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� �.:� <br /> ���� <br /> � 5I � D � �l�/ O Dl � <br /> �� � � <br /> '4;..s. ��•.:....,,.. �../ � � ❑ <br /> . � � l__ <br /> .�_�..._ _..:.:-._ _.. .. _ ._._ . . ..� �...� ..-- .. � . ��... . ......_ ..�. .:��:_---. . — <br /> _ . :_�. ._. _ - _—,._ . ��.:.. ..:.. _.�,_..__. — <br />------�—�-500�8_-1iLOPP&I3�12TLE1'7'CO..Prznliry,Lxthugraphinp anc'County Suyplxes:Omahc . --- ._- _ _ <br /> F�d��� T hereby certify that t11is instr�ument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for record this___..._..22�1C� _ ___.___.___day of____ _______ , <br /> - R1C�118�rd-L. Ht3����021__$e__W�fB - �E3. -- ---- --- <br /> :�, D., 191�? , at-- -- - 10_ --__ __.__ -o'clock- -- -- �A.__IY7, <br /> - --_ - ___ -- - -_ _ _ -_ _ -_ _ Warranty : <br /> �'0 <br /> � Deed. ' � <br /> ` ___-- _ _ . _.n-�-� - --- - - -- --- <br /> C anty Clerk, ° <br /> - ...- -- Daniel--Eeil�ex -- _ ----- - <br /> -- -- - _ <br /> . - --lleputy. <br /> �n�w 1�.11 1Vien l�y B'$�ese 1're�ents: <br /> ��nat----- --- _ _Richard--L.---�ax�i�an __and__Ber��a_M.---H�xr_is:Qn-,--hus'b_ans�---and.__�ife-s-- ------ -------- - <br /> of the Court;� of-_ --F_i_2t11 ____ _ _-- - - .__and State ef___ -- -- _ __- -__ _NB�k?TElBk&----- __ __.._- -----------Grantorg-----, in consideration <br /> Three__Hun�oa_ �'�.fty_e�nd_r�Q/1�4 - - ----- -- - ----- ------- ---- <br /> of the sum of----_- ---- - ---------DOLI.ARS, <br /> in harid paid, c�o____ ._ _____I,ereby GREI�IT, I3n1LG_1I11, SELL, �ND COTIVEY unto__-__ _. <br /> _ Daniel 3e3ber - - - - -__. __ <br /> of the County of--- ------- H�11_- - __ __- ------------and ;St�te of__ _ . ----- --------�`I�br_�,ek4. __-- _�_- -------_.---- -------, Grantee-------,the following <br /> descri�;ed�rer.ises, situa,ted in the Col3ney of__ __.-----.--------_$811----- -- ---------.____and State uf Nebraska, to �cit; <br /> -- -_ Lot Ei-g,�t--(8�-in_.Fractional_ alc�ck_�eventeen--El7)--in._F'air--Viear_ Park Additio�a _t__o_the---City_------ <br /> _ ---o� �and _I�xan�i,_ i�et�ae?�a _ ------- --_ --- -- - - - -- - - --- <br /> _- - -- --- --- - - - --- --- <br /> To�ether witlt all the tenements, hereditame�2.s, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, �,nd all ttle Estate, R,ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Clain� and <br /> Demand wl�atsoever af th� saicl Grantor� ______, a,nd of aither of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO F74tiE AIVD TO HL'�.� the arove-described pren�ises,with the appurtena.nces, unto the said Grantee________and to__________�i�______ ___________..heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever. �lyd__.__. ._�--__ _ ________hereby covenant___ __with the said Grantee______.__that___.___�_____..___hold__________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that___.._._1'�Q_________ ___ria'tt4__nood ri�ht, and lawful authorit,y to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are, free and clear of all liens ancl incumbrances <br /> whatsoever--- ------ -- -- - ---- _ -- - - - ---- - - -- -- ----- -- <br /> -- ---_.- -- -- ---- - - _ - --_- - -- - - --- --- ---- ------------ - - - --- --------- - - --- -- -- - ----------- - ------------------- - <br /> -- - -- --- - And---- ---_- - - -� - - -- - ---- ---- - ----------covenant-- ----to warrant and <br />�''; defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons Whomsoever, _________.____________ _,___._ ________________________._______________ _ <br /> -- -- -- -- - - -- --- --- ---- <br /> I <br /> - - - - _- _ - --- -- - -- - - - -- - - - -- --- - --- -- <br /> --- - -- - -- - _ - - -- ---- <br /> ---- -------- <br /> Dated the- -- __ -_.2�� _ __ - --- --dati� of_- - - 1�QY8A1b8T--- -- - --_A. D., 19-1Q - • <br /> � <br /> �v�Z��ESS ---------------------Ri��-d--�.--f3�.rris_on------------------------- <br /> ----- - -Ber tha__l�,-Har r3 son----------------------- <br /> -- -- --- --- -- Jame�3 �_. -J)ill -- - - -- -- - � <br /> -- - ------ -- --- --- -- - --- ------ - -- � <br /> STATE OF NEBRASK9, <br /> �ss. <br /> $�.11---------------County, Ori this------------------��?�----------------day of_-----NQ'a�iiibs�."----------------------A, D., 19_�.4_._, before me, the <br /> undersigned; a 1'dotary Public______. __.______________within and for said County, personally carne ________. <br /> -- -- <br /> ----------._R3.chard__ Z,_,--Harri_�or�--&--Bertha--�,---Harrieon,---huabanci__anc�__wife---------------------------- <br /> to me personalfy known to be the identical person_._�_____whose name_8-._________g,�g_______ afTi�ed to the above instru- <br /> rnent as grantor_S_______, and________'�h�Y_______.__several�y acknowledged the same to be__.__'�hei�____________voluntary act and deed <br /> for° the purpose therein expressed, ��� <br /> �5��'� Il�' ti�'ITNESS WHEREO� I have hereunto subscribed my� and affixed my official seal at______________________________________________ <br /> _ _41'8�1]d___I_8_1�21�1�___�Ie'bs�Bka__________________on the date last above written. <br /> ----- ------------ -----�•��.Di1.1---------------------------- <br /> Notary Public, <br /> My commission expires----------- __July l�th---------------------------------------�----------------------19--13---- <br />