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<br />_ _ _ : _ _ _ _ .___ _____ ______,__ __ —__ _ _- --- _
<br /> 500d8—FfLOPP&BRRTLE?'T CO..Pi•z'nling,Lithographing and Cour.ty�Suppties:O�naho.: �� � �� �� � � ' �'�'� �` ���"�_��—���
<br />_ _—_.._ _ __ _ , _. _ _ __ ____ __�..____ ---
<br /> _. �. : ... . _.___,_ . � _ _ . _ _ _ . ._..___ . __ _ --_-- _ _ __
<br /> --T ."'_' -- —_.__..�--_..— _�.,.._._,_ . __..-:.______:_3�. -.. ,. ...�,�. .
<br /> FR0�11� I 1lereby cer�ify t�at this instrunient tivas entered on Numerical Inrlex and
<br /> filed for rec•ord ihis---__---------- ---$-- ---.__day afD�_c_�m��1' --------- -------------
<br /> - - Eu��ne �3e_land__ �'�_ �ri_fe _ --
<br /> �, D., 19_1 v_.., at- - - - - - �_,.�5 - -o'clock- - __- -- �'�-- --Nl,
<br /> _ - __ -_ __ _ _ -_ _ _ -- - _ Warranty
<br /> - Deed. �
<br /> T� ' �f�'��`�-/'✓-'� -
<br /> --- - -
<br /> - - -
<br /> Co nty Glerk,
<br /> - - - M_,i.nnie_.Sc�i�iemann _- -- -
<br /> - --- -_ _ _ - - - -
<br /> -- - - -- - - -__ ---- -----
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �xz�►w A�l �e� by Z'l�.�se Presents o
<br /> That_ Eugeno_ _..�,elan�__�n:�_,Ax;:��1ia__�.. Rel�z��._�- �i�__�rif� - - - - -- - --- --- -- - __
<br /> Iof the CoUnTY of-------_------------Hall-------_. ---_-------and State of_----.-----�+*ebraskd-------------- ----------------_-------------------------_Gra,ntor-s---., in consideration
<br /> of the sur�i of----- Orie (�fi 1 00 -----__ __________________________.�__
<br /> - -- - - ,r ' --� --- ----`"'--�..-----------_--_-_-�.��-__._.'.._- --------------�--------- -----------------------------------------=---DOLI.ARS,
<br /> in hand pa.icl, do.-----------ilereby CR.�_vT, BARU�I�'V, SELL, A�'D CONVEY unto---- _._�n_inx?ie---S_e id.em�tnri--------------------- - -
<br /> -- -- - -- � --- --- - - -
<br /> -- - - -- - - - ----- - .- - - --- -- -- - - - - --- -- - - - ----- - ------- .
<br /> of the County oi---- _-- ---- --.._---TIall--- - _ - -------ard �State of----._ -----Nebrask3------- --- ----- ------_ _ ------- _ _.--_--- -----, Grantee-------,the following
<br /> c�eseribed prerrises,situatec�i�? the Co�anty of___________ _____ ___I��.�1__________ __.._______.________and State of Nebraska, to i�it:
<br /> . S�ot__ nu����_r---- Ei�ht- -(-t�-)--i�___I31oc_k_nunlbe_r--�'iv�-- -���___Q_f---1-I,-�:r-1-ar-k'-�---�.1;�i.�_i_o�--t-o---t-?�e---�i�y---o-f---------
<br /> �ran� Ts�an:i "e :,ra^,'a_, as---]�rv�y4 x_, T?_latte�__�n�__ re_c_�_x_�ea� ---- -- - -
<br /> --- - - - - - -- --- - - ------- ---
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<br /> -- -- - - -- - ---- - - ___ - --- --_ ---- -- --- - - - - - - -- -- - - ---- ---- --- - -- ---- ------ - -- - - - -------
<br /> - - --- -- - - -- -- - -- -_ -- -- - --- - - - - -- - -- -- - ----- - - -- - - -- - - --- -- -- - - - -- - - -----
<br /> - -- - - -- -- - - - - - --- --_ -- -- - -- - --- ----- - -- - -- --- --- - - ------ - - - -- - -- - -- ---- ---- - -----------
<br /> Together wi�Il all the tenements, I�erediti�,me�ts, and a�purtenances thereun�to belou�ing, znd all the Estate, Rignt, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Clairn and � �
