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• ' , - . ` ' . - `(` �. ' . ° <br />. , � � .. , � - . � . ' - <br /> � ;� � 1 1 (1 �D ' . ,- <br /> ! C ? <br /> . i 47 ' .. 'C: <br /> � • '. L (! S . � w . , .. ' ' • . ° <br /> C'' A � F .� r ` , ; � - <br /> , �-�y ;' zn �w � � -N-� . . ' <br /> , �„ ,� " r 2 • � :�� � y m � � � • <br /> !�e � � / . _ � � A .. _ <br /> . , `�? ( ^ � � : �� � � 1 � - .. . <br /> • �� !'� rC . � - f � �? '*t � A - . --' . <br /> ! y' `1. . � ; j.� N -•� Z � p - =- —F-.. '. . <br /> � 2 nl � <br /> ' � \ -n � � f D � 0 . <br /> ` ��'��. ' T� � � � .°-. .:. <br /> � ` . �� '� � ; � � ,i �`�"' <br /> . . � !�, ��'� � l A � � E :- -- ��:�_. . <br /> � �� <br /> � �' �,i w v, Q � , : �;�"�. '- <br /> �'`. NE�RABSA DEED OF TAUST N t ., ��: <br /> � � (With Power o48ale) , <br /> _,.,: �_ <br /> � � ' - , =- - <br /> THI9 DSED 08 TRUBT,made tht9 1�dey of Ma rch ,1997 i� <br /> � beLween Mack R Bruher 6 Kristie K. Bruner, husband 5 wife as ioirt tenants �"— � ��1`�'��"�" <br /> 6 <br /> whosemnillngaddresain l0287 S Locust Donivhan tIE 68832 ,� � ..�._—_ <br /> ��i}���, Stewaxt Title Guarantv Comvanv - dr� �,"__ _ <br /> whasemailingnddmsete 1 K:n�a� Cits• Place. 1220 Wash{nQt�n SuitP 1f10. Ransag City MO 64105 c `�'' � <br /> ' ee't�ustce,and Norwest Finenctinl Nebmakn,Inc.,whoso mailing addseee ie 2319 1Vorth Webb Rd. • \ .� �n� ���� <br /> �� YO Bar 1373 Grand Island NE 6880? ,asBeaefic3ary. � ,�,.=�' <br /> WI'(T7E89�'TH,1}uatare hereby irtevacubly,�aani bespin,sell,aad coavey W Ztustee ia tn�st,with poarer oF ede,the followiag desce3bed _ _— <br /> .. propoRy in H:�i 1 Couaty,Nobrneke: • -� <br /> :-�'. <br /> • � :t., <br /> $��e ACL:t�•}iIDP11[ . "" - <br /> , . i .�,= <br /> . , , �.: '�.. . <br /> �,7�:. : <br /> 7bgether wtth mnemente,hereditameate,nnd appurtenancea thereunto 6elongtng or ia anywise appezteining ead the renta,ivaues and ' '� .:�g •.� <br /> � proilu thertof. . �3�`.:�,.r, �.j� ;. <br /> 3'Au convoyance Ir latended for the purpoae of eecuring t4e a ' •� �r ��� <br /> p ymantwBeneSclaryofl�ustorn'yromisaorynoteoPeveadateiathsamount :, ,. � ., <br /> ' of�J,�Sg20.00 ('[btal of Paymente).Said Zbtal of Payateate!s repayoDle eccording W We tesme of eaid aote.Paymant may be made in ' '` � � '°t '� <br /> • advance ln any amouat ae any time. Ilefault tn maldag any payment ohall,nt tho Bonefieiar�e optioa and vdthoirt aoflca or damaad,render ��;,'' +' <br /> the entlre unyatd btlancs of eatd toan at once due aad paya6le,leea any tequired mbate of chargea �, ''�'�' � <br /> 'lb protect the�ecurlty of thi�Deed of 71w�R�ustor coveaante nnd ageeee: {�,a,;; , •�f' f�- <br /> , 1. 'Ib keep the pmperty in good coaditton nnd repair,W permit no wa�te thereof;w complete aay building,structc�oz impmvement being ;.