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� ��_� <br /> D .,� � � (� � � <br /> . � o <br /> x�# � <br />�- - ��� 50018—KL�PI'�SAPTLL'TT CD.,PrinfinB,Litho9r¢�hing and Coiint�SuPplies,`Oimalac. - .. ':'. � ... .. � ,,. ,.:.-.� ::.:._ _.:__� _ ...----�..__ _�..,._----.—_-_.=_.---- . . . <br /> FR.Ol�1 I he1=eby certify that t,his instrulnent was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> Q!_3?QriOhOA $� �f--- filed for record tllis - - 27th -- -- --day of- ---�G. -- -- - <br /> -- - --- - D�,x�iel__J'_._ -- ---- <br /> :�. D., 191.4_- , a,t- - - _9.�,Q__ � --- - - --dclock-- - -- A. 1VI. <br /> - _- - -_... -- --- _ _ - - _ - -__ - - Warranty <br /> TO Deed. ' <br /> _. _ - -� - <br /> _- --. _ . - --- - <br /> Co ty Clerk, <br /> - �orge_ L.--�ealy _ - _ _ _ _ <br /> - -- - - -- __ _ -- __ -- -- -- - -- <br /> 1�eputy. <br /> nodv 1�11 1VIen by T�ese P��esentso <br />, 7hat -- - - - �an3e1 _�I. -�3!-IIanaho� ar�d-Ali ce -0�Dan�ir�e, husband and wife, --_ - --- -- --- - -- ---- -- <br /> _ -_ _ -- -- _ _ _ __. _ - - - - - <br /> - __-- - - - <br /> of the Ceunty of--- -_ Ri_C__�411d_ _----- - --and St�,te of----------- _ - --_ _._ _�QT�;�B�---- -- -- ----- --------- -- --------Grantor$-----, in cnrisideration <br /> of the sum of - -- -TW'erit_y_ fiVE3 F3Tld--x10�100- - ----- ---------- ----------- -- --- ------------------ ------------------- ----- -------------------DOLLARS, <br /> iri hand paid, do_ ._.----_._ _hereby� GR�.1'T, BliP�G_2IN, SELL, Alti'D L"ONti'EY un_to---- ---___--GeOrg9--I�,--.�h8e�.�---------------------------------------- - - <br /> - - <br /> of the County of-- ------�I�tl.l-- --- ------ --- ------ - .----- - ----__and State of_ _--_ _------- -1Q@1�TaBk�- ---------- , Grantee_-------,the following <br /> descri�iec�prer.aise,s, situ�ted ir� the County of________.____�a._ll________ .___________ ________ __.___and State of 1�'ebraska, t� wit: <br /> -- --------- - -- .Lo�_ nw�ber_ _t__wo _E�-j -ixi.b1Q_ck__numbe�---six----�-�)----ir�-S�g.�!-8---&--Hi11A�--ac'idi�_ic�n-��--�Gr_and__�Bl�di_ <br /> -- ---- -- N_e_braska.-- - - - -- _ -- - - -- - - - - ---- - - -- -- -- - <br /> , - -- -- ------- ------ <br /> - -- - - --- - --- - - - - - - -- --- - -__- --- - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - --- ----- --- -- - -- ------ - -- <br /> ---- -- - -- --- - -- -- --- - - -- -- --- --- - --- - -- - - - -- --- -- - - - --- -- - - -- -- - - --- - - -- ------ - --- <br /> ---- -- -_- - - - - - - - -- - -- - --- --- - --- -_ --- - --- - -- -- --- ---- -- - -- <br /> -- - - ------- -- - - -- ------- ------------- <br /> I -- - --- -- --- -- - - ---- - � --- - - ---- - -- --- --- ----- <br /> To�ether with ali the tenements, hereditan�er.ts, and appurteriances thereunto belonging, 2nd �,11 the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand wnatsoever of the saicl Grantor_�_______, at�d of either of�hem, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> , <br /> I' K%�VE AlvD TO HOL7� the above-described rernises with the a urtenan_ces, unto the said Grantee_.____.___and to__________________________________heirs and <br /> T 0 A , PP <br /> a,ssigns forever. And____. .___ti�9______________hereby covenant________with the said Grantee.___ _______that______'�_________hold__________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; bhat______4�__ha.VQ_____ha_4@_goorl riglzi and lawful autliority to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances <br />' whatsoever---------- -egceP� -any_-����--�+h3_s�1i may he--agains� the -�ro�ae-r-t-�r--- - - -- ------- - - -------- - --------------------------------- <br /> --- - --- ---- --- ----- - - - - - -- -- - -- - -- -- -- - - - ---- - -- - - ----- -- - - -------- - ------- - --- ----- - - - ----------- - - ------------------------------ - <br /> -- - -- - - - --- -.. - - - - ----- - --_ -- - - - -- - - - -__And-- -- - - - � ---- - --- - ------------covenant--------to warrant and <br />� defend to said premises t�e lawful claims of all persoris wliomsoever, ____G�.A.��t13.21g__b_y_t__'�hrOLlgh._(1�_.U�Yid,Br-_t1]g�lr._bli�_______-________ <br /> i�ll - <br />� , a.gainst__n�-szthera -- - - ----- - -- -- - --- -- __.-- - - - - - --- - - -- - - - ----------- ----------------- -------------- <br /> Dated tlle- �WBXi'�y $eCOYlti --- -da,y of_-- - ---�d���h-- --- - -------- -----------A, D,, 19--14---� <br />'', WITNESS ---------------------1?F�IYI@�--+T•- -�3_t.DOI1�Y1Q8--- �I,.S-•�-------- <br />� -- -- --- ----Alica 4!Ilon�i�ae---------- ------- <br />�,' <br /> ---- -2d.C�real.i�sh__ Kent�ec�p -- - -- - - - - <br /> . - - - <br />'� � ---------------- -- --------- ----------------------------------�---------------- <br /> I ------- - - --b�,f�.Ridgely. -- ----- ------ ---- - --- <br /> sTATE_o� �fiedrgia ; <br /> �ss, <br /> I ' <br />�� -----R3.Chmond County, On this----------------2�rid----------------day of-------�ar�h---------------------------A. D., 19__��._, before me, the <br />� undersigr.eU, a ivotiary Public_____.________________________________________within and f'or said County, personally came <br /> - - - -.__Tla��_��- J-�---Q'_DQn�ho�__�nd_Ali�Q--Q!_Ds��a�ho��--2�.uab�.nd_.and--�d�e--------------------------------- <br /> - - ---- - -------- ----- -- ---- ------------- -------------- - ------------- _------------ ---�--------------------------------------- ----------------- ---------------- <br /> to me ,�ersonally known to be the identical person_�_______whose nameg_________gr�, .______a�xed to t�e above instru- <br /> znent as grantor__fl_______, and_______�h8�'__________severaliy acknowledged the same to ,Le_________�h�ir________voluntary act and deed , <br /> ��'�'� for �he purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN ��'I�'NESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�a�and afCixed my ofI'icial seal at---------------------------------------------- <br /> Au$'u�ta. C�.________________________________________on the date last above written. <br /> ---- ---- --------- --- �--------- <br /> ------------------------�_1_•_�__•T,�_8'�8Y9I�8------------------------------ <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires-------------- - --A11g116'�------------------------------------------------------------------j9---1�--- <br />