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<br /> 5004$-FiLOPP cti TARTLF;'TT CO.,Printang„Li(ho;�raphing an�l CouYit? Su lies;6rnohr:. � ���� �� � �� ���� '
<br /> �- PP �
<br /> �'.RD�v� I hereby cer�ify tliat this instrurrient was entered on Numerical Index aiid
<br /> filed for record tnis__. __ .2_0'�Yi- -------- ----day of-----------I�8S2. ------- ,- ---
<br /> - -- - -�dary_ Shelhamer & _husb - - - -- -----
<br /> , �. D,, 19_ 1Q___, at_-- -- �_.�5 - - _ --o'clock- -- P_.-__1V7.
<br /> - - _ _ -- --_ - -- -- -- - - Warranty
<br /> Z�� Deed. ,
<br /> - ------ -- - ---- . .. - -
<br /> -- -- --
<br /> C niy Lle�°k,
<br /> - - -- -Wi113a.r�._F, Kxe�mke__ _ -_ _ __ __ __
<br /> __- -- -- - - _ _ -- - - _- - - __ - _ _--
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �o�v 1-�11 1Vl�n b�r '�hese Presents�
<br /> Th�,t- - --- �dary_Shelhame_r and_Robe_rt;_C._ She3riarner- ----�Pe__and_h�banci-- -------- - -------- -- --- -- --
<br /> of the County of_-------- �FiAll----.__ ------------------and State of------ --------------._I�T@���B�e.-- ---------- -----------------------------GrantorB----, in consideration
<br /> of rhe surn of- -- - -- T�O_-�AL2��C1 �S'id ilO--- -------- - -- -------------------- ------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in rand p�id, do---- -------- ----here�v GP�,f1 NT, I3�i�,uQ Ii�', SF.LL, A1�TD COivti'EI' unto---- ..--.- - ------------------------
<br /> - -- - - --- - - - ----- - ----
<br /> -- -- -- - - - -. ___ --- ---- ---- -- -_ �Pi11i€� _�"._�ohmke- -- - - ---- . ----
<br /> ---- - --- --- -- - - - -------- .
<br /> of the CountY of--- --------- ----I3�11- -----------_ _ ------------_._a,�id St�,te of.__- --._--- ---.._-. ----------2�T�-brt'iBkFi-- -------_ ---------_._, Grantee------,the following
<br /> described prenzises, sittzated in the Coullty of__________.______ _�a11� __.____and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> -- --- - - --I,ot--Two----(�� -in---Block__Th�,ar�y--�3a�--Q�--Ru�se1.---i�ise.lex!�___Adclit_i_on--to---�rand--I�l�nd--------------------
<br /> -__ . _ Ne'I�aaka__ a�--$urY�yec�_, ��.a���cl__�nc3_ _r_a_cQr_ci�d. - = -- -- - - - - -- -
<br /> - ---- - - - - - -- - - -- -- - -- -- - --
<br /> - ----- -- - ------ _ --- - - - --- -- - - -- -- - - -- -- -- - - - -- - -- - -- - - - - -- :- - - - ------ -- - --------
<br /> --- - - -- - -- -_. _ __ - -- -- - - - - -- -- -- - --.- - - - -- --- ---- -- - - - -- - - - ---- ----- - ------ -----
<br /> ----- ---- - - - -- -- - ---- . - -- - - - - -- -- - - --- - ------- -- - ---- - -- --- - - ------ - ----------- ------ ---- --- --------
<br /> lc�getl�ez�with all the teneme�lts, ��ere�ita,me��ts, and appurten�,nces thereunto belon�ing, and �ll the Estate, R.ignt, �Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim arid
<br /> ~ Demand i�l�atsoever of the sai�1 Grantor_____________ and oi eitl�er of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> ' TO �I!�VE AND TO HOL� the above-descriUed prezr.ises,uith the appurtenarc,es, unto the said Grantee_._____and to___________h.�_�_____________________heirs and
<br /> " a,ssigtls fore,vei°. t�.tld____.__ .__�.___-.____________hereby covetia.nt_______u��th the said Grantee____________that___._.�8____________2iold__________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> titIe; that__.________II�A__._.______ha4�__goed ri;ht and la,wful authority to sell a.nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens ancl incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever------------excaz�t--taxas for_ 1910� - - -- - - --- ---- - - -- -- --- ----- --- - ---- -----
<br /> - ----------- ----------- - ------- ----------------------
<br /> -- - ---- --_ _ - --- - ---- ----- ----- -- -- ---- - _ ._ -- --- -- -- -- - - --- ------- -- ---- -- ----- --- ---- -- ------ - --------------- ----------------------- -
<br /> ---- -- -- ---- -- - - - - -_...- - - _- - - --- - . _ -- --- - - -And---- - - W6--- ----- - - ---------------covenant--------to warrant and
<br />', defend tc said premises �,gainst tlie lau�ful claifns of all persorls whomsoever, ___.___._______��CB�'�__El8__BbOVe___BtA'�Ad_____________________________________________
<br /> I� _- - ---- -- -- _ - -- - ----- -- - -- -- - -- -- -- -- - - -- ------ - - -- ---------- ------ -----
<br /> Dated the-- - - .- - - 20'�h----- - -- - -dati� of_-- - D9Ce�lbB_x------ - -------__A. D., i9_lQ-----�
<br /> WITNESS --------------------�--�3h.97�1'1.Al�3Ax-------------------------------------
<br /> Rabert C. Shelh�mer
<br /> � -------- ------ --- ------- -
<br /> - ---------------------
<br /> - ---- ----------- L,.'����in�i.ng�r -- -- ----- --- -
<br /> �ss, -
<br /> ---------------'�ial1_---------County, On this----------2Q'�h-----------------------day of_-----------DA C9II1�1_Q�---------------A. D., 19�Q---, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a PTotary Publi� ___________________________________within and for said County, personaily came_____________________,_______________________________________________________
<br /> - -- -- �ai-y� _Shelha�er_an�i_Robe�t- -�.----�_�_�am�r ------- --------- ------- --------- --------- -------------- . :
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person._�_____whose name_�__________a19__________________af�xed to ttie above instru-
<br /> ment as grantor�________, and___.___�1'�Qy_________severaliy acknowledged the sarne to be_______'�1'1�A�,.x_________,yoluntary act and deed
<br /> �sEA�+� for the purpose therein expressed,
<br /> �K�
<br /> 711r WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and afCixed my ofC'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> _ _ ______ 4T'�11ci_ ISlaT1S�,__�@bx____________________________._._on the date last above written.
<br /> --------------=-----------L.R t�ri�inger_---------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> M,y cominission expires-------------�&T_�--���Y�- ----------------------------------------------------------------19.14-----
<br /> • i
<br /> l
<br />