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_ _ ,�, <br /> � �� <br /> �� i � -� � � �, , � o __� , <br /> L `� �J n <br /> . : _ _ _. . _.,, _. _. �, _ . __-_ __Y.� --=_________ _-- -- - -- <br /> , , <br /> 500a8—KLOPP&SARTLL'7'T CO.,Prxnti�zg,Lithograp3cing ancl Countg Supplaes,Omaho,. � � <br /> FRo�� I hereby certify that this instr°ument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> - <br /> AlQI1Z0:.1..$en�Ori & _�4if8 -------- filed for recor�l tliis_._ _10--- ------ ---------c1a;� of__A��B�b�-7C---- -- -- <br /> u ��, D., 19 10 __, at _ _ - ___�. `�D _ dcloc� - -.._ __P•---M• <br /> - -___ __ __ _ - _ Warranty <br /> TO Deed. <br /> -- -- - --��°�/�� <br /> _ _ <br /> ouncy Clerk, <br /> -- --- Qara M:Larzg . - _ - -__ <br /> -- ---- - - <br /> --- ----- - -- -- ----- - <br /> Depuiy. <br /> Knc�w 1�11 l�en by T�aese Pr�esea�ts � <br />, That__ 9�$,- Alonzo J,_B�n�on �n:� Ly��.a--B_..�ensQn--_ _ - - -- - - -_ _ - -- - - - - - <br /> -- -- -- -- -- - - ------ <br />' --- - - - -- - - -_ - _ -- __ - - - ��u�_��na_ and-rvi�o}__ _.._ - --- - - -- <br /> -- - - - - ---- <br /> I, of the CouniY of_ -- ----------- _ii�ll _ - ----- ---a,nd State of-----------------NBbras ka------- ----._.. ------ --------- - ------._Grantor-�----, in corsideration <br /> __ <br />' of t�'�e sum of- - _ �'iY6_.3uridx�d_�.ria _.210 f 1.44 - ---- ----- ------- - -------- --------- ------ - -----_DOLLARS, <br /> -------- - -- - - ------ <br /> I' in hand pa,id, do_ --------_hereb,y UR11�1�T, BIIiZG�IN, SELL, AND CONYFY unto- ----_C____or$.._l'�,LOnp---- ---- <br /> - - __ - - -- ---- - -- - - - - -- - - -- - __ __. ----- -- <br /> - _ _ -- - ---- - ---- - ------ <br /> Iof ti�e County of__.. . - I3_all - - -_ -.__and State of- - - - - Ne=�Task�. _ _ -_ - - _._, Grantee- - ,the following <br /> describect premises, sittzatecl in thn County of____ __________ _ H311__________ _________________and State of Nebraska, to ti��ii: <br /> - -- <br /> ----------Lots--numbar _��_)___ana_ '�e� --�-�0�- -�-n-�.1.QC�--z��amb�_x_E1�_v�n---�11�--P_�.��er_ &__�_�r_x� Aa�i_tion-------------- <br /> -- '�o rranc�__I_�lan�.--Ne:praska, as. _s_ur_YZX�3, �lat_t�_d _.and_ _r_e_c_o_r��d. - --- - - -- - - <br /> - - - -- --- - - - -- <br /> - _ - - _ --- - - - --- - - - -- - - - -- ---- - - - - - --- -. - - -- -- ----- <br /> - -- - - ----- - - . - -- - - - - - - --- ----- ----- - -- - --- -- ----- -- - - - ------ --- --- - - - - ----- - -- - -- - ---- -- - ----- <br /> Together witl�all the tenelnents, hereditarrierts, and appurter�arlces thereunto belon�ing, �,rid all tre Estate, R�iglit, Titla, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and � <br /> Demand whatsoeti-er of the said Grant,or�________, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> 2'0 K.�VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,tivith the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to_______._�18�_______.___ ____._____heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever, And____.. r'PO_____ ________-__hereby coverlant______with the said Gr°antee_________that___ _�Pe___ _ .__ ___hold_______said premises by good and perfect <br />', title; that____`_oe__.______.__________ha_Yg_gocd right and Iawful authorit,y to sell and convey the same; that theyare free a,nd clear of all liens anci incumbrances <br /> i, whatsoever--- ---- �ub�ec.�- t-Q---t_�g��--f.Qx--1�1C _ana--�ubs_e_�uen�--�_age-s------------------ ---- - ----_ <br /> - --- - ------- -- -- - -------------------- <br /> ---- -_ - - ------- - -- -- ---- _ ----- - --.. ---- - -- ---- -- - _ ---- ---- --- --- ---------- --- ---- ---- --- ----------------------------------------------- <br /> -- -- And ----- - -�'�� - - --- -- -----------covenant-- ----to warrant and . <br /> defend to said premises against �he lawful claims of a,ll persolis wllomsoever, ___r3_xCe�t.. _a8___abo_Y_e________________________ ________ _ <br /> ------ --- -- - - -- - - -- -._ _ - - - - -- -- -- - -- - --- -- - -- ---- ---- ----------- --------------- ----- - -- ----------------------------------------- <br /> Dated the-- --N_inth - --- -- -- _day of_- - -- DeCembBT -- ---- - ----A. D,, 19-- 10 • , <br /> WITNESS \ <br /> ------------------�1_c�nz-4--J,Bengon------------ ------------------------ <br />�I ----- -�y_�ia__F�_._BQ_n�9n------------------------------ -------- <br />' - --- - S.G_.Hu�ton -- ----- - - - --- - ---- - <br /> - STATE OF NEBRASK q, <br /> ss. , <br /> - - --F_�all------------County, On this-----------Ni_nth-------------------_day of_-------DeCemr�e�C------------------A, D., 19__10__, before me, the <br /> undersi�ned, a iGotary Public___________a��o_in'�ed__________within and tbr said County, personally came______________________________________ <br /> ----- - --A1�nzQ__J_._�_�nuQn--and__Ly3�a_�_.�s_ns_on- ------ - - ---------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------ ------ --------- - - - ----- - -------- ----- -------(_k�usb�_z�;�._a�d___�ri-fe-)---------------------------- ---------------- - <br /> eo me personally l�nown to be the identical person_s_______whose name__S___________.3r�_ .__.afii'xed to the above instru- <br /> (SEAL) ment as grantor__�________, and______��71��_y_'._________severaily acknowledged the same to be__.______��1��.�_.______.voluntary act and deed <br /> for �he purpose therein expressed. <br /> naz�e <br /> 1 N u'ITNESS W FIEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and afi'ixed my ofC�cial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> -_�ran�---Isl�r�d,---I�?���,_-_-----------------_----------_-----on the date last above written. <br /> S. C.Huston <br /> ------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br />' My commission expires-----------•----_----------- ---------- -----July__---?-''-�----------------------------------19--1-`'-�'----- <br />� _ , .� <br />