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� �� <br /> �.��-: <br /> D D ° �0 ° D <br /> 0 <br />- . 5001$-KLOPP&BAR7'L�TT C0.>Pr�ntinp.LithograpT�ing and Caurty Supplies:f3^nahc•,. ' �-v- - �^ -�-��i�—`�--i=—�=`-``��_=w� <br /> FRO�i I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> --------�ierbe.2"t---P_e�- &--w3.f�_._------ --._._._ filed for record tnis___ __.._23-z'd -----------day of__._ .�G_elAbel"- ----------- <br /> :�. D., 191Q._ _, at -._ _ ____�_.3Q_.___ _ ._ ._._o'clock- - - �_._M. <br /> --.__ .._ -- <br /> -- - _ -- -- _ _ _ - VV�arranty <br /> T� Deed. <br /> - <br /> - �iz--Q�_� -=-t�- <br /> - - -- - -- <br /> - __ ---Auet_in_ _�. _Chr3���._an�l___-- - <br /> ___ ounty Clel°k, <br /> -- _ -- ---- - ._._ ---- --- <br /> llepiitiy. <br /> - --- - Es��a�cd -E•- �i riat __ -- <br /> I�n�w 1�.I1 tVien by �hese Present�� <br /> That -__ We, Her3�ert_Pe�r__a��t__]?a.l,s L, Pe�►� h3�-vrif�, - - - -_ - - - - - <br /> cf the County of_------------ThF�y6T-------------------------a�id State of------------N9brS��� -------_-- ----- --------------------------------Grantor--E�---, iii r,onsideration <br /> of t1�e sum of - - Ef gh'�_�11�iT�d.�"QS�__Of,7��.OQ -__ - - ------ -------- -- -- -- ----------------- ----DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid, do- - --- - ____hereby CRA�TT, B iRGAIN, SELI., Al�'D CONti'EY unto- _._. _ ALlB'�32'1.. -►�`i.!GY11'i�'�__&--EdShc�Tti--E-•---�$1�_8'�.#------------- . <br /> of the County of--- �i811 -- - - - - -- - <br /> and State of_---- -----------1`T�hTS.BkB,.-------------------------------------------------, GranteeR-----,the following <br /> describec�pre�,2ises,situ�,ted in trie Coiztlty of__ _____�.11________________________________ ___._____and State of Nebraska:, t� wit: <br /> -------�a.r_undividsd---4ne half_ _(-�-�-- in�ar_ast---in-aac�---t-o--I�ot--�3.�c -��)--i�--Nn�wt�od--Subt13v3si.on---of--�a�c�--o�f-- <br /> -- - the._��t__half__of _the_No�ct�--W�aat--Quu�ter---s�f--SQ_atior�- -Ten___in__TQwnahip_ _E1QVen__No�rth-,---Qf___Rang� ------- <br /> __ -�T�e Ne�t--�f_ the Sixth--Principal Meri�ian im--l�a'�raska.- - - - ---_ - - -- _ - -- - ------- - - --------------- <br /> --- -- - - - - - - - ---- ------ - -- - - - ---- - -- - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - --- - --- ---- --- - - -- -- ---------.. <br /> - --- - - -- - - --- -- - - _ - -- --- --- -- - -- - -- -- - -- ---------- --- ---- ----- - -- ----- -------- ----- - -- -- - - - - -- <br /> -- ---- --- -- - --- -- ---- - _. - - -- - --- - --- -- - - -- - ---- - ------ -- - -- -- --- - - - ------ - - - ------ -- - ---- -------------------- <br /> Together ti�ith ail the �enemtrts, nereditainer�ts, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the Estate,R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Pelrland whatsoeyer of the said Grantor_B___ __, and of either of them, of, in, or to the sam�, or any part thereof. <br /> TO K_�ti�E AND TO HOLD the above-�escribed premises,with �he appurtenances, unto the said Grartee_�______and to__._.____�h_t��r_____._____:____heirs and <br /> assigns forever. And___.___'�B___.__._______ ____hereby� ccvenant_____with the said Grantee_S._____that___y�_____.____ ___hold_.________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that_______�___________________1i�e_.__good ri�1�t and lau�ful authorit,y to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of �,11 liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever,--�ae�!g�----a-m�r_t-�e--Q�-.-�'l1200-.-04--anrl--th�---�zx�pA3.d--�aact--v� a--��tgage---of---�9D4.40-,---tn--�3,t-;.--------- <br /> - - --�00_,�4�.,--��1- -Q�--�.ich--�he.__S�r�n�ee�--�.�aum�e---and--agree-��-��Y•-- -- -- ---- ----------- -- -------------.._---------------------------- <br /> ---- ------ - - --- - ---- - - - --- --- - ---- ---- --- --- - - ---- ----------------- ----------�------------ - --------------- --- ---- ----------- --- - -------------------- <br /> - --- - ---- ---- -- -- - - - - - - ---- - -- - _- - --- And---------- - ----- _...�49------ --- ------ --- ---------------covenant--------to warrant and <br /> �lefe,nd to said premises against the iaWful claims of all persotls whomsoever, ____ex_C_8�?t_ _a8___to___�83d__1114r'�_gEtg,�3B_=_�2'1d_the__'�8X88__011__.____ <br /> - said__pr�mi.���•- -_ _- - --- - --- ----. - - -- -- - - -- -- - - - - ---- - -- -- -- - - - ------------- - ------------- - -- ------- <br /> Dated t11e-- - -- 13th-- --- -- - --day of - DQ_�8211�J��" --------- ---- -----A, D,, 19�.4-----• <br /> WITNESS ------------------$8�b8r�---P-9-'�t'------ ------------------------------------ <br /> --- ------------D81�-�• -���-------------------------------------------- <br /> - - -- - ----C�_t�cl�.�n�_- ---- --- - - -- - - --- � <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKI, <br /> �y-� �ss. <br /> n�?�'---County, On this-----------��'��1_..----------------------day of----------------1?@G��2b8T--------------A. D., 197�4----, before me, the <br /> ----- -_ -- <br /> S/ <br /> undersi�nec�, a IVotary Public---------------------------------------------within and for said County, personally came------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -- - - ---He�r�s�rt--Paw__and__D�,Ia---L.- Pe�t�---hi�--�ifa_� ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- <br /> to me personally l�nown to be the identical person_�_____whose nameg___________Q�___________________._af�ixed to the above instru- ' <br /> ment as gran+org_________, and_____�h_�'�'.____________severally acknowledged the same to ,�e_...__'�h@3.T___________voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed, <br /> (s�AZ,) ��- <br /> IN ti�'ITNESS ti�HEREOF I have hereunto subscribed myhI�and afl'ixed my ofI'icial seal at_____________________________________________ <br /> �i9b1'Oxl___�'..`-,--�'�-�[---C U --on the clate last above written. <br /> ----------------- ----- - _ <br /> ---------------------,_CQT�?.�l�.�at�---t;41�.�.n�------------------------ <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires-------------1���27�---- ----1911-----------------------------------------------------------19------------ <br />