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'� � __ _ <br />— _....� �..:� <br /> F���'�� I hereby certify t�at this instrumen_t wa,s entered on Numerical Index and <br /> E13�a��th__�t.suben ---_____------ - - <br /> - �le�for record tl�is___ --- --- 24'�h_--------_day of------- ----�_C...-.-- -- ----------- <br /> �, D., iQ 10_ , at - -_ _�•5� - _ _. . --- - o'clock --- --P,._._M; <br /> __ '- - - -�a_�dOw�_ --- - - _ _ - Warranty <br /> T� Deed. <br /> -- -- � . - -- <br /> - - - -- - - - <br /> - - - <br /> County Cler�, <br /> --- _�arle�_ _Sc3hQe1 ___ -_ - - - -__ _ <br /> _ _ __ - - <br /> -- - - - -- ,------- <br /> ll epu�y. <br /> I��o�v A�l 1V�en �y Tli��e P°resex�ts: <br /> That - -I,_ �l3Zabo�1�_ ��'ue�f�I1 -- - - - _ - - - - - - .-- -- --- - -- - <br /> -- - - - -- - -_ �a _w�.do�� - -- _ - -- - - -- - -- -_- -- --- ---- -_ _-- <br /> - __- - -- --- - -- <br /> of't�ie Ccu�ty cf-- .__ H�.11_---------- - -and State of'-- ------_----. NF�bTaekQs--------- - --------- ------ ----------Grantor--------, iri eonsideration <br /> of the s�r., of__- - - -Fi.g�lt__ 'L'Y1tO�.�AZ3.d �3e 21Q�10a -- - - -- --- - - -- - -- --- ------- - ---- - ------ ----------DOLLAR�, <br /> in hand p�,i�, do--- ---_, ------liez�eby GR.�'�'tiT, B9RCAII�7, SF.�L, AND CONVEX unto.___--- - --------Chex188__._S__�lOel----- -- <br /> of ihe CountY of_--- --- ------ _��all------ --------- ,- ----_. _----�,11d State of --- - ------__ -----NAbTEI.�kAs--- --------- --- --- -----.---------__, Grantee--------,the following <br /> describec�prelriises,situated in the Cotzrt,y oi___ .__ ____. ._ x��x ..___ _-____and State of ii�ebraskw., to wit; <br /> - - The -Eaa�__half_ of -�he_ --North--�e��__Qu_a�c�e�__Qf._Se_ati<an--nwnl�er__F_our-r---(4�---�own�hiR-num'�er _E1Q4ez�, <br /> --__ ��.��. NQr�h__of_ Ran�Q__2�ina_,__ ��)----�e_at---of- the- -6�h-._P.�i.-�a�l {�un�y- Nebra�kaj c;onta3�i�g-e��i-t�- <br /> acra�__more._ Qx__ �,as� -accQrcting .�o--�he -C�ov��nme_nt -9u�ey.-- - - ._ ___.---- - - -- ----- -- -- - ------ ----- <br /> Tobethe���,vitl� �,11 the teneinents, hereditaments, and appurtenances �1lereunto belon�ii�g, and all the Esta�e, R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and � <br /> Den�and wl2atsoever of�he said Gran�or_____________ and of either of then., of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,_., <br />, TO �I�VE A.ND TO I�OLD the ahove-described premises,witih the appurtenances, unto the said Gra,ntee___._.__and to_____h�8___________________._____heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever. �r�d_..________._I__ ____. ______hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee___________that____I_.__._________hold__._____said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; t1?at_____.___._�________ _________1?a9@__�ec� ri��it and lasx�ful authority to sell and ccnvey the same; that they are free a,nd clear of all liezis and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever------ - ------..------------ --- - - - --- - - - - - ---- - -- -- --------------------- - - -- ------- - - --- - - - ----------- ------------------------------------ <br /> ------- ----- --- ---- ----- - --- -- ----- --- --- - - - -- -- -- - ---------- -------- -- - --._ --- ----- --- - --- -- --------------------------------------------- - <br /> --- -- - --- ---- - - - - And--- - ---..__ Y--- -- -- -- -- --- ---- - - ----------covenant--------to warrant and <br /> cIefend to said premises a.gainst t.1�e lawful claims of all persol7s whoms�ever°, __________._ _.__.___.____.__.___._______________._ <br /> --- - --- ---..--- - - - -- -_ -- - - ----- ---._._ _ - - - ---- -- - --- -- ---- -- ------ - - --- - --------- ------------------------------------- <br /> 1)ated the- -- ---- 24#h --- -.. -- --- -aay of- - --Ae Celriber- - -- -- ----A, D., 19_1Q- • <br /> � <br /> WITPIESS -----------------------��.1��b@th_S'�t1b�Y1-- <br />; . _. --------------------- - --------------------------------------------------- <br />� --- ---- ---- 3_.C,_:�ueton- ---- - .- - --- -- - <br /> -- -- - ---- - - - -- -- - <br /> t - -------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> �ss, <br /> ----- -- "�all----------County, On this---- - -- 2Qth ---- -------------day of_------ D9_C.'��,lbQ�-----------------A. D., 19_1Q.--, before me, the <br /> undersi�ned, a Ivotary Public_______,�ppQ�'?"��@C�__________.__within and for said County, personally carne <br /> -- -- ----- -- ------ ------El�_���_th---�'�euk�en=----------- ---------- ------------------------------------------ <br /> ---------------------------------- <br /> (a_ �idor�) ---- --------------- <br /> - - --- - --- --- -------- ------ -------------------------- ----- - - - ------------------- ----------------- --------------- <br /> to 2�e personally known to be the identical person____________whose name________i�____________, af�'ixed to �he above instru- <br /> ment as grantor-----------, a.nd------gh�------------���'y�acknowledged the same to be----------hBr------------voluntary act and deed <br /> �$EAy� for the purpose therein expressed. ���, <br /> IN 1�ITNESS WFIEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and aflixed my ofI'icial seal at___________________________________________ <br /> ________G2'a?1d__IBla,nd__N8k�r2l8ka,s_____________________on the date last above written. <br /> . ----------------------=---5-_C.�iuston----------------------------------------- <br /> Jul _ Notary Public. <br /> Mycommission expires------------ ------�---��---��------ -----------------------------------------------------------19__�2_.._ <br />�. <br />