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<br /> ���� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Nurnerical Index and
<br /> -- ----�'r�d_.H_,.?t�[�_QY:_�ls_o�--�--�1�-�----- - -- filed for record this--- - - -u5------ - ---day of-- No_v__en:be r -- -- --- -- '
<br /> A, D., 191 Q- _, at- -- 1.10 -- -- - - --o'clock - --- - - -- -F'� M�
<br /> -- ---- - Warranty
<br />� -- -- -- -
<br /> - - -- - -- -
<br /> - - - ,
<br /> TO Deed. / �/' ;
<br /> ----------------d���-r�i__�%�yL -------------�----
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<br /> --- - -- - -,-ar:�„- ��._Vir�;i�.--- - - - ----
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<br /> - ----- - - - � - --- -- - - --- -
<br /> ve�uty. �
<br /> � Kn.ow �ll 1VIen by These Presents: �
<br /> That- Fred--?�._Mi cr.�_1_�_c�_�ncl.__�'�h�-1--A_._Miche_1_s_on_.husxiand _anr� ;�if�- - -- --- - -- ----- - --- - ---- -- ----------
<br /> of the County of______ __. _____ Ha__ll _________ _______.__ _________and.Sta,te of_.____.____._._Ne�raska ______.__ ____.___ ____ _______ .. _______Grantor__a_,_., in consideration
<br /> ofthe sum of--- _4n�--a�1d__n4�- - ----- - -- --- -- ---- --- -------------- ---- - ------------------------------------------ ------------ ---_DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do--.. ------.hereby GRA?VT, Bt�R,GAIN, SELL, Al�'D CONVEY unto------ -J3r�e3 H._Vir-�il------ ____ --------_ _-------- ------- --------- -----------
<br /> - - - -- -- .._ - --- - - -- -- ------- --
<br /> of the County of_---- ----- -�ia11-------- -------- -------------_and State of-- ----- . ------ --�e�xas�� ------- - ------ -- ------__ ---, Grantee------,the following �
<br /> described premises,situated in the County of_______ ___________. Ha1:1____.__._____.______.____________and State of Nebraska, to wit: !
<br /> - --The S�'_��.4er1 y---Fo�t_y_--T���c� --(4N_�_ fc;e�---of__I�Q-�--hu';=�-�-r--Seyen -�"'.)- in ._�-1-ock---"1u.m'�er_.F'i.f�y--Thr_ec---�53_�__ _in.---
<br /> __the Or.i�ina�. To__:Mm___,__ n�;�__Ci_t_y_ .,_of_ rrand_ Isl ana, '.ve?�r.a_�ka _as_ st�rv�yea, __�latte�. _anc� __re_cor�.eci.____________
<br /> --------------ti ai�---�_r�ct-- 'c�e i-n�-�---r�_c��.n�u�._ax._�ei G-�-Qf---,round__��vin-�--a-_.f r�nta��--��'---4�----f�at---s�n_Third---------
<br /> �treet---in--`�ai3--Ci ty - ana__13u---Fe e-t--in--dep-th,------------- ----- -
<br /> -- - -- - --- ._----- -- ------ -- - - -- -- --- - - - - - -- - ---- - --- - -- ---- ---- -- - - --- - - ---- --- - --- -- - ---- ---- --
<br /> ---- ----- - ----
<br /> Together avith aIl the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereun�o belon�ing, and aIl the Estate,R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> i Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_s_.____, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, '.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenanr,es, unto the said Grantee._.._____and to________________7?�_S_________.___.heirs and
<br /> assigns forever, And_..______1��_______._____hereby r,ovenant___.____with the said Grantee that ;�e__________holcl__________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; �hat____._.___^"e___.______ha_v_�_good right and lawful authorit,y to sell a,nd convey the same; that theyare free and clear of�till liens and incumbrances !
<br /> whatsoever-----�'�ce�t---t�Xe-� ---- ------.__. ---- - -- - --- ---- ------ --- --- --- -- -- ----- -- - -- --------- -- - --------- ------ -----------
<br /> -------- --- --------- --- ------------ - --- -- ----- - -- ---- - - -- - - ----- --- ---- ---- - - ----- --- - ------ - ------------------------------------ -------------�-
<br /> --- ----- ---- - -- - --- - -- ---- - --- --- - -- - ----- - ---- -- --- - ------ ---- ----- -------- - -- --- --- - - --- - -------------- - ------ ----------- ------ ---------------- ,
<br /> -- -- - - --- -- - - -- --- - -- -- -- -------. -- - -- -- -- - - - -And----- --- - -- -- ---._.--- - ""e - -�--- -------------covenant-- ---to warrant and ;
<br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons tivhomsoever, _____ ___ _.____..__________________________________________________-,------_--_-__---_-------,_-- ----------.-----.
<br /> 1�ated the-- - --- -u5�17- - ---day of__--- --- =�QVer.?��x - - - -- ---- ---,A. D,, 19--1Q----�
<br /> WITNESS .__Fr�d___�i,_Mi,cr.el_s on______________
<br /> --rthel..--�=.�"i_che�_son---- ---------- -----------------------
<br /> ------ --- ----- - -- J.I�._C1�ary-- ----- ------ ---- ---- -- --
<br /> ss.
<br /> - ---tz�?-1-------------County, On this-------------��;t-h------------------day of---------�_N�_V_�;�'�_er------------------A, D., 19_.1_Q__, before me, the '
<br /> undersi�ned, a Notary Public___________________________________.__-_------------within and for said County, personally came__________ -_------------_--------_--__----------------------_------- ,
<br /> ---Er�d--H_�i_ch�lsnn--an=�--Ft_he-1--�_._A�ri�hQ1-s�an --- -------- ------------------- ---------
<br /> ----- ----- -- ------ --- -------------- ----- -- ----------- -- -- - --- ------- -- --- ----- ------------------- --------------- --------------------------------
<br /> to me personaily I�nown to be the identical person.4________whose nameS_____________��'@______. __afl'ixed to the abave instru- ;
<br /> (`���PT�� ment as grantor____s_____, and_____th��----------severally acknowledged the same to be___.__the_�r______..__voluntary act and deed �
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed. '
<br /> �a� '
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and aftlxed my ofl'icial seal at________________________________..____.______
<br /> __ ___r r�tn3__T N1�na,___Ne�r_._______________,____._____._____on the date last above written.
<br /> ---------------------------------------�,I,.C 1 e a r_y_.-----------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> i
<br /> My commission expires---------------------------------- --- --Ar�il---------1"'�-----------------------------1�11-------
<br /> I �
<br /> r '
<br />