@�.2__________._voluntary act and deed <br /> ��E,�j,� for �rie purpose therein expressed. <br /> �.� <br /> IN u'ITNESS ��HEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�d and affixed my ofr'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> Gr�lYld__I81321d.__1�1�]J�________________________________on the date last above written. <br /> --------�--_ _.,------- ----------J,E:.Dill-------------------------- <br /> Notary Public, <br /> Mycominission expires-------------------�'U.l_y__--l��h-----------------------------------�-----------------------__i9_l'�----- <br />