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�. �� <br /> � � � r' � � �� � � <br />_ _ _ _ _ <br /> � o <br /> _ ,_ 500�8—KLOPI'&BAit'f'I,l TT CO..Pri�i!zn�,Lilhographing and County Supplies:Omah.a.'� �� � - --��- --_ _-�=-- -.,..'_ -� =:_-_'_—� ---- <br /> �'R��?`t I hereby certify that tliis instrument was entered on tYurnerical Index and <br /> --E_.�;i11�.i1Tr�__�.�:d i-.'�.-�-e--- -- ----_---- filed for recerd this____-�,;,�1�-- ___ _._--___day of----------�J@.��----, --- -- <br /> A. D., �_ lc'�1�ai._ _ __�.rnn - -dclocn._ _. -_ - p M. <br /> - - - <br /> �' ^"~'„ VVarranty • <br /> - fToY�r_ L, U1�__�.�, <br /> _ _ ___ _ - <br /> TO Deed. � <br /> -- - _ -- _ - <br /> _ --- -7i-; - <br /> our�ty G�et°x, <br /> - - <br /> -- . - --- <br /> - - - - -- --Ue�uty. -- <br /> I�a�ow All �en by �I'�iese Pr�sent� v . <br /> That,--- __ . __ _ __ _F_.'d,�.,::�__�.i�.:�--:�°:r_cA"- F. _.';:iZliau� -���iu:��rycr ._and =,:i-�'e-)---- -- --- -- - - - - - -- -- - - -- -- <br /> of the G'ount3' of_---------- -I_i�.�1�----------------------- __----and State of_.------------?'?a'���sl:a--------- ----.------- -------------------------------Grantor-s----, in r,onsideration <br /> of the sum of_..-- - Fi�I_�__i:.^.��:��1L:--F�Zt�--T�.ur+�.�"a-ci-- ---------------------- ---------- -- ----------------- ------.--------------- --------------------DOLLARS, <br /> in hanc� paid, do__- hereby� GR�VT, f'�I.PG_1ii`l, ST'LL, AI�TD CONVEY unto-- ------------- -��p1::7��___La---Clp?:'�---- <br /> of the County of_ .- ---- ----�t^11 --- ----- --------- - - _ _------a,n� State of---- -- -- ._.__ ''�-�ru.�k�. .__.__ ---, Grantee--_----,the following <br /> . - - -- <br /> ctescribed premises,siEuated in the Cvu�lty of______ _______ _�_:.�z11________________ ______ ____ ___an� State of Nebrrasl;a,, to i=�ii; <br /> I,��--TT�"�-�� -+,a.x--��� ��" :�1-oi}= :�rura��,�r C�a -�:�r�c���'c�-�.a�ci E1-�� - �10-8�-.in__Fsil_.ro_a:�-- �d�i.t_i_�n- -�a--- <br /> _ . _�'`p" "� Y �� �����n� �� � . ', �'n:dr�..w'�w-,-w�c-c��lin� �a-t�e �_eco�dea -��la� -af t�.�--�ai�?__Ad�ti�ion-n-Q�'r- -- , <br /> _ ,._Y _�..1�__ �.tSi.C,,, -+-;.,- <br /> � <br /> C� r. �a �r r'y� �"'� nf, . L'1' �''-,{a -ti a-tr ('t _,�.. .fi ��.- � TT.y 't IfQLZT'i '* - �TE.'�JI'_c.'3C.',i: - - - --- - --- - - ----- <br /> y�. � -�-1 ..:..e__ Q.L�: i-..- -� -�--�-- :v01�71�:r .,�.���t Ca�.- .�3.<� r�a�.:� ��r a� <br /> ---- - - --- - -__.._.. -- -- - - _- - -- -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - ----- - - - --- - --- - - ---- -- <br /> -- --- --._ --- -__ __..-- - - -- - -- -- --- - - -- - -------- -- - - -- --- _- -- -- -- - --- ------ -- --- --------- <br /> - -- ---- -- -- --- - --- --- -- - - -- - - --_ --- _ --- - ---- - -- - - --- -- - - -- -- - --- -- -- - ----- --- - -- - - - -------- <br /> Toge�her witli all the tene�lerzts, heredita,rz�ents, and appu�r�er��,nces thereunto belon�ing, �,r�c1 all the �state, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim azid <br /> Dernand whatsoever of the said Graf�tor�________-, and of either of them, of, in, or io the same, or any part thereof, <br /> ► <br /> TO H�VE AND TO HOLD t,11e a,bove-�escri.bed premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee___.___._and to____._hi�_______.__.___________heirs and <br /> a,ssigns foreti�er, And________:���__._. _ ..___-_-___1lereby covenant______with the said Grantee__________that____t?�_______.___hold_________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that______._,;e__-___-__-_.____hatrA_good right and lawfl�l authorit,y to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens ancl incumbrances <br /> whatsoever--------- -- - -- ---- -- ----_. -- -- - -- ----- -- ---------- -- ----- <br /> ---- ---- -- ----- - -- --- --- - <br /> - -- - - - -- .._ ----- - -- --- - -- --- ----- --- -- - ---- -- --- -------- -- - - ------ ------- ------- ----------------------- <br /> - ---... - - - --- - --- - - - --- <br /> ____ -- -- - - -- -- __--And---- ---------- �'� - - --- - - -- ------------covenant--------to warrant and <br />', defend to said premises against t11e la��f`al claiins of all persolis wl2omsoever, _________ _ ____ _______________________________ _.__ <br /> - -- - ---- --------------- --- ----- <br /> I ---- ----- -- -- - -_ _--- - - -_.._- - -- - - --- - -------_----- -- ----- --- ----- --- --- <br /> -- - - ---- - ------------------ - ------ <br /> Dated the- --- _.I'�t?�°�^^n�'i�-- - - --day of_ - -�p��T:'��_�r-- - - -- ----------A. D., j9_�.0---- � <br />� WITNESS -------------------�----,--�ilLi�------------- --------------------------------- <br />' --------- ----�an ce s-E----_milli_a�------------------------ <br /> ------ ._ - - - ----T�rn�= -F�-.-- '�ill -- - -- --__ - - - <br /> --- --- ------- - <br /> STATE dI' NEBRASKA, <br /> ss, <br />' ----------- �?3?.1----- ---County, On this- --- 1��� --- --------------------day of_-------- ------r�.Cera?�-e�---------------A, D., 19_1Q---, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a ��otary Public___________��i?�'Gi??•�_�-a___________within and for said Gbunty, personally came____________________________.________ _________________________ <br /> E_--���,�.l�a:�.c--��a--;r�nc��---E• --�7;�.�.1_ia.;��--�hus��ax��i---and---�j�_:�fe�----------------------------- <br /> - ------ -- - _ -------------- ----------- - --- ------ --------- -- ----- _ ------------ --�------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- <br />'', to n1e personally known to be the identical person�______whose name__;___________are----__-------____._ai�xed to the above instru- <br /> inent as grantor_S________, and___.___�}.��________severally acknou�ledged the same to be__..___thQ_:�____._____voluntary act and deed <br /> for �he purpose therein expressed. � ��, <br /> ��=��L� IN ti�'ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and a�xed my ofi"'icial seal at______.______________________________ <br /> _______________r�_ant�__I:�13t��.,___;?�'r�T_..____________________on the date last above written. <br /> '---"-"---'-------------'-----J."-E.+'--�11.1.---"'--'------"-'--'---""" <br /> Notary Public. <br />�� My cornmission expires----------__ST'�t�_'vr___latr -------------------------------------------------------------------191.�------- <br /> II � - ,,_ <br />