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, , <br /> � �� <br /> D - �� � o —, , ,��� o � <br /> � ti- y. I� � � �i o <br /> � . <br />__. � _ _ ___ _ <br /> _� <br /> 56�J8-KLOPF i�13AIiTLETT CO..Printing;�ithopraphing an�Cdunly Supplies;"Dmch¢. __ :::_.., - - - - ,., -,_�,-_=--_---- _—_-�_:��— <br /> --_.._,,_--,.. _ _ _ .._ _ _,-- _.. ___.. _..__�_..__.._� -._.._ .._���,.�,_ _ __==---_�_::___.._ - <br /> F���1 I hereby certify trat this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> ' r C_..Hu�-t-on..&---;�'ifa------ -------- - - - filed for reeord this--- --- _$_----- ----- _. -----day of__.----De_e_emb�r-- ----------- ----- <br /> - - - - a• --- <br /> 3. D., 19_10 , at - - - ---].1_..45- - _ __-o'clock- - -A•- -.��Z, � <br /> - -- _ __ __ _ <br /> - .___ ____ __ - - -- Warranty <br /> �a ' Deed, � o <br /> ' -- - -------._..___.____- .{rK<�c-?-�-��f_G2�- -- --------��- <br /> � C�ty Cle��k, <br /> I saac_ N.,P.ugu�t ine -- -.-- <br /> - - - _ - ---- -- - ._ . __ _ _ -- - -- --- - ---- <br /> Depu�y, <br /> 4now 1��1 l�Ier� by The�e Pr�esents o <br /> That �!e, _S._C�Hurt_an an3_ Anna._�..Hust_Qn _ -- - -- _ -- -. - - - - - -- --- - - -- <br /> --- - - - -_ . . - _ - -- -- - - - - (- .hu�ban�_ an�._.Y�ife)_ _. _ - -- - - _-- __ <br /> of the Count;� of-------- --- _ Ha11--__ __._ _---------.---and State of--_ _._--------- __---____N2?��'�3ka-------_----- -----__ _Grantor°---s, in cnnsideration <br /> ' ______DOLI.ARS, <br /> ot'tne sUm of--E i�ht__hundred and no 1Q0 - -_ - ----- - ---- - - ------ ------------------ - - --- - <br /> ---------- --------------------------------- <br /> in hand paic�, do__ .. _------_hereby GRA:til, B��RG^lIN, SELL, AiirD CON�'EY unto- - -------- ------- ------ -- _. _--- __-------- ---- <br /> -- --- -- - - - <br /> -- --_ -- -- - --- _- - -- -- ---- _ Isa_ac N_,_�ugusti_ne. - <br /> . - -- - - - - --- ----- - --- ------- . <br /> of the County of_--- ------------ __ H311---- ----- _ _ ___. _--- _arld State of _ _----- - .-------NB_b.r_as-k�.----- ----- --- - ------------ ---- Grantee------,the following . <br />� desct°ibed premises, situa�ed iv the Count��of_. _ _____ _ _____ H�11 ________ __.._._________a�cl State_of Nebraska, to wit; <br />' lvorth Thirty Three _(33) ft.__ of.__the _5outh,_Or�a fiundrea__'�hirt_;� _T��ee .__(_�.�3.)_ ��__o�_1_at _�iumb�_�_________ <br />, --- ---- T�T�e_n�y _�'�ve- -�N�_)- ._of- -t-he---C_ount y--�ub.��ivis-i-o-n --o-� .4hs- -���t--half---o�---ths- So�th--�9est -���-r-�e-r -o�------ <br /> -- ------ -S.ection_Num�ex_ Ten_ (.�.4)--'�o�mr�s�i�- -Nu�nbs.r- -E.J.evs_n_--(-J,7,-�----�-a-n�e---�1umA�ae-�^--�Iin�---�9-)---1�est--Q-�--thQ---�-F-,-M• <br /> ��a ll--C_aun�y; _�•1�:�r�.�k�.,__h�v in�_a_ �xo_z�t-?�e- --of__Thi rt_y_--T hx�v---(-��-)---�t--��_t h�---�t_re e_t_,-'r�y---One------------ <br /> Hu_ndr�d _Thir�X _�_ �_hree-�Q_verth�__ _(1�0_ _�f'7__�--- ft .i_n__Len�th------ ------ <br /> --- - - - -- - -- _ -- - -- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - ----- - --- - - - - - - ------ - - -- -- --- <br /> ------ -- - .