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'I <br /> � ���� �_ - <br /> � � U p �� � D D <br /> . � ❑ <br /> �, <br /> � L <br /> : a0013—�IOPi'<�I3tiRTLF.TT CO.�Prinling,LilhoprapFa�ing and Coi<nly Supplies;0^nahc.. : , - _" - --" —'°i--�`— _::—._,_;� _ — - <br />-- <br />_ __ . . _ _ _.._ .._ .. __._ _._ _......_. _ .�.._ _..:.:..�_= ___,------ _. — --- <br /> r''�-���� I hereby certify thar, this instrun�ent was errtered on _Numerical Tndex and <br /> "_ F_,Mai���.oY__�$ ;�i_fe___.. _____ _ _ filed for recor� this--- -- _ 2� day of__._NoVembe_ r----- ---- --- <br /> -- - :' ._ - --- <br /> _ - <br /> - -- - <br /> ,4, D., 19_1Q__, at-- -1_0_,:3�'1__- -- - ---- -o'clock__ _ --_ -- -�• -M. <br /> _.._ -.-- - _ <br /> _ - __-- _ -- -- Warranty <br /> T0 Deed. • �� � <br /> ���Q �-�-__/4.%r�1�% <br /> - - -- - - - <br /> - - -- -- - <br /> 'o�tntiy Cieric, <br /> -J-uan_ 1�,_�no_ch--,� Fl_oxenc� '�T,_Knoc <br /> - -- -- <br /> - - - Depu�y. <br /> ����v 1�I1 1VIen by �'�i�se l�r�esents. <br /> That__ "l.F_.r�Ia3�.�_� ._an�i__T,eno_.ra; ��ati3o�c-s -husban�3_�n�__�vif� -- - - _ - - - --- - -- - -- - -- <br /> of the G'ouzity of_ __._-------------�ia�.�.--------------------at7d Siate of----------Ne'�?TaSha___.-- --------.---------------_------------------------Grantor-S-----, in cansideration <br /> � -------__--------------DOLLARS, . <br /> of the s�zrn of__-----Sixtoen Iiun3re_a ._��,-_.16C0. �0- -------------------------------- <br /> ---- -- ------- -- -------------------------- ------ ---- <br /> i� hand paid, do_____________h�reby uRA�T, Ts�1R��IN, SELL, AY� CONVEY uuto____Juan_2JI._Kno_C,_h___�1��___F�_OrP_n__Ce___l�R._KnoCh ____ �� <br /> -- -----._ . <br /> I <br /> of the Coulitv of--- -------�_�nnex'-- ------- _ -- -- - --an�l Stat2 or' __-- ---.. ---Ne�raSka.___------- ----, Grantee--s----,the following <br /> described pretnises, sittzatadin the C<�unty of_______..______.______._Hall_______________.____________antl State of Nebt�asl�a, te wit: � <br /> __ _ i,._ot__nurl��ere3 Fou_r__.��� i_r.__ Block numbex���.__ s_ix_ .(�_)__ Qf_ H._��_,_rlark_!_�.__A1c��_tion_._to__the___City___of_______________ <br /> --- - +_;ranci---lslan�l, -H��1�._ C�unt-y��- �vab.r_�.��:a-,- - - -- --- --_Ther_e_ �,�_-a--mQrt�;���___urQ�--�hs_a'�av� �ae.�c_��'c�ea___rro-- <br />', --- __--ne_r�y- `�hi�h. s�cur_�:-s---a._.N_a��_ .in __the_ sum---o-i-- Ei�ht- -Hun�1r_�-d--��BDQ..�-�)----I�-Qllars---in---favo.r_.__of__ths---�iome <br /> I _ Savin��__�ank of _Gr_an3 I_�land, _N_ebras_ka; _ ��hich __the__rxrantors___herein__a_�r.c�e___to__and__-;*il]=___ray__on__or <br /> -r�� <br /> --- --- b_e__��r_e---o�e_-Xear _«f te_� thi�_ �at�---*o��_t_h�r---``rith,�.i_nt�rP�-t--th�x�_on.--- ------ -- ------- <br /> -- ---- --Th�--a'�o-Y�--�.us.cri'��a _�ror�_rt-Y--i�s--s-u��_j��t_---horv�vQ-r--L-o---�h�_ _T_a.xes--far___the.--y�_ar__A_._�_,_1�1-4i------------ <br /> - --"�'�i ch t-he--Grant_�e s- a;�ur�e_ an_�- agr�e--�Q ��Y=- ------ - - ---- <br /> --- - - - - -- ----- - -- ----- -- ----- - ------------------ <br /> Together�vith aIl th� tenements, nere�litamsnts, and appurtenances tllereuuto belongi`ng, �,nd aIl the Esta,te, Right, Title, Tnterest, Dower, Curte,sy, Claim and �� <br />'� Delnancl tivhat.soever af the Grantor_____._____, �nd of either of theni, of, in, or to the salne, or any p�,rt thereof, <br /> TO �74tiE AIvTD TO HOLD t11e ahoti>e-descri.bed �rerr�ises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________alid to______._._____t_he_i__r_ ___ _______heirs and <br /> a,ssigrls forever. �nd_._______=.'