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���� <br /> JL � —, <br /> D � ' D ° �' �0 ° D <br /> ��.���. _ � � � o <br /> �,_ <br /> . <br /> __ ._ _ <br /> 5001$—�LOPP&BARTI�T'7`CO.,Prinlinn,Litkcgr¢phing¢�ac.�Cc�na(��Supplies;O�r,alaa. :. ..._ .;.:..._ ._.._ ....:_� _ ._ _.___ _ _. .. . . . . . . . . . _ . _ <br /> F���� I hereby certify that this instrun?ent was eritered on �Vumerical Index and <br /> Ja.rnes -:-I. �lirgil----- �in�12__ flecl for record this-- --- ---1_3-- ------- ----day of----��cPr.l��r_ --- ---- <br /> :�. D„ 19 10 _ � at __�..�0 _ - _ - o'clock -- -- -p-•-M, <br /> -- - --_. -_ _- __ _-- --- -- - Warranty <br /> - . <br /> ��a ' Deed ' <br /> --- .. - - _- ���i�� <br /> - <br /> - - -------- <br /> � � Coun�y Clerk, <br /> --. __ Fred_I�.��iche.lson-- - . - ---- - _ <br /> _ - - - - - - - --- <br /> - -- -- -- - Deputy. <br /> I�now A�l �Vien l�y T�ese P�resen�s : <br /> Tha�_ -._J ar�.e_s L.Vi x�i l;- � ��-n��1�- ��an-- --- -- -- - -- -- <br /> - -- - - - - -- - - - ----- - -- ---- - - - - <br /> of the Couriiy of_---------- ---- �-Ia11 --an!� State ot_._ -------�eY�r3s ka__. __.------- .. ------ -------- -------- - ----------Grantor--------, in consideration <br /> of the suni of--------_0__ne-&--n��____-______._.________--------- DOLLARS, <br /> - - -- -- - - ---- - -- - -- -- ----- ---- ------ --------------------------------------- ----------------- <br /> in hand paid, do____ _ _. __-___12ereby GnANT, L,!l�T���II°T, SELL, AI�'.D G'Ol�l'EY unto_____FrBd_H.,_I�iCh�lapn_____-__-__-__-___..__ <br /> - --- - -- -- -- - - <br /> . <br /> cf tile County of---- -_-- ---- -Iidll - _------ -- . ------------and State of _ _ _------ ?���za�k� ----- --------- -------- --------.__-----, Grantee------,the following <br /> described pren�ises, sitlza.ted in the Coulity of__ ________ _____.?��11__________________ _________________and State of Nebraslca,, t,o wit: <br /> -- - T.�e-�ast__e___r__l�r- -�'-°-rt-y--T�,vq__(�}2.� -fP°t---of--Lo-t---num�e.r___�e.ven --j-7-�--in---�lo_c_k_���u::'r�e_r___Eifty--Thxe-e----(����---i.n the <br /> -- ori�;inal To��n no��__Ci�y_of__��ran:�--I��a_n�� --:3e��d�_�a, _a�---�urv�-�r�-1,--r,lr�t_Lea----_� .n�.--x�co_r_��.�_�� __�a�a-- <br /> _ tra�t 'acYng a r�ctangular -�.iece �_°__ _�;round---'�:�_v__ing a- f��°on�a;e__of _��,_ f�ot_ _q:: m,li_rd__ Stre_e_t_ i:�--^�i3 <br /> --City___�n1 _J 3''__.f�_°_t �'� �e�th� - - - �ubae�t t Q -th.e -unp_�i�__l��alan�� -Qf a -�'40Q. m�.rt-��-��- �-� - -- <br /> favox of Tr.e ���,�:i�ta'�le .E�uil��.in�__an�._Lo��.n__��s�ciation_ of_��ran�___I_slan��_� _t���braska,____;�hich_ bal�:��!ce <br /> ---rr;�ntee__hoxein assu:�e� �.��� ����e� �o-nµY -4� -r��art� -cf- the-- -C:on�.zid�.r3ti_on. -- -- --- - ----- -- --- - --- <br /> -- --- -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- --- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- - -- - - - - -- -- - - - ------- - - - - -- ---- - ---- ----- <br /> Tngether witii all tlie teiiements, herec�itar7ients, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd all the .Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand wnatsoeti�er of the said Grantor_____ .__, ancl of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO FIqtiE ANI� TO �OLD the above-described premises,with the appurteranr,es, unto the said Grantee_._.____and to___________his______ ___.____.____heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever, And______I___ ______ _.___hereby cavenant______With the said Grantee__________that_______I_____________�hoId__________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title,; that____ _____I___ _ ____..______haYe___good rigllt and lau�ful autho.rity to sell a,nd corve,y t1?e same; that they are fr°ee and clear of a,ll liel�s and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever------exCe�t_.._as--a�aoYP--��ate:�.__a�_�__�axP�- ------- - - --- ---- ----- ------ -- - - <br /> - -- - - --------- - --- -- ---- ------- ----------------- <br /> -- -- - --- -- - -- ------- - ----- - -- -- --- - - -- - _- -- ------- ---- - ----- ----- - -- - - ---- --- - -- --- ---- ----------------------------------------- <br /> -- ---- - -- __ - - -- - - - -And- - - - --- I- - - --- - ---- -- - -- --------covenant------to warrant and . <br /> defend to said premises aga,inst the lawful clairns of all persozls whomsoever, ___.exCe��___��__abOV�____�_�_��6i�,__'�11d___t�XeS_________________________.___ <br /> -- ---- - ---- - -- --- - - -- ---- ----- ----- -- -- -- ------ - ---- - ---- - -- -- - - -- --- -- - -- ---------------- --------------------------- <br /> ..,,- --A. D., 19---1-0----� <br /> Dated the-- --- - .:,�t:� -- - ----- --day of -- - �?o_Y°mbyr--- - - -- ---------- <br /> WIT11��SS ----------------------J ame s---I-�,�Vi r-�"i 1-------------- <br />� <br /> - --- - - ---- J._L.C 1 e ary--- --- ---- --- - <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. <br /> ----- - - ---_H_311 -- ----Couiity, On this- -- --- �5th- --------- ---------day of----- -1`Tovc:n��ur---------------------A. D., 19__10_, before me, the <br /> undersignecl, a Noiary ��ublic_____. ______.__.__._____.,______within and for said County, personally came_______Jame�__F3.Vi rgil <br /> --- -- ----- - - -------- ------- ----- - ------------------------ -- --- - -- - -----------�----------------------------------------- ------------------------------- <br /> to me personally I�nown to be the identical person_________whose name_________��________________________affixed to the above instru- <br /> ����1L) znent as grantor________.__, and__________._hfl.______s��acknowledged the same to be________hi_�_____________youluntary act and deed <br /> for �he purpose therein expressed, <br /> IN Z�ITNESS WFIEREUF I have hereunto subscribed my��tand afC'ixed my ofCicial seal at--------------------------------------------- <br /> ______z�3n3___I_sland-,---T�Teb-z----------------------------------on the date last above written. <br /> --------------------- <br /> -- ----J_._L_._C le ar�--------------------------- <br /> A _ri 1 18 Notary Public. <br />, My commission expires-------------------------- -------- --------�'---------------------------------------------------------j911------ <br />