- --- - - --- - --- - -- --- - - - - -- ----- - ----- - - ---- ------ - ---- ------- - - -- - ------- ---- - --------- --- ---------- <br /> Together tivit2l alt t�ie teneinerts, liereclitaments, appurteiiances thereunto belon;in�, znd alI the Estate, Right, Title, In.terest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and � <br /> Demand whatsoever of the Grantot�_�__. __; and of either of them, of; in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> • TO H_�tiE AND TO H0�1� the ahove-clescribed premises, �vith the appurterances, unio the saiu Grantee_______._and ta__ ___________hi�___________________heirs and <br /> a:ssibns forever, And_________we_____ _______hereby covenant______with the said Grantee___.____._t11at_______1�t�______.___hold________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title,; that_______'�e__.__________ha__Ye_good rigrit and lai�ful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that theyare free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever------------ - ---- -- --- ------- - -_ -- - - -- -- --- -- - -- --- --- - -- - ------ --- - -- --------- - - ---------------------_..---- <br /> ---- - --- - - - --- - - - ---__._--- ---- - -- ---- -- ---- ----- -- -- ----------- - - - ----- - ------- ---- - ---------- -- -------------- --- ---------------- <br /> --- ---- --------- - - ---- -- -- --- - - - -- --- - -- --- --- --- --- -- - ------------ ----------- --- - ---- ---- -------------------------------- - ---------------------- <br /> -- -And- --- ----------- - -- _..- - ----�4e------------------covenant--- ---to warrant and <br /> i, defend to said prernisc-s againsi t11e lau�ful claims of all persozls tivhomsoever, __.___. ______________________________._______________________________._______________________________ <br /> - - ----- <br />�, <br /> -- - - -- --- --- - - -- -- --- - - <br /> , <br /> Dated the- -- - - �econd - --- - - -- ---day of-- - - - _Dece_mbe-r -- _ ---------------A, D., 19--1�----� <br /> u1ITNESS ----------------------�._C.Hus t o n----- --------- <br /> Anna A ;'Huston <br />', ---- - --- E�aYar_d__H_._PainQ- ------ - <br />� ------------------- -- - --- -- - --- ---- -- -- - - --- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, , <br /> �ss, <br />', - ---H-�.11------------County, � On this----------��1�------------------------day of------I�eC�nlb�-�'---------------------A. D., 19---1�0__, before me, the <br /> undersi�r�ed, a 1Votary Public___________�?-?�_oiTltec�_.___._______Within and for said G'ounty, personally came_______,___________________________________________.___________ <br /> ------ -�._C_.�t?.s ton--an�,._,�nna_A._Hus ton-- --- - - -------- - --------------- ---------------------------------------------------- <br /> - - ---- -- -------------- --------------------- ----- (--husband._an3---�ri_�Q----�------- - ----------- ----------------- - <br /> to me personally knoWn to be the identical person_s________Whose name__S________���___________________affixed to the above instru- <br /> ����I�) ment as grantor__il______, and_______t�?�y___________severally acknotivledged the same to �e__.�h�ir______________voluhtary act and deed <br /> for �he purpose therein expressed, <br /> IN jVITl�'ESS WtIEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my `e y <br /> �od and affixed m of�'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> __rr��,�__Z_S_�._�_�:i_,---��_b_r_,_______________________________________on the date last above written. <br /> -------------------------�ayard_ H_._Paine <br /> --- ---------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires----------------- - ---------------N ov--10---------------------------------------------------19---Z'--- <br />, <br />� <br />