?�________ ________herebv covenant__._____with the said Grantee�_. _.___that____ __.__;qs___ __ ____hold________._said premises by good and perfect <br /> title,; that____`�'��__ _ ____ _ ____haVe__good rigrit ard iawful authority to sell �,nd corvey the same; that they are free and clear of �,Il liens and incumbrances <br />' whatsoever--- -e:�cc��t -the_T��xes--as--��b�ve �tat��-- ----- - --- -- -- - <br /> - - -- - - ------ -- ----- ---- - -- ------------------------ <br />' ---- -- ---- - - --- -- - - -_ -- - -- --- --- ---- -------- ----- - --- --- - - - -- ----- ---- -- - _ - ---- --------- --- - ------------------- <br /> II --- ---- -___ - - --- ---- ---- -- -- - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - <br /> --- --- - - -- - - ----- ---------- - ----------- --------------- - - ----------------- ------------------ <br /> - -- - _- -- --- _- --- - - - -- -- - - __And- -- - - --�e -- ------------covenant-------to warrant and <br /> - - --- --- -- <br /> I defend� premises aga,inst the lau�ful ciaims of all persons tivhomsoeti�er; __�1c�en.t____Lhe.__Taixe_s___._a,__abDY�._s�_at_8�1____________________. _ <br />� - -- - -- -- -- -- --- - ----- -__- -- --- - - -- ---- - --- - -- - -- -- ---- - - --------� ------------------------------ ---- <br />' I)ated the--- --- __ � Nn - - - --- __dav of_- - -N_4v�-'��p°�----- -- - -- - - -----A. D,, 19_.__1Q__, <br /> . <br /> I��' WITl�'ESS �------------�•_�'__._�_lI3S��SJ-�------- ---- ------------------- <br /> ----- --I,enar_a--- M_ad�.ax------------------------------------------ <br /> -- - ---- -I�iinnl'�- Sei_aem.ann- --- - -- - <br /> ----- - -- ------- T_.__�_,_C_._�iarri s-on -- - - --- - ---- - <br /> ST�TE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. <br /> ------ --kta11-------.----------County, On this----------------1N-"-----------------------day of_------�Iavs�b-�-r-----------------------A, D., 19_1Q---, before me, the <br />� undersigned, a 1Votat'y Publi_r,T_.0_._r.H�rri_SOn______._____within and Por said County, personally came___________________________________________________________________________ <br />' ----_;`-,'.F.M_ad:_�_Q�c__a 13_?,�nnra__I�_adda�,--hus'�an1__and__:�i_fs----- ---------------------------------- ----------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_._�____i�hose name_S______are______________________,,._afl'ixed to the above instru- • <br /> (SFAI�) ��aent as grantor__�_____, and_______.__�he_y______severally acknowledged the same to ue.._________�_heix_______voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed, <br /> name <br /> IIv Z�ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�h�md73a,nd afC'ixed my off'icial seal at_________________________________________.__ � <br /> __________GTand_I sl__aT13�__N°i�ra_ska____________________on the date last above written. <br />' - -------- ---------�_,_Q._�.�_I��rxi�Qx1-------------- <br /> � Notary Public, <br />',, My commission expires---------------- ------------ --------- Febriza-r-y---1�__t�.n-=----------------19-12----- • <br />; <br />