<br /> Demand whatsoever of trie said Grantor___._______, and of either of them, of, in, or to the sa171e, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO H��'E AND 1�0 HO�T� the above-�'escribed prer.iises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee____ __a,nd to___ _________he_r_________.________�eirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And____.._______'.'��_______________h�reby coveriant__- ___wit11 the said Grantee__ _____that________;�e___________hold__________said premises by good and per�fect
<br /> title; �1�at________�°`r�_______ ____hav�__goocl right ar�d lawful authority to sell ancl convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all lielis and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever---------- - ---- --- - -- -_ - --- - - --- - - ---- -- --- -- - -- --- --- --- --- -----------
<br /> ---- - - - - - - - --- -- -- ._.. - -- - ----- --- --- -- -- - - - --- - ----- --- - - - - ------------------ ----- --------- - ----------�------ --------------
<br /> --_ -- --- --- - - - -- - - - - - - -- ---- - -- --- - - ------------- - -- - -------- --------------- --------------- - - - --------------- ----------------
<br /> -----------And ----- ------- ------ ------ -----'�ve--------------covenant--------towarrantand
<br />', defencl to said pr�mises agairst the lai�ful claims of all persol�s whomsoever, ____ ______________.___.___________________________ _
<br /> - -- ----------- - - -----�
<br /> I __
<br />' ---- - -- -- --- -- -- - --- -- -- - - -- _-- ---- -- ------ -- - - - - --- --- - - --------------------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the-- - --- - -- -- --�n--- ------day of--�_-- -D�_C.�r._'r�e.� - - ------ ---------------A. D,, 19---1�J_..
<br /> wITNESS -----------------------E.ug�ne---Ilaland.-------------------------------------
<br /> � - ---- -----Arrne.�ia__A:.��_J,an_�.---�----------------------------
<br />' --- -- _ - - ---m._Q._(.ri_._�EIT_21-S-O21 - --- ----- - -- --- �
<br /> --- - --- -- --- ---- ---- -- - -- ---- _ - �
<br /> ss.
<br /> ------ ---��1� - -- - ----County, � On this-- - --���-------------------day of_-------D-e-C�:;�:���------------------._.A, D., 19-�-�----, before me, the
<br /> undersigr,eci, �, i�otary Yublic_____T,n._r_._ii�rr�.S_QTi______within and for said County, persona�ly came______________________________.________.________________________________________
<br /> -:---- -- ------ !'�ugene--T��,an�---�nd--A_r__m��ia__A.B�ls_�,_Ti�.-�---���---�7_7.f_P,_----------------------------------------
<br /> ----- - - ---- -------- ----- -------------------- --------------------- -- --------- --------------------------------------- -- --�-------- ---------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__s_______whose nams_s_________aTe_____..___________afr'ixed to the above instru-
<br /> (;iE�1L) ment �s grantor.�________, and___.____.-_�?-�e_�r_______several�y acknowledged the same to be__________th�ir_______voluntary aet and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed,
<br /> IN Z�'ITNESS WFIEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my��d and afI'ixed my of�icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> ___r_r�.n�__I�lanc3.,-__]!i�'c1�-�-�ka-----------------------------on the date last above written. ;
<br /> ._----------------------T._0._C._I�a r r�s o n--------------------------
<br /> F'ebruar _ 1�" A. � �� I� iVotary Public.
<br /> My commission expires---------------------------------------- -Y-------'-----------'--'-----------------------------
<br /> - - �
<br /> . I
<br /> . ,
<br /> '
<br />� � � _
<br />