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<br /> FRO.�V� I hereby certify t.hat this instrument u�as entered on Nur.nerical In�ex and
<br /> iN�'4.Pt�T�ridg� _?x�tf--- --.--- --- filed for record this_-- -------_ ��.��--- ..-day of---_DBO�-- ---___. - -- ---------
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<br /> of the Countv of_._ ------- H311 -- --------and State of-----._ ._ -- ._ _ N8br8_8_I�1 -------_ _ ------- -------- ------------Grantor-8----, in consideration
<br /> of the siarn of---- --------.---�1@---d011i��'__AT1C�. _O'�118T---VSI'418.1�ZQ--C9�1Q�.(�9r8'�_�OA----------------------------
<br /> - ----- ------------------ -------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in halicl Paid, do -- -- ---- --hereby C r��1:�'1', 1tAI�G_�IN, SELL, AI�'D COi1�TVEY unto- -- ---__ _ _._--- ------- --- -----_ ---- ----- ----- -
<br /> ---- - -- - _ _ --- -- -- �eorge �� Bry�xnt - - - - - _.-- - -
<br /> . ---- - -- ---- --------
<br /> of the Count,y of_--- -,------- ----�ELt�'811--_- -- ----- -------_.--and �State of___ _-- ---------------I1�_�,AO�.k�------ -------- ------- _ ----, Grantee--------,the following
<br /> descri�ed prem.ises,situat;ed in the County of____________. _ _.�gl� ______an�t Sta,te of Nebraska, to wii;
<br /> -- -__-
<br /> -- --- -. ____Lot_ten--�1Q)- of Sunny�id_e. aubdivision---of--lot�--50--�1--E2-53-and_-b4 of--Harks _3rd.------ ------------
<br /> subdiv3.sion_-of__p__a_rt_E2___o_f -1dE�-- _of__se-c--1Q- t�p 1].--n�rth __o� ran��___9---�eSt---�f--the_:�th__P_.�[.------ --------------
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<br /> - -- - - -- - - - -- -- - - _ ---- ------- -- -- -- - - - ---------- - - --- ------- - - --- - - --- - ----- - - --------------------
<br /> Tegether tivith all the tenenlents, hereritar.ients, ar�d appurte�ances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Deznai�cl u�l2atsoever of the sai� Grantor�______, a�d of eitl�er of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. � � �
<br /> TO .H%�TJE AND TO f�OLD the ab�ve-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to__________hf8____________________heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever, And_______.__.__gle._____ ________hereby covenant__ ___with the said Grartee__________that_.__.__._9�@___�.__hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that_____ __.�te__ ________________hav�_goorl right and ia�vftzl auihol°ity to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever-----------------� ------- - - -- - -- - - --- - - ----- -- ---- -- ----
<br /> - - -- - ---- - - - - ---And------ ---- -- - -- ----�--- ------------- ----------------covenant--- ---to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premises against t.he Iawful cla�irr�s of all persons whon�soever, ___.___ ________________________________________________,_____.__________________ ._ *
<br /> Dated the--- - -- 2$'��, -- - -----day of----- -----Nt�.V_g�lbe� - -- -- - --------------A, D., 19_1Q----�
<br /> WITNESS --------------------��_'_�.._�331T1i.��C�$Q ------------------------------
<br /> � -------------E.---�'o__gephine__Part ridg
<br /> ------
<br /> - --- ------- --8,_C_,�u��Qn---_ _ - --- -- - - �
<br /> - ST�1TE OI' NEBRASKrl,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> - -Hal�.------------County, S On this----------..._2$'�h----------------------day of_-----------I�OY44S�►bQ�------------------A. D., 19_1�3---, before me, the
<br /> undersigne�l, a Ivotary Public----------------------------------------------within and for said County, Personaliy came_-------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -- - - ------ -- --- - - -- -- ---W.r._P_a�r3�lg�--ar�__E._Jo�s�hia�__Partridga-------------------------------------------
<br /> �o me �ersonally known to be the iclentical person4_______whose name_B__________!'�T_4____.__________________af�xed to the above instru-
<br /> inent as grantor_B_______., and____..__."�Q�_______severally acknowledged the same to be___._'th�B�r___________.voluntary act and deed
<br /> ��E�� for the purpose therein expressed. ��� �
<br /> IN tiVITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed n�y�and affixed my ofC'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> _____________4Taild_I818�.C],__N8�?1'B.�kA__________.______on the date last above written.
<br /> ------------------------ ----S.C_.HustOn------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires-------------------------July_--25------------------------------------------------------------19--1�----
<br />