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<br />� `__ :. _ _ _ _
<br /> £'RU�YT I hereby cert.ify that this instrument was entered on Nu�r.erical Index and
<br /> S.-G--�iu a t c�_:1_ <°x -"� xp f�led for record this--- 21- -----._cIay af_____.�'O Vet?1be r
<br /> .4�.a..l.i_____ ..._ .._'.___ -____"'"'.""
<br /> :�, D,, 1° 19_._, at: ---1],_.20 _o'elock-- - --- -fi� -DI.
<br /> -
<br />� __ - - _ _-- � tiVarranty
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<br /> -_ __ __ -
<br /> �� Deed. �
<br /> ��,���_�/� -
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<br /> -C :^��c�r - �:_�i_ol�_i,nnex_.._ .
<br /> -- - ._.- -- ----- ---l�epu�y. --
<br /> K�ow All 1VIen b� Z'��se �'�esents �
<br /> Tl��tit _1'Je ,- �. G.�iu�ton_�__Anra 1# F�i��ton_ _ (h�a�b�nd__�_^nife) _ __ _
<br /> of Uhe Count,y of_._ _------N�11--- ---- ---- -----_ _ _ - -----a,Ild S'ta�e of----- -------- ?Te:�ira�ka---- ------ -------- ------- ----------Grantor---s__, in consideration
<br /> of#re s�n� or `�_ F1fty_hc nQ�l(!Q._. __- --_._ _. - - ------ -- - -- --- ----- --- ---- � ------DOLL�RS,
<br /> i�i 1?and pair', ao---- -- _ -_-harel�y �R,A�vT, Pt�RG��.IN, SELL, Alti�l� CONUEY un�c_ C_heste _T _r.H_ol_sin-�er------_ _ -- -------.
<br /> of the Courit,.;� of._._ _ ---Ii_�11. and Sta,te o� ____ -_---- Nebr��S_k__a- -- ------- ------ --- -------- ------- -------, Grantee-------,the following
<br /> �e�cribed prernises, sit��ated in �he Cou�iiy of �3a11___________-__--_------_-_aa�d State of Nebrask2, to wit, �
<br /> ------ I�ot_-r>>r!ber__lyine-_(9_)_.i.n__F�ock---n�am��er__T;�enty_ T�o-_-(�2� _i_:�- Pa�k?_r_.�__ F�arr!�--__2__nd-_a��dition---to _-_-_---_-_
<br /> rr�_n�__I sl.ana tve�:�ra�ka,_ �� -cu�ireyed� -�'l.att_�_ti_; � __re.c.orded.._.. -- --- --- - - - - -- - - - - '
<br /> -__ -- -- __.- - -- -- - -- _- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - --- - ---- ------ - --------
<br /> Together�vith <�,11 trie tenemonts, here��i��,xnerts, �,nd a,ppurieua�ces tnez�eizn�o belon�ing, �,nd all t1�e Esta.te, Right, Title, Interest, Dotver, Curtesy, Cla,im and
<br /> Deina,nd wha,tsoetier of tlie said Grartor_.�_______, �,nd cf either of them, of; in, or to the same, or any pa,rt thereof,
<br /> TO N<�ti"E Ai1I) TU I�OI,I� the a,bove-described prerz�ises, ��ith the ap�urtenances, uxito the said Grantee_________and to_____his________________ _._______heirs and
<br /> ��,ssigns forever, A1id__._ _____:�� _ ____hereby ccvena,nt__ ___with the said Gral;tee____ ____that_ _____'�*�e_______hold___.___said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that_______�'?e__._.___ ____.__ria__��good right and lawful autl�ority to sell a.ncl convey the same; that theyai°e free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever------�tx�?_je ct..-tQ-- t-h�- -�31Q_. �__ s_ub.se�,��_nt t_�-,.�s- - - - --- -- ---- - --- - -
<br /> -- -- - - --- -- -- -- -------------------------
<br /> -- ---- _ .--- - ---- - -- - - - - -- - -- -- -- __ _ __--- - -------- - --- - ---- - -- - - - ------ -- - ------ - ---- -- ------ - - -----------------
<br /> -- - - __. -- -- __ _ - - ._.. - - --
<br /> And ---- --- -- �e ---- -- -- -- -------------covenant------to warrant and
<br />�', defend�aid premises against the lawful claiins of all persozis tix�homsoever, ____.E:��e�t___Z�X___._��X�_�____��___ab_0_t��.__ _________ _________
<br />'� - --- - -- -- - - ---- - - -- - -- --- -- - - -- _- - - -- - -- - --- ------ -- - - - -- ---- - - --------- -------------- -- ----- --------
<br />'�
<br /> Dated the. -17th--- - --- ---- ----day of____ �e�teml�er-- - - - --- -- --------A. D,, 19---�-C--..,
<br /> �
<br /> WITNESS ----------------------S-,_�.HU a t.on----------------
<br /> -----------------------------
<br /> -- - Ar na_._A_,Hu_�_�on---------------------------------------
<br /> - - --------- - �I_a�?e� ''.-'�i l.l- -- ------ - -- -
<br />' -- -------- -- - --- -- --- --- ---- - -- -- �
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ----I3aI1-----------County, On this----------�-7-�h----------------------day of-------------�er��_mbe-x----------------A. D., 197��---, before me, the
<br /> undersi�i�ed, a 1�`oiary Publi�------------------------------------------_withiri and for said County, Personally came------------------------------------ ---------------------------
<br /> S, �`.H?,�±on--�- - Ar�n a__A_,_Ht�s t Qn- -- -----------------------
<br /> - - - ------ - --------�------------ --------------------------------------------------
<br /> - -__- ----- - -- -- ------ ----------- ---------------- --�_n,;sband--l�--'v�_f_.�) --- ------------------------------------ ------------------ ---------------
<br /> �r��AI�) to me personally known to be t1?e identical person__s_____._whose name_�___________�x�_____,__________afr'ixed �o the above instru-
<br />'i �nent as grantor__s___.__, and_________t-rie�Z----------severally acknowledged the same to be_____th�ir_____________voluntary act and deed
<br /> f�r �he purpose therein expressecl.
<br /> I' r.ame
<br />'' IN u'ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my��l�and af�ixed 1ny ofr'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br />, _ G__r�nd__ I_sland_s___?`�ebr�sl�,a______________________________on the date last above writter�.
<br />', --------------------------------------------J._F'..L?il 1------------------------
<br /> Notary Public,
<br /> My commissiozi expires--------------------------------------- -------------�-T�?�-Y--------�-�y�?---------------19_�.�-----
<br />