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F _ . <br /> I�7�� ���:� <br /> D D ° 0 ° Do � �� <br /> ---- ` �__ ; - -�.$R4�$�1'�E&$TLETT_CQ..:PTZUtxv�,.���hoF�_.h?�-=i�a.ud�oun1��usrizes.Q�n�� -- _—- — -- - - - - - - -=.. --=— _ _ — �_— <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Nuinerical Index and <br />�� - - _ ------ --x�.a.i�.a� F• x�ehmk� -(-��ie�-- <br /> filed for record this-_- ---�Q'�h--------___-__day of___._-�C-_•_--_-_-__ <br /> - ---__..---- - - <br /> - �. D,, 191D , at- - _-3.4� ' �---M. <br /> - - -o clock-- - --..- --- -P <br /> - -- --- - - ---- ---- ---- - - - ---- - Warranty <br /> TO Deed. ' <br /> • ------------ --- ---------------r�-- ---------- ----- ----------------�--- � <br /> unty Clei°k, <br /> - --- ---- - - -�l�r_y'__Stl_alhanlex - _ ----- -- - - - - ` <br /> - - - - - - -- ----- - ---- ------ - - --- ------- <br /> �e�uty-. <br /> Iinow All 1VIen by Th�se P�esents : <br /> That---- - - Willi±�ut -F+ -.�r�hmlce-s � -e-i�e �n -- - --- - - -- --- --------- --------- ----- -- - -- - -- -- - --------- <br /> of the County of_-- --------------Hd_1__1--------�-------- -----and State of_-----------------�1��Tt�B�[A---.---_- ------------------- ---------Grantor-------, in cansideration <br /> of the surn of_- --- -- ----- --- - -----T'QPO_`.�'�_QLl.8i�1$ e.rid_ri0__�------------r-----� . - ---------------- ------------------------------------ --------DOLIlARS, <br /> in hand paid, do--------------hereby GRA?VT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto--- ---------- -_--------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ - '. <br /> .----- - -- - - -- -- - -- - -- --- ��ary 3helham�r- - - -- _ _ ---- - -- _ - -- -- -- - - - - - ------ <br /> of the County of_--------------FI811 -------------and State of---- ---------__N�t1?�C�t@kfi-- -------- ._ _----------------------------------------- Grantee------,the following <br /> clesc,ribed premises, situated in the County of_______._____.________"��all________________ _______________-and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> . -- ----------- Lot---Fc�ur---(4�---in_I31o:c�-(�n-�-_hun�rod__and__FQrt-y--3evexi- �147�--4f---�he--Uhian--P�.cific--Railwag--------- <br /> --- - - Compa�ny-!s--2nd_ Ad�liti4n___tQ__the----C3..t�r--of---t�rand--Islar�d 3�-ebra�s�a-a.� -�o� -b3r -t�e -�e�cirded--- -- - <br /> ----- - -�a�at tharaof.. _-- - --- - --- - - --- -- ------ ------ - -- ---- - ---- - - -- -- -- - -- --- - -- - ---- - ------ <br /> Together with all the teneme,nts; heret�itaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd all the Estate,Fi.ight, Title, Inte,rest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_____________ and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> TO .HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_____:_.and to____.________�QT__.____.________heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever. And________.___I hereby covenant__..___with the said Grantee____._______that________Z______________hold________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title,; that____:�___________________ha0�!_.good right and lawful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever----------8�_�Eipt---'�_�e�_.f_s�r__1�1Q-•- - --- ------ ----- - ------ .---- _---- - ------------ - -- -- ----- --------- --- ---------------------------- <br /> -- ---------- ---- ---------- ------- --------------------------- <br /> - - ---- --- - ----- ------- --- - --- - - -- --- - --- -- - - <br /> - -- And---- Z-._ - --- ------ -- ------------covenant-------to warrant and i <br /> defend to said premises against the lawful clailns of all persor�s whomsoever, ___.. _____9_X_C�}�t__.88__Bb�Y'E1--B-'�At�(�-------------- ---- - ------------------------- <br /> --- ------ ------- ---------- --------- - - -- ----------------- ------------------------ ----- <br /> Dated the- - ------- - --20'�b.----- ---------- ----day of_--- - ----- D@_CHl'�bgr------ -----------A. D., 19---10---� <br /> WITNESS ---------------------------�31�.�8I11---�''_:---�rAhl3k9------------------------ ' <br /> ----------------- -L t R,_Bx���r�,g��- ' ' <br /> ------ ------- ------ ------- --------- ---------------- �. ------ - - ---------------------- -------------------------------------------- i <br /> � <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> �ss. ' <br /> -------- -- Hal�.------------County, On this- --- 2Q'�h --------------day of---------I)8�_a1��i.eS-----------------A. D., i9�.Q----, before me, the <br /> ; <br /> undersi�ned, a Notary Public--------------------------------�--------------within and for said County, Aersonally came------------------------------------------ ---------------------------- ! <br /> ---- --------- - - ---------- - �ill�aut- F-•---�rehmk�---- ----- - -------- -- ----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- ' <br />'I .. ------- ----- - ----- ------ --------------------------- -- --- -------------------------------------------------- --- ----------- 'i <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person________whose name_______________is__.________._.-_--------_af�xed to tl�e above instru- <br /> i <br />�i ment as grantor_____________ and______.______h�t________���acknowledged the same to be.________hi�____________voluntary act and deed ; <br />' for Ghe purpose therein expressed. ' <br />' EsE�s,) ,�.,.�`�' <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my 1�and afl'ixed my off'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> _ �TBYId_I$lal'�S�__I�Q'��______________________________on the date last above written. <br /> ,. ----------------------------�._R.Hrininge�r------------------------------ ', <br /> Notary Public. ' <br /> My commission expires--------------------:�ia�Ch---l�th_--------------------------------------------------------19---14--- ', <br /> 1 <br />� <br /> , � � <br />