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<br /> of th_e Count?� oi__ ---------l�ou;l.�.u---- ----and St�te of_-- -------- --it8=rr-aE��::------ ______ _ ----- ------ - - --------Grantor------, i1z consideration
<br /> ��. _ ---
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<br /> in_hand pa,id, �loe�---- -.__1�erebv Gi�F1:v1', B�1RG_4I�'V, SELL, Al`dD �ONVEY unto-- -- -_r'�uz7Y1__I.--Iia�'vi-r-�---a2�.c�---��i=�lard---P-.--1�8-�viTl------------- -
<br /> of the County of--- ----- -----���:t�.�1��u--- --- -- ----ar�d State of_ __ _ _?;-�-�xul��;�- -___ ---_.____---- .._---- --------_.- ----, Granteeg-----,thefollowing
<br /> describecl pren�ises,siiva,te�?i� ���e Corzlztv of-------------- -cx�.11-------------- -----------------ard State of�'Vebraska, to wit:
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<br /> — ---- -- ___ --- — — - ----- — — -- - — --- — ----- — - - ---------- - --------- --- — ---- -- --- — — -------- --- -------------- ----
<br /> Togethe�°urith all the tereliisnts, hereditan,eni�s, and appurten�,nces thereunto belori�ing, and aIl the Esta,te,R•i�ht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Derrland whatsoever of the said Grantor__________, ard of eitha� of theni, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO K:�VE AND TO HOLI) trie above-c'escribed premises, ��i%h the ap�urter�anc,es, unto the said Grantee_G-_____and to___.__.th-e_i?'_____________.____heirs and
<br /> �,ssigns forever, And_.__ _;r'_1�_:_ _____________hereby covenan'c_;�_.__�ith the said Grartee_�_______that_______,Y'ie_.. ._ ..__hold_;;,______said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; �hat___._.ull�. _ ___________ha__�__good riglai; and la�aful authorit,y to sell a,nd conve� the same; that theyare free and clear of �,11 liens and incumbrances
<br />'' Whatsoever------ -----------..- --- - - - - - -- -- __- - ------- - -- -- ---- -- -- - - --- - - --- -- -- -- --- --------- - - ---------------
<br /> -- -- - -- -
<br /> ---- -- ----- - - -- ---- - ----_-- --- - -- - - - - - - - - ----- ----- ------ --- ---- -- - --- ------ ----- ----- - ----- --- --------- -----------------
<br /> -- -- - --- - - -- -- - --- ------ -- -- --..--- - -- - - --- - - -- -- - ----- -- - - -- --- -- -- --------------- - ---------- -------------- -----------------
<br /> _ - - -- -- - - - - -__- --- - - - - And------- - -- ----uhB-- --- - ---- ------------------covenant� __to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all�ersolls tivhomsoever, __________ _____ _.__ _.___ ..___.__________________.__________.______________________ _
<br /> --------- --- ---------- ----
<br /> ----- --- -- ---- -- - --__ - --- - --- - -- - - -- ------ - ------ ------ -- -- ------------------- - --- -- - - ------------------- ------------------ -----
<br /> Dated the---- -m.'��r�_�r_..y i��h -�NS� --day of_-- ---- �I.OV'�r.:�e� - - - ------ , 1,Q- - �
<br /> ,\
<br /> -------------A. D. 19
<br /> �'VITNESS ----------------=r�ra�;�2 v---1J-���T��1- -------------------------------
<br /> - - -------------------------
<br /> --�c,Z:21__h..;>�u21i:.v--------- -
<br /> ss,
<br /> ---------.i��7.��1�.�- - ------County, On this-- -------���'u-------------------------day of_--------yf-o�=�::11��:- ---------------------A. D., 191_�-----, before me, the
<br /> undersi�ned, a �lotiary Public____________________________..______________witrin and for said County, personally came ____________________________________________._____
<br /> - - - - - - ------ ---- ------ - Fr-i�:��� -�e-r-u��-----------------------,------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
<br /> - ---- ----- ---- -- - - -------- - ----------- --- - ---�-- .. ------- -- ------------------------- ------------ -------- ---- - ------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person.__________whose nanle__._______�,�_______________ a�xed to the above instru-
<br /> ment as grantor__________, and_______,�h�________severally acknawledged the same to ue____�1P.r_________________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed,
<br /> �'����T�A Iilr Z�ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and afi'ixed my o�cial seal at_..____�I:�fl,�13________________________
<br /> "�' _________on the date last above written.
<br /> - - - --- --- -------�'�-�-��---- - --------- -------------------
<br />, --------------------------e1G�111----1�---�'�I�u--------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br />', 1Vly commission expires------------�c,��---��'--1,1;�--------------------------------------------------------------191�_
<br />� �
<br />