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<br /> .:�_,: .--,– - _,.,_ 5QD�$_.�LQPR_&I39I�TLETT CQ.�Printzn�LitGograp_Ieaugand�QUnt�SupglaestQ;7talxc, : -' = -_ —._ _— --_
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<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Nunlerical Index and
<br /> Jacob Kehrl & .yife filed for record this--- --- - -N�---------,--------day of_----N9V�m�?�T__------- ----------
<br /> �. D,, 19- 14__, at- --11--_.----- .._.. -- - - - --o'clock-- A. -.__M.
<br />'' - - - Warranty
<br /> - - - - -- -
<br /> TO Deed. � "
<br /> ������� �t-���z,
<br /> -- - -- - -
<br /> - - -- - - -
<br /> John Keh1:1 County C1e�°k,
<br /> -- - - - - -- ---- -_. ---- - -- --- ----- -----
<br /> - - --Depuiy.
<br /> - — -- -- -----
<br /> Know All 1VIen by '�'�ese Presents :
<br /> That- -�e�-- -Ja�.Qb_._K�-hm--�nd__Mar�--K��m_ � '•'}i�__;�i_f�- - - - -- --- - - - __- -- ---- - ---- --- - - -- -------- --- - ---- - - -- --
<br /> of the County of_-------------------�i.�l.l----.------------- -----and State of_--- --------------- -Nebra�ka--- - ------ . ----------------------------Grantor-�----, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of One--Thc�l_�s.�nd--00 --1-�0-------- ---- -- --- - ---- ----------------- --- ------------------------ - ------ --------- -----------------
<br /> - --- --------------------DOLLARS, ,
<br /> in hand paid, do--------------hereby GRANT, B�IRGAIN, SELL, Al�'D CONti'EY ulito--- ---- �T.Qhn___Kehzn--- --------- --------- --- ------ ----- ------.,-------------------.------
<br /> Ha1.1 __and State of_________ ____ _ .NebTa_s_k3 , Grantee_.._..__,the followin
<br /> of the County of -- ---- - - - _ _ - - - - -- g
<br /> described premises,situate,d in the County of______._.._________________Ha_1__1____ _ ________________________and �4tate of Nebr�aska, to w�it:
<br /> --�q�---T�ro----�-`'_-)---�.n---gl.oc_�C__�z�e_._hun�,r_�d---�_a�ty-_f_i.�re----�1_45-)--_in_iTni_s�n--P��.i_�'ic- -R_ai_liva�r_�om�2a�y_'_s-----------------------
<br /> -----Sec_Qnd---A���t_�on__�o--r�.xa�d--�_�lax�.d-,---��all_ _�aunt-Y-,---�v_�bra�ka-•- -�-�---s-,�_rYey�_�,_ _}�l�t_t_�.�_a�d---re_cordeci.------
<br /> ----- ----- ---- --- - _-- - - - -------- -- --- -- -- - - --- - - -- --- - - ------- - ---- -- -- - -- - - - ._ __ __ ----- ------ ----- --- -- ---------------
<br /> -- -------- - - - - - - ---- --- ------ -- - --- -- --- - - --- ---- - - ---- - - --- --- --- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - --- --- - - -- - - --
<br /> Toaether with aIl the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belo�i�ing, and all the Estate,R,ight, Title, Interest, f�ower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__s___.___, �'��h�x��ctitt�lx, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO H4VE A1'dD TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee___...____a•nd to__________________hi�_________________heirs and
<br /> assigns forever. And________:'7e.____.____________hereby covenant____.___with the said Grartee____________that___________.4�_______hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title,; that_______'�Ye____.__________have__good right and la�vful authority to sell and conve,y the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever-------------------- ----- ---------------- -- -- -- - --- - -- -- -- - -------- - ------ -- -- ----- - --- ------ ------ --- ----------------- ----------------------------------
<br /> ---- --- -- -- - - --- --- -- - - --------------
<br /> ---- - - -- ---- --- - - t�nd----- -- - -- ------- ------ - tqe---- ---------------covenant--- ---to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons wliomsoever, __________.__.___________ _.____-_-----_---_------_--_-----------_--_-_-__--------_------------_---
<br /> ------- --- ---- -- ---------
<br /> Dated the- - --19th - - ----------- -_day of_-- - -IV_oVembe T - ---- --------- -_A. D., 191C�--- �
<br /> WITNESS FS t o si� _____________________�a�Q}�___Kehm__
<br /> &mark L,C,A1] an her
<br /> ------ - --- ----1Jlar-y_---�------KPhm-------�--------------------------------
<br /> ._ _�;e s si�--St�t h���_�nd.-- - -- ---------- --- - mark
<br /> ss, '
<br />' - - -E�all------------County, On this-------------1_�_tY'.--------------------day of---------I�_�v�ml�er-------------------A. D,, 19_10----, before me, the
<br /> undersi�ned, a Ivotary Public______________________________________________within and for said County, personally came__._________________________________ _________________________
<br />�I ---------------Ja�QI�--Kehm--�n1__��iarY--K�-hm,---his--4�rifa--------------------- ----- -----------
<br />, to me personally known to be the identical person_.�_______whose name____�__.____._____�re_______________affixed to t�e above instru-
<br />' (SEAI,) ment as grantor___�_____, and_____th�_y.___________severaliy acknowledged the same to be_____�h�is_____________voluntary act and deed
<br /> i! for the purpose therein expressed, ,
<br /> n�a
<br />, IN WITNESS WHEREOI' I have hereunto subscribed my� �and afC'ixed my ofl'icial seal at____________________________________________
<br /> I, �ra11d._Is1.�IIdi____ir__sAi3--C-o�lnty----------------on the date last above written,
<br /> John All an '
<br /> --------------------------------------------------------------Nota�ry Public.-----
<br />, My commission expires----------------- ----------------- -----------Jan-��----�----����------------------�----------- � .
<br />