�;= <br /> m <br /> . bnl►t or mbout W D�hu11t Lhereon:to reptore pmmytly aay 6ullding.atructura or impmvemeat thereon which m$y be demaged or destroyed; � - �_ �� . <br /> � and to compiy arlth�ll law�,ordlnana�,agul�tionr,covenwts.couditions and reaMettor�aSesting the pYOyerty. ��"""`��"� <br /> ' � 2. '!b ty bsforo deUnquent all IawlLl t�oo nad at�eamieats upoa the yroperty;W keep the pmperf,y b�ee and clear ot ell othes "�';��� <br /> p ��e. . ..,....,... <br /> Ifor�or oneumbrencco impnieing tho cceurtty of thla Dced of 7lruec ���°� <br /> i 3. '[b k�ep�II DuildittQ�now or hercdter erected on the pmperty described herein continuouely ineurad againet lose by ti�e or other he:asds �"°� , <br /> in m amoant eot Ica thtn►It�Wtat debt tecured by thls Dcrod of�ust All poUeiea ehaU be hetd by the HeneAciary,aad be in aucL oomy�aier --��;`, <br /> � • ao tAo[ienoficl�ry may�yymve�nd h�va loa�payable flrse to the Benefldary ae its i:►tereee msy aypear end fhea to the 44uatos. R�e amwat , <br /> � � colt�cUd unde►�ny iasurance polfcy may be�ypli�upoa.arly indobted�w�bereb'y eeeund in eucl.ordos ae the Beaoficiery s2�a11 deWimine. , ,;� " <br /> � fiuch�ypllc�tion Ey the Reneflciary�half not cause dluontinunace o!�ny proceedinp to forecloca thie Deed of 74uat or cuse or waiae aqy =fj . `'= <br /> • defiWt or nouce uf dcfault or tnwlid�w any�ct dono putsuant to�ucb aoUoe.Iri!he eveat of Porecloaure,a11 righte of We Z�uslor in iasuraace ,�f=-'-��-- -------°�' _ <br /> � potine�then fn forca�Adl pue to thopurcharer at ehe foreclo�uro rato. �� <br /> 1- Yb oDUin the w►tttea con�ent otBenefictesy befora�ollinQ.eonvayring or othorwlae traaeferrtny the property or nny part thereof and any '�:�.�"� <br /> . �uch aole,wnveyanre w tronnfer aitAout the Benefic�cq/a writton consent ehall coastituw a dofault under the te�hereof. � <br /> : � :�;•, • ' <br /> � s. 1D dnfend any nctton or procredlny purportlny to atTect the eecu�ity horeof or thn rlghta or powern of Henefidery or R�nsteo. '. ��':'•';"°�� ��� <br /> . _ �.• .a=:�. <br /> 0. HRould 71veW�fet)to p�y when Que�ny t�e�,u�eamenu,lmurance pnmiumo,lieno,eneumbrancea or other eLarge��gaiaat the .� �� �' �y ' <br /> proparty heroftt�bova Qert�tbed,UenaOctary moy p�y the tame,nnd the anount�o paid,with intete�t at the rate et forth in the aote eecu:ed �"�'�'�'"�^"'� � <br /> . ' horoby,whell6o ndded to tinA Eccoma a put of tho dcEt accured in thts Dced of 74uet ae pormitted by lnw. .,. , ,, - <br /> fT f9 Mdof'lIALLV AOH�ED1'HAT. � = <br /> 1. In the�vent ony portton of the pwporty Is Wcen or damaged in an eminant domain proceedtag.the entire rimounf of the awa:d or auch �. : <br /> � partlon lFotaof ee moy DO ncccaanry to It�lly aatlsfy tho obllgatlon eecurnd homby,ehall bo paid w Boneficiary to be applled to eaid oblf8et[oa � _ <br /> • � ! Dy�ct�pttnp paym�nt of my aum secured hereby aiter ita duo dete,E3eneflciary dae�not walve ite right W require promDt yaymentwhen � <br /> Quo af dl ather�umo ao�e�ured ot to Eecltre defwtt for fuiluro to eo pay. . <br /> 9 Ths 7tu�ta��haD recanvey vll or�ny ptR of Ne proaerty covared by thie Deed of 7�uat W the pereon endtled the=+eW,on writteu requeat . <br /> � . a!the 7fu�mt md thn IleneIIclery,or upon eadefactlon of tRo obllPation�ecumd nnd written requeet tor reconveyance made by the BenoBciary i:. � <br /> . o�IM per�on anuU�A IMrew. . <br /> i <br /> � 4v>>a�w�ae► . � <br /> , - <br /> � � ' . � ' � � . � <br /> ' . � �. _�:,:.,.,-,• , . � <br /> �re�ti.rriir�r� � _._.....r...... . .. :,,-- � � . . ��. � . . . , , . . �� . . <br /> _ ��;�3�•.-�-t:. ._ . i�. . • . . . , .._. .1. � ' . , • . . ,_ ' . . � � • .._ � . . ,.� <br />