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<br />�- 5UDd8-KLOPP�� Bt7 RTLETT G"D..Pr�enting.Lithc�raphing ared Cauiu j$upplies.`O�r.uha _ ,_-�� °-- —
<br />� _ _.:_ _. . _ _ _ _ _ . _
<br /> I'R�iVl I liereby certify that this instrunlent was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> -_- _C_���1°�-�._?&il�� _ �na_�:��,�8__.._ - filed fo1°record tliis 1'�__ _ _ _._ _ . -day of __ .D_�.��mh�r_ - - -
<br /> :�, D,, 19_ 1_0_ , at- -- 1_1_,_�0_ - _ _-- o'clock_..- - A. -i�,
<br /> _ - -- _ __ _- _ - -- _ ___- ___ Warranty
<br /> . To � Deed. '
<br /> - _____ _ --
<br /> - -_ . -
<br /> Couuty Cierh,
<br /> ?. �T.�'1u�ne_r . _ _--- -- - -
<br /> - _ _ ___ _ - - --- . __ __ -
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<br /> Depuiy,
<br /> I�now A�l �Ien b� PI'�a�se Pre�ents o
<br /> That _. �fe, �:�arl�s _'�_,_`�ills__�na Anna__a_..'"_ills - (hus��n3__and ;tzife- ) - -- - --- - - - - - _ -- - -----
<br /> oi the Co�nty of___-----_ I3.a11__ ---------- ------ --_ ..---a,nd State of_--.-----__ _ �1e i�ras_kd__---_ _------ -------- -- ------ ---------__Gra�ltor--s-_., in colisideration
<br /> of the sur11 of-- ----- - --_ _ Eighty__F_l Ve---1na_. ??_0__�100--------- -------DOLLARS,
<br />, ----- --- -- -- - - -- ------ ------ --- - ------- ------ ------
<br /> irl hancl pai�, do_____ ---- --1lereby G�r�ivT, B�1.I�G_1IN, SELL, AND CONVEY unte_ �._J.$luztuTt_er .._------ .-- ---------- ---
<br /> - _ ;1�=o_x3�i�� --- -- - - - - , Grantee �the followin
<br />'' of the Count� of.- -ji__all------ _---------------anrl ,State of_ __---- - - ---- -------- g
<br /> - -- - -.__
<br /> clescribed�re111ises, situa.ted in t?�e Couzlty�of__.. _ __ _. ___ ______ ..i���.-1____. ________ ______and State of Nebraska, to wit;
<br /> -- -- - The__South half--o�__I�.ot_ ����.zria�_� T-'=enty �i-� - �2�)- �'�a�� T?.�a.rk'-� - �ub—.�iy��iQn. _nu,a�er T�*�o -(ti)-------
<br /> -- - --1 o_cate�. on �_a_Mt_.of__t.�� ��_st---�zal:�_ o_� 4he _avqr�h. ^_��t--�uaxt_e�_..o�__��_�uion ?�_ami;�er---Ten---�10�-- ---- --
<br /> -- - Tod�rn__�.z%�--�unl:�er �1'�ven--(1�.� .��r�ge �?:a.�:,'aex '�;ine -(_�� ',"r°at- a�' -��� 5 �'._�vi.- Ha1_1 ^_�??1zz�Y�- '?ebra$-1�-�, --
<br /> :��arv�ye�, -�'lat_t ��_.;�n1_r°c.�rc�o3_- - -
<br /> --._a" - - - - - - - _ __--- -- - -- --
<br /> - --- - - - - -- _ --- --_ --- --- - - - - -- -- -- -- --- ----- _ - - --- -- - - - -- - - - - - ---- ----- - -- - --
<br /> --- ---- -- --- - - -- - ---_ - __ --. - - - - ----- - - ---- - - ----- ---- - - -- - - - - - ---- - ------- -- ----- - ----------------
<br /> Tobether avitla all the tenemerts, rereditarlerts, and appurtenaizces thereunto bslon�ing, 2nd all the Est�te,R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Deznand wha-tsoever of the said C-rantor__s._.____, ann of either o#'them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO H.qVE A1�'D TO HOLl? tl:e a�ove-ciescribed premises, with t1'�e appur'�enances, unto tlie said Grantee_____ ___and to____.._____?�.i�________.._._.____._.heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forevet°. And__________._ ���____________hereby covena,nt_____with the said Grantee___..____that____'�'e________,____hold.______said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; lhai;_______ ____'r1�______________ha_v�_good rigIlt and lativful �,uthorit,y to sell and conyey the same; that theyara free and clear of a,ll liens ancl incumbrances
<br />'�� whatsoever_------- ------- _------------ - -- - -- ------ --- ------ - ------------ - --- ---- - - --- -- -------- ------ -- -------------------------
<br /> ----- ------
<br /> -- -- - -- -- --_ ------- - -- ----- - - -- --- ---- - ------ - ------------ --- --- ---- -- ----- --------- ----�- -- ----------------- -------------�--- -.
<br /> ----- ---- --- - - - - - - ._. - -- -- - - - - - -- ---------- ----- -- - ---- ---------- - -- -- - - -- ------- ----- - ----------- -- --- --------------------------------
<br /> - - -- -- -- And-- --- -- _ --- -- -- � -��--------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premise� against the lawful claims of all persoris whomsoever, _________.__.______._________ __________ ________ _____.___________________________
<br /> - --- ---------- -- - -- -----
<br /> D�,ted the---- - 14�h- ------- - ---day of_--- --- -I�e_Ce�'u'r ___A. D., 19__1..0-- �
<br /> WITNESS � '
<br /> ---------------------���.xl u_s---�-..?�ill_�._�--------------------------------
<br /> - -------- - --1�.zna__�_.._;�ill�----------------------------------------
<br /> S. C.�ius�on
<br /> - --- --- - - - -- ------- - --- - - - -- - - ----
<br />' �ss.
<br /> �:µ�.�._----------County, On this-------------------.ls�_'�h------------day of_-----------?�-e_Ce::.��'�--------------A. D., i9-----1Q before me, the
<br /> �._,. .
<br /> undersigned, a llotary Public_____.��-��1?"��_��.____________.___within and for sa,id County, personally came
<br /> ------------------
<br /> - - -- - - - -- - Cha�l-�-s---;�_,_'��.11-s--��a---an��--�=-�i1-1-�----- �.?�u.u�an;�,---an3__�:�ifa�-----------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_�_______whose name___�_________._a_��,__.______________af�ixed to the above instru-
<br /> {SEAI,) rn_ent as grantor__�________, and_________t_h�_y____.___severa�ly acknoWledged the same to be________t_�1ei.r________.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for �he pur•pose therein expressed.
<br /> 7N ��'ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed y�and aflixed my ofi"'icial seal at_____________________________________________
<br /> irana__Isl ana,___:.?�_�r.____________________on the date last above written.
<br /> - -- - -- --------- - -
<br /> ------------------------ --------�_._C._�ius_t_on---------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires---------------------- --. _tLul_�----�-:�----------��-----------------�9---J--'---
<br />