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� _ _ . <br />� � � � <br /> D D ° 0 ° D <br /> ..� . � <br /> ._ _ _� ___�_ _ - <br /> 50048-KLOP!'&BfIRTLF,TT C0..Printin�,Lithographinp¢nd County Suppliest O�r�ahc. -'-" -"_- - °°°- - ---=._ __._-� ._:_._ — - —:_ <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrunient was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for record this---- �$'. - ----- .day of 1�C.- _ - - -- - ----- <br /> ---- - ---- All����a__.�ii7.i�en &_.husb,_..- - - <br /> , A, D„ 19__�.Q _ _, at- - ---7,:45 -- - -- -- ----o'clock- -- - -----�.- --M. <br /> - -- - -- - __ -- -- <br /> _ - - - Warranty f <br /> T0 Deed. <br /> -- -- - - _ _ -- - _ -�_ --- ---- <br /> Co ty Clerk, <br /> -- - �li�a�a_th A• �icAuley _ -- -- - <br /> - - --- --_ ---- <br /> - _ - - - ------- --- - -- ------ - <br /> Deputy. <br /> �n�w All 1VIen by T�ese Presents: <br /> Tnat -- �e�_ Al_ber_r,h� _1�ili�en an�1 Charles �. �dilisea-, -her husb�ad, __ _--- -- -- __- - -- ------ - -- -- <br /> of the County of_-------------H811-----------------------------and State of-------------- . --- - - -----�19��t1F�k�------------------------------�rantor_fl:__., in consideration <br /> of the sui�i of-- -- -- Sig._hnneirad -��►nt�-f lYQ 00��.00- --- ---------- ------------------------ ---------------•---- ------DOLL�RS, <br /> in hand paid, c�o--__---------hereby GRA�T, B�IRGAIN, SELL, A���D CONVEY unto- -------- -- ------_-- ---------- --------- ----- - <br /> - -_.Eliz�beth_ A_.__ Mc,AuleX - _- -- -- - --- -- - - -- __ - --- -- <br />' of the Coun+,v of-- --------- HSI.I.------------------------__-----and State of---__----- --__- ------- N9bTP1.Bk8- __------ ------ --------, Grantee------,thefollowing <br />' descriz�ed premises,situated in the Cauniy of_______ _ __.�all______ __ __________._._____._._________and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> ---- La�s-�'hree= -(31 and-�'e�r ��}- in__B1Q_ck___�evsnt_y-one_ -(71� of -�� B�a�a�t!�-Sec��d---- ----------- <br /> _ Add3__tion___tQ--�anst--I�1�-ds--Nabra.ska, --��--surve�e_�,___$lat_ted--and--reeescled.----------------------------------------------- <br /> -- -- --- -- -- --- - - -- ---- --. - - - -- - - - - --- - -__------ - - - - - - -- - - - - - --- -- - --- ------ - --- <br /> - -- - - -- - -- --- - - -- -- . -- - --- - - -- - - - -- - - - -- -- --- - -- --- -- - - -- ------ ---- -- -- --------- ------- <br />� -- -. <br /> _- - - -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - -- - --- - --_- --- --- .-- - - ----- - -__ _ ---------- ------ ----- - ------- <br /> --- ---- - --_ - -- --- - --- - - -- - - --- ---- - -- - - - -- -- - --- --- -- --- - --------- - - - - - -- - -- <br /> - - --- - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - - -- - -- - -- - - - --- ----------- -- - --- ---- - ----- --- -- - - -------- --- --------- <br />� T��etl�er u%ith aIl the tener�ents, heretli�arrzents, and appurtena�nces thereulito belongirg, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br />�' Demancl wh�,tsoever of t,he said G"rantor_�_______, ' , of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> I TO I�4VE AND TO HOLD the above-clescribed prerriises,wi�-h the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_.____._and to____________h8r______________________heirs and <br />', a,ssigns forever, And___ ________W�3.___ _-_______hereby covenant________with the said Grantee___._____that__�______________hold________said premises by good and perfect <br /> I�, title; that______1�'e____.________ha_Y@__good i°i�ht arid lawfui authority to sell a,nd corlvey the same; that theyare free a,nd clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever-------------------- _-- -------- - ...- --- -- - - - - - --- - - �--- - - --- ------ ----- -------------------------- <br /> -- -- - -------- - - ------ - -- ------ --- - - - ---- - ---- - - -- - -------------------- ---- ----- - ----- --- - -- ------------- -- -------------------------------- <br /> ----------- ---- -- .. -- - --- -- - -- -- <br /> --- - -- - --- And------------ �8-- --- --- ----------covenant--------to warrant and <br /> defend to said premises against t.he l�wful claims of a11 persorzs whomsoever, ___ __ ______ _______________________ __________________ <br /> ------ -- -------- -- - ------------- <br /> 17ated the---- _--7.�'� ---- ----- -- -daY of - ----- _4_C'�Ob�T-- -- ------- -- -----A. D., i9--10-- • <br /> � <br /> WITNESS ---------------------A�:�?��Ch�4---M11,i.8�21---------------------------------- <br /> - --- -- ----(�1�1�i�---W-•---��,�.��@Tl--------------------------- <br />, - - -- - ------ John_.�llan ---- --- - --- _- -- - � <br />'� -------- -- - -- ------ - ---- -- -- ---- --- - --- --- � -- ---- ---------- ---- - - ------------------------------------------------------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> �ss. <br /> �i -------day of-------------QC-�-ObE�-�---------------------A. D., 1�1.(1-----, before me, the <br />,, ------- --- HB.�I- -- -----County, On this.- -- ---- 17. h - ---- <br /> undersignecl, a I�otary Public--------------------------------------------- within and for said County, Personally came------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> --------------_A��2�x_�tia--l�Silisen---�nsi---�;har_le-B--�._.�ili.�e�1.�_.hex_h�baYldi---------------------------------- <br /> - ------ - � - - ---------------- -- ------ --- ------------------ ---- ---- ------------ -------------�------------------------------- -------------------�---------------- <br /> to ane personally known to be the identical person.�________whose nameB.___________8T@ .____a�xed to the above instru- <br /> ment as grantor._B______, and____'�Y�.�y_______________severally acknowledged the same tio be______.__�h_83x________.voluntary act and deed <br /> ���+} for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> �� <br /> IN �VITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subseribed my�and aflixed my ofl'icial seal at____________________________________________ <br /> ------_------------(}r�ld_.-IB1.E�rid__,ru.,.o���___ _�___�. ._on the date last above written. <br /> ----- --------------.Tfl�171_.�.�.�1------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires---------- �'E1I1-•--6-r--19�.2-.----------------------------------19------------ <br />