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Ir' _ <br /> Tj` �� ��� <br /> D D ° 0 ° D � �:, <br /> 0 <br /> _ _ . _ . __ _. : =__ _ _ _ _- _ ___ - __ _ _ -_ - <br /> ._ <br /> ��UtQ u�npP�SAI2TLETT C0_rYr�,aztang_7,?lhn�ra,�zaz�andS�ounty Sup�lzes•Q�naft¢ � - _. _ — - - — - <br /> ----.:.. . _ . . - - -- — __- - __ __ _ _ _ <br /> _ � _ --- --- —_ __ __-__ —� <br /> , <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> ---- -- -�'-iCY:���_c1__r.e�y_in.� -ZJi��I�ar- ----- -- filed for record this. --13� - -- ----day of- D�-G. -- --- --- - ------- <br /> �, D., 19_1..�.. __, at- - -- - � -- -- --o'clock - -- ,�, M. <br /> - -- - -- - -- _ - -- - <br /> - _-_ - -- - - . - Warranty � <br /> TO Deed. � � <br /> -� .,u;�,���_��-�-��-� <br /> -- ___ _ -. --- -- <br /> 'rr; T -i .,; . - r <j. . ; r� <br /> �ntiy Clerk, <br /> - - -�-+-���'� u-- .+1_cr_x_.�s,�--anu--uc�{r�.�.�- j .-- - <br /> ------ - - - -- --- --- -- -- --- -- --------------------- <br /> ----rer�rin- ---- - - - - --- - . Depu�y. <br /> Know All 1Vien by �he�e Presents: <br /> That-- --- - -- Ri_C.1"i�.?'L�__1�.�T�L1T'� l•:1L:O;;,�A� -- - - - - - -- - - ---- - -- - - -- --- - - -- -- --- --- --- ---- --- <br /> ' �_ - - - - -- -- -- -- --- <br /> of the County of_----- --------T�O�F,;Za�---. ------- ----and State of------------?T�;,ra;�k�- ---- -.-- ----_ __ ------- -------- -------__Grantor--------, in c�nsideration <br /> _. , rr� ---------- -- -----------------------------------------------------------------DOLLARS, <br /> of the sunl of-- - --- �na--ilun:l�_ed --an.c�_r�o_-1�4 - ----t:;��-1��-.-44)------------ -- <br /> in hand, doe_s_ ----. ----hereby GRA�VT, BARGAIN, SELL, AI�'D CONVEY unto-_-_----_Iiu��?-. ,�.ri�l---�icl--�C�w�.r�% P-.--D�:�-�.'-��',------------------ <br /> � <br /> _ -- -- - - -- - - - - - -- ---------- ' <br /> - - - __ - -- --- ---- -- -__ -- � <br /> of the County of -----LGLZg13�---------------------------and State of---------------------�TB�r-�.�r�- --------- --- -- --- --- -, Grantee-�-----,the following <br /> described premises,situated in the County of____..___.._____?i�.1,1__-------------------------- ---�nd State of Nebraska, to «•it: <br /> -- ---- -_Iaczt--S_�v�r.--�-�� -�� �i�,Y=t -��)- ir.-nlo��� -�i���-- ��) -Hog�� tr- °�:_��.�.s Au.:�it�.o-�-vo - -------- ----------- ---- -------- <br /> -- - - - - - �'lan�. �iail--Cour.ttif �+Q�rasl;a. - - -- ----- -- --- - -_- - --- ------ -- - - - - --- <br /> , - . � <br /> . <br /> --- - <br /> - - - - - - ----- - - -- - -- ------ - - -- - - - - -- - -- _ - -. _ ---- - --- - -- ------ -- --- - ----- ----- ----- -------- <br /> ------ -- - -- --- - - - - -- ---- - - -- - - --- - - - __ -- -- - -- - ---- -- -- -- -- - ---- - -- --- ----- - ---- ------ ----- - --- ----------------- <br /> - ---- ---------- -- -- --- - _- --- ---- -- - -- --- - -- - - - .- - -- - - -----------__- -- - -- - -------- - -- -- ------ <br /> Together with all the tenements, hereclitaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, a.nd all the Estate,R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoeyer of the said Grantor , and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_�____and to________�h�l-�_.._._____.__heirs and ' <br /> assigns forever. And____._.h_�_____________________hereby covenant_�____with the said Grar,tee__�_____that____he_______________hold_�______sa,id premises by good and perfect ' <br /> � title; that.___..__�'l�__.____________._ha8_____good right and lawful authority to sell and cor.vey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever-------------------- - -- -------------- ------ - -- ---- ------- - - ---- - -- - --------- ------- -- - - ------- -- --- <br /> - ---- - ------ ---- ------- - --- ------ -- - ----- - --- - - And----- - h�- --- - ----- -- ------ --- -------------covenant---�--to warrant and <br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ____.________. ..__________._._________._________ _-_------------__-___-_---__---__--------__----- ' <br /> Dated the--- �t�terit_;�-f_if tJl--�_ti{_�ay of - -- -ii.o-uexr:r�x- --_ - - -- - -------A. D., 1914------• <br /> \ <br /> WITNES,� -------------------F�ict:ax;l---Ile-�=u-ix�- -- ------------------------------- <br /> TY��i.l_ ^� T,.. `! . ���. <br /> . <br /> � � <br /> i <br /> _'_'__"___"'_""_�'" -..i�_'"'f2.:..� �L _"_'_""""""__'_"'_'_"""""'_"__""_'_""'_ , <br /> ___"_"""'_'__'_""_____'_'_"_'___"'__"_"""""'__"_"___"____'___"______'_'__'__________"'" <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. ,�r y T T �., A. D. 191f1__.__, before me the <br />, ----------PO 41�1��--------County, On this-- - - - ---- ���-�- -- -------------day of_---------T:D_T�:11�.e-�--- ------------- , , <br /> undersi�ned, a Notary Public__. ________.______________________within and for said County, personally came______________________-_--_--------------_-----__---------------------,-------- <br /> - ------ ------------ - - ------------I?i_charct--I�e-ru-a.n,---tra.c�oQ�s------- ------------------ ----- - --- ' <br /> i -- ----------- - ------- ----- - - ----- -- ------------- --------------------------------- --------------- -- �-------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_________whose name__________________i_�______.__________afi'ixed to t1�e above instru- � <br /> ment as grantor_____________ and________..hH.__________�m��-acknowledged the same to be___._.____.hi�____________voluntary act and deed i <br /> (ST'AI,� for the purpose thereiii expressed. �.�, i <br /> I1V' WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and aflixed my ofI'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> __________________CYctu,ha__i'e's��.s�� _______----------------on the date last above written. <br /> -------------------�Ial��-.�.----��;arc:it---------------------------------- ` <br /> Notary Public, <br /> _ My commission expires---------�k�;uu_�__.���Y'i ---------------------------------------------------------------29--14---- <br /> � <br /> . � , <br />