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<br /> D r , D � r�� � D
<br /> �..,..__. � C � � � ❑
<br /> . . . .__ _ __ . --:_:- — ---
<br /> 56J4$=�ii,Z7PP&13AH'I'L�TT CO.,Printine,Litho�ra�hinp and County Supplies,Omahc: '—__ - -_ ,`—_ '`� —=-J"------=`�-- _
<br /> FRO]E� I hereby certify that this instru:��ent wa,s entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> -----------�.i�h�r;:i L._H�.rr_i4_Qn___�ncl-_.��i.fe --- filed for recorcl this-- _ __3r1._ ._-----_ ____day of--- -D�_C__ar��er. . ._.____-----------
<br /> A. D., 19 _1.d ; at- 2 --�'clock------ P. -M.
<br /> --
<br /> - -- _ -- _ __ --- ._ _. ____ _ __ i�arranty
<br /> Z�� Deed. �
<br /> =���-T�
<br /> - - -_
<br /> __ _ .. - - - --- --
<br /> � � County Clerk,
<br /> - - - - W�xn�_x Pri_�schau ---- _ -- _ __ _
<br /> - - - -__ _-_ _ --- __ _
<br /> -- - -- _ - - - --- - ---
<br /> lleputy,
<br /> - —._ --- ---- --_----- — -------__ _- --- — — �:
<br /> K.��w �11 1VIen by T�ese Pres�nts0
<br /> Tha,t- ��s.,_Fi.c�.ar;�__I�._�iarr_is_fln anci _k�o_rt ha_�l.H�.rri_s_on-- --- - -- - -- - -- - -- ----
<br /> - --- -- --- - - -----
<br /> Huebdn_d-an��--ti�ife ----- - -
<br /> of the County of--- -__ ---�a�_1__._----- _-----
<br /> --a,nd State of_ _ _-------.Nebx��k�- - ----- - ----------------- ------ ----------Grantor---s--, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of- - -Four--Hundr_e�3.--and- _na�1�� ---- --------- ------- - ------------- --- - -------------- -- ------------------------ ------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in rand �aid, do--- - ---_----liet°eby t�Pl?NT, B�RG_1TN, SELL, Ai�,'D CONVEY unto--------.-------- ---------------------------------------.- -
<br /> _ _ - -- --- - --- - -_- _ _ _ ___�'ern_e__r _Pritschat�- - -
<br /> of the Coulity of___ . ------She�'��aT�._ _ ____and State of __-----------------I�?_�br�Ska----- - --.---------- ----- --- ---------------, Grantee-------,tllefollowing
<br /> descrihed pren�ises, situated in the Coizr�ty of__ ______ .______ _ _ ___��a�_�..____-_____--------_ancl Srate af Nebraska, to wit;
<br /> I.ot number___Six__ (.�)_ in__B1_ock__nu�:ber__S_e__venteen_ (17_�_ _Fairview_ �'ark A�a�:iit__i_�n _to_ �'aran�l_I_slan�.______
<br /> --- _
<br /> �v'ebrA�ka, as st�rveyeei., �latted_an3__recorded._ _______ _ ___ _
<br /> - - --- - -- - - - - - - - -- - - -- - -- - -- - --- - - -- - - - ---- ----- -- -- - - - - - ----- - ---- - ---- - - --
<br /> - - ----- - - - - - _ - - - ---- -- --- -- - --- - -- -- -- - ---- - - - ---- - -- ------ --- --- - ---- ------ ---- - ---- -- - -------------
<br /> To�ether�vith_ all the tenements, 1lereclitanlen_ts, and appu�°tenances thereunto belon�ing, znci all th� .F.st�,te, Riaht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> �emafld whatsoever of the sa.?d Grartor_._S__-___, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br />� TO H!'fVE AND TO HOLD the above-described preniises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee____.._and to_ ________.h_7��__.__ ____.______,__heirs and
<br /> assigns forever. And____ __.__�Pe___ _ . ________hereby covenant______with the said Grantee___________t11at_______��re________ _____hold______said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that________�e_-_ _______.____ha�l'a___�ooci right a.nd lav�ful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; th�t t11ey are free and clear of �,Il liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever------- -------- --- _ ---- ----- - - - - - --- -.. ------ --- - ---,-- --- - --- - -- - -- - - ---- ------ - -- -
<br /> ----_- -- ------------- ----------------
<br /> --- -- -- - - --- ---- -- --- -- - - - - -- - - ---._ ---- -- -- -- ---- ---- - ----- - ----- ---- - - -------- - ------------- - -------------------
<br /> - -- --_- And --- --- -- .�8- ----- - _- -------------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> clefend to said prelnises aga.inst Ghe lat��ful claims of�II persor�s �✓liomsoever, ____..__________________________________________________________._____
<br /> - - - ----- - ----- -------------------
<br /> --- - _ -- - - - -- --- ----- ---- - -- - -- --- --- - -- -------- --- -- --- --- ------ ----- -- ------------------------------------------ ---- '
<br /> 1�ated the-- -- .'�hi_]C�.- - --- -
<br /> ` -----da;' of - - --�?e_���tb��'- - --- --------- ---------A, D., i9----�-�---�
<br /> WI1^1VESS -----------------------•R_1_��i.���.---I�..�.a���.�0�--------------------------
<br /> - -- ----- -- F3ertha__A�.Haxri son--------------------------
<br /> JKr.:eil �.�?i1_ 1
<br /> ss,
<br /> - --- H�.1.1-- ----County, On this--- -- --- Thir3--------------day of- ------__�_r�C -- - - - -----------------A. D., 19---'-�_, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a 1�otary Public___________�T���=_t?.'�°.�,____________within and for said County, personally came
<br /> • �r �
<br />� ------ ---RiChar�--I,_.Ha_rr��on---an_�1__Pc_�'�ha_�,�_,_Ha:rx��_��?---- - ------------------------------�-------------------------
<br /> hu;�ban� and wife
<br />� - -- -- ------- -- -- ---- ----- - ---------- ----------- -- ---- --- -- ----- -------------------------------------- ------------------ --------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person____.S___whose name_s_ __�Z'e___________________________aff'ixed to t�e above instru-
<br /> ���Aj�� me,nt as grantor__�_____, and____�heY___________severally acknowledged the same to ue____their_____________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed, n�Q
<br /> IN tiVITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my��and afC'ixed 1ny ofl'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> Gr�ri1___I�1_�.n-3___,__�l^_bz'.._________________________________on the date last above written.
<br /> ------------------- ��_----�'.F�..�-�ls.--------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My cominission expires--------------------- -----------�'ul-y----lfi�'�------------------------�--------------19_1�-----
<br /> t
<br />