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���'�� • <br /> t.,, - r--� i:-� ; � -� �� � <br /> ,� 4 � � l� _ �� � po � <br />_: _ :. _ _. __ <br /> 500�$--�'iLOPP&3ARTLT 4"L'b0..Printi,ap,Litnographinp¢ncl Co,iMt;�Suppfies�Omalaa,. _ _- _ -.,-_� ..__. ___--=—=—=.__-..__ _ _.._ .__�.w.___� i-_-�_—.�= <br /> �'`R���'� I hereby certify that thiU instrument was entered or 1Vumerical Index and <br /> ---- t�i_�,��ux_F.,_P�tcCQr:bs--&---,vif�------- filed for record this-- _-- - _2_1__-- -- ----r1ay ot'---Nover�be r-- <br /> . ----- _ - -- <br /> - � �r <br /> �, D,, 19_1(? , at- - - -11. - _ __ _ - .__.. ._o'clock- _-- -- -A�--M. <br /> _ _ - - ___---- _ - - __ Warranty _ <br /> - <br /> T� � Deed. � ��,J ' ,� <br /> ��r�� �-�'..___�-�n= <br /> -- - - - - - <br /> - -- -- -- - <br /> � � � � � � Co��nty Ule�°k, <br /> ___ h_iar�r 1�urie__ - - - <br /> - -- - --- -- - --- - - --...._...-- - - - <br /> Deputy. - <br /> Knc�dv A�� 1'�en by T�ese Present� � <br /> That -�`-�s -�!�ilbl�_r F._r,2c_C_or.1b�_ an� -R��ecca Z.��"�s,-his "'i�e- - -- - - - <br /> of the C,ounty of__. - ------ .___H_a_l.l_ .------------ ---- _ .---and St,a,te of-- _._--_ ___Nebr�s_ ka---- --------- -- ----------Gra,ntor---S__, in collsideration <br /> �f the sum of- --�� and- �ifty OC/1�0--- ----- ------ ---- -------- - -- -------------------- --- -- -------------------DOLLARS, <br /> in hwszc� pai�, c�o--------------...liereby' G��A�VT, T�AI�C��IN, SEI,L, f1ND. COl�r?�EI' unta __'�!aTy R.2ur'1__e_ -------- - - - <br />' - _ - - - _ - - - - -_.___.___. _- - - - - - -- - -- -- ----- -- - - --- ----- <br /> of the Gounty of_ -- ------- �ia17. ._-- - _.. - -----ar?d State of_ _- - ---------- -Ne�r_a__ska----- ----- , Grantee__._._,thefollowing <br /> deseribecI prern_ises,situat,�d in tlie Cc,��zrty oi'_._______ Hall _ . _____and State of Nebrask�,, to t�it: <br /> . . ,. <br /> ---L_ot� Cne -�1.)__an�.. T�.�o_ �') ir_ �'�.nek__�'_`�r_��r -na.n.� _�49) -of-th� _.or_i_�,1n�1 t��n� nQ�___�i�_�- Qf- rx�n� - :; <br /> -__Ts,_an�=_ Ne�r�s?��,__ a> �tzrve-yed-,---�a�a��e3_ .an;�_ re�arl��._-----(-- -�a_a.a__J�ot---4n�. .'��vi-n-�-'�ee�--c_Qn_veyed__�o__��.id <br /> '"!ill���r F.1�eCam'os by the st�le of " t'.'. '� �'cCombs"___by_ v�rranty ci�ed r�coxd_ed_in �3o_o__k_ "K" , <br /> - - - -- <br /> - - - - - ---- <br /> Fa�e _�31, an�. �a�:' I!o_�v�n� _=�een_ co�-;eyea__.to_ _hlm___by the _�tyle__of �ilbur__��IcCombs_"_ by__���arranty <br /> _ _ n <br /> �eed_ recorcie�. _in__ �oo_k___ "I,"__ ,r`?,�e__'7�_,.__Qf_ t�e---xecQx-�3^ --�f_ said--Ilal-1---�QUnt-y,_)-- ----- ------ ------ -------------- <br /> - -- ---._ - -- - - - - -- -- -- - - - . ----- -- - - -- - -- _---- - - -__ - -- - -- -- - -- -- -- -- ---- _ - -- ----- - -- <br /> --- --- - - -- - -_ - - - - - --- --- - - --- __ - - - ---- --- - - ---- - -- --- ---- ---- - ---- -- ------- --,-- ---- --------------- <br /> Together tivit�� all tlle tenefnents, tiereditarrents, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, �nd all the .Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Deznand whatsoever of t1�e said Grantor____s_.___, aan�7v�xz�e�c�¢e� of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> TO Fi 4VE �NTi TO H��I) trie a,bove-lescribed premises,with the appurtenanc,es, nnto the sairl Grantee___.____and to_______her_______________._._____heirs and <br /> assigns forever, And___�___ ___:�8___-____ --_____hereby covenant_______with the Grantee___ .____that______._yyp___._____ho.Id_______said prelnises by good and perfect <br /> title; �ha.t____ __:ve.__________.___ha_Y�__good right and lau�ful authorit,y to sell and convey the same; that they are free a,nd clear of a,ll Iie3is and incumbrances ' <br /> whatsoever------- - ----- -- -- ----- - - ---- - - - -- -- --- -- -- --- --- ---- ------ - -- ---- -------- <br /> -- ._.- -- -- --- - ----- --- ---_- - - - - - -- ---- - _ .- --------- - - - ---- - - - --- - - ---- ------ ----- -- -------------- ----------------- <br /> - --- .And------ - --- --_ - -- - - --��---- ----------covenant------to warrant and <br /> defend to said premises against the lawf'ul claims of all persons i�homsoever, _______________________.______ _______________ _ <br /> - ------- ----- - -- ------- ------------------------------------ <br /> -- - --- - ....--- - --- - - -- --- --- --- _ -- - --- - -- - -- -- - ----- --- --- --- - --__-- ----------------- - -----------�-------------------------- <br /> Dated the- . --21 S�_-- ------ - ----day of_- -----Nov�mber ---_-- -- - - - -----A. D., i9_10 • <br />� WITI�'I;SS -------------------SNi l_bt.a_r__F,.�IcC ombs,------------------------------ <br /> � ----- ReUe_cca--I.McComb�------ ------------------------ <br /> ------ -------------- -J�_hn_A11_1n_ - - - --- ----- <br /> STATE OF NEBRAST�A, <br /> ss, <br /> ---------- -----Fial1----- --Connty, On this--- --- - ---'1_st------------ -------day of_------- --��ovem'�er--------------------A. D., i9-I-�--, before me, the <br /> undersi,r�ed, a i�o�ary Pu�li� _______._._______________witnin and for said County, personaliy came_________________________._____________________________________ __ <br /> - '��i_1_bu.r__F,_McCom'p�--�nd---��1�e_�ca--I_.ivt��vmbsa--h�.s--s�i-�?------------------------- ----------------------------------- � <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person.__S_____whose name____s__________�re_________________aflixed to the above instru- ` <br /> ( �EAI,) +he i r <br /> rnent �,s grantor___s______, and________the_�r________severally acknowledged the same to be_____._____�________________.voluntary act and deed <br /> for tlie purpose therein expressed, <br /> r am�Il�' T�'ITN�,'SS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribe�my and afl'ixed my of�icial seal at____________________________________________ <br /> ____Gr�t�C3,_��l�nd,____in_c;�id___C_o�n_t_y__________._on the date last above written. <br /> ---------------------------�?ohr�---,�11�-�---------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires------------------ - - ---------- --- -----------Jan----------r---�--------------------------j9--��----- <br />