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<br />- , _ 56018-i�LdPt'�t BA12T'LIi7'2'CO„Printing,I,it7aopraphinp¢nd L`ounty Supplie:s.`Z3mahc.: _ - _.. - _ ,_.-:=_ -�— — - -- - -- --
<br /> FRO:i� I hereby cer�ify that tliis instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> _The__Ro�s_I,n�Ie,tmen u _Co, ----- -- filed for recora this _____17 _ _ _----------day of tlovembe-r_-- ----__.------
<br /> �. D,, 1J_.10_ _, a.t - _. .. - __ 3•a5 -- _o'clock - - -__p.,_ -M.
<br /> - - - -- -- - -- - _ _ _ ___ Warranty
<br /> �
<br /> � Deed. ��� _.�1�- �
<br /> �-� rt�z
<br /> -._. - -� ---..._.._
<br /> LounLy Cierk,
<br /> __ - Die.drich_.B_r__���e_ - --
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<br /> Ueputy. �
<br /> � � �x�o� A�l IVI�n � b� `T�ese� Pr�sents: �
<br /> Tha,t--The--Rc��s _I_nye.s��en+__�Q..__ --a _cor?:}�r_a�.i_ar. - - --- -- - --- --- -- - -- - -_ --- -- -- - --_--
<br /> of the County of---------------- --- ��a��_ _- _and State of--- -_._------- __ Ne1�ra�k-a---__---
<br /> ___. ._._______ . ___.___.Grantor______, in consideration
<br /> oi the sum of_'I'�ti'�__Hu_n__d_r_ed_1� _ no _GO-----_--.------_..------- -
<br /> - ------ ----- -- --- -- ---------- --------------
<br /> --------------- ---------------D OLLARS,
<br /> in hard paid, do_ __ I7ereby GI�,_��,'T, BA.I�t�Y�Iiv', SELL, Al3rD �"ONVEY urlto__ _ --I?ie�riGh__�_rd��___ _----- - .-
<br /> - -- - -
<br /> of t11e County of___--------- -------�i�i1--.---- --- ---- --- ---- ------ar?d ;State of__----------- ------Neb_r_a�k�----, - ---------- -__----- -------- -- ---, Grantee------_, the following
<br /> th� Ci±�y of Crand Is1an� th�
<br /> described prer��ises, si izated in the Cout1.*',y ef____._______ . __a11___._______ ._-_____ _ ----- - -- --and State of 1�'e?�raska, to ti��it: All that rart of Lot B
<br /> - --�-n--K��r,1Pr--Fla��->- _3ccnrdin�--to- -�he__._r_e_ac�rde-d--pla.t- -t,�ereoy ,- I-yi-n�__�ou�-h---of-the---Kox_th__1in�--a�'__I,ot
<br /> -_17_.in_ Alock -One,.in �ai.�l K�eh?.er_ P_l�ce,if -�x_ac:iuc�e��__.t o _ths_ .�aat--line---o�---the__SQUtY_i�e-s-t--_�,uart-�-r---of
<br /> j . ___ Section_ 1�_,____T__o�,�n,hi�_ _ll_� . �loxtb.,___Range _�.,__We�t,.__an�i_ Nnrth__of__ths__.rd_orth__line__..of___Aaht_on__Au�nu�_,in
<br /> �aid Koehler__P1ace ,i_f'_ proauc__ea__to_ _saicl__Fa:;t_ l.i_n_e _of . sai_��_ South�vest___�uar�er _of_Sec�15-__.Tp_-11____No-
<br /> I -- -- _
<br /> -- ��—`? -�'_�_st. - -- - _-_ Thi_w. _d��d- 1� -mad� ��zbj�c� -�a �:�y b��i�ic�ing -��st�iG��o�� rar�-ta-ineci--ir�---r--i��t- of
<br /> - `"'�Y -de�:� x�_�_��_x_�e� �� �_QQI� 1.4, _P_age 57� -- Hall__�o��ntY, _.�e�Ur_�s_ka.� -�ecor�.s� --- - -- -------- - --- -- - --- - -----
<br /> - --- - --- -- - ----- -- - --�- - - - _- - - - -- --- - - -- - --__- --- - - -- -�-- --------- --- ------- - - _--�------ - - -- - - --------------------
<br /> Together u�ith aIl the tenemenis, �iere!�itazr�ez�-ts, and appurterances tllereunto belon�ing, �,�Zd all the Estate,R.i�ht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br />� Demar�d whatsoever ol t,he saic,' Grartar__ ______,����Ce¢66�af�1�1, of, in, or to the s�,rne, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO .�1_4VE AND TO hTOLD the atiove-described premises,witll the appurteriances, unto the said Grantee_____ ____and to___________________________.___________heirs and
<br /> The Ross 1�nirestment Co. �
<br /> a,ssigns forever, And____the__�ai_'___�____hereby covenarlt_s_.__i�ith the said Grantee__________that__.__1_'�_____._______hold___�___said premises by good and perfect
<br />'� title; that___._ __i_t___-_ __._-------_ha_a____good ri;ht and lai�%fu1 authoriLy to sell and convey the sanle; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever-------- --- ------- ---- - -- - - - --- -- --- -------- - - - - ---- ----- ---- --- ---- -- - - -- - -------- - - -------
<br /> ---- ----_ --------------------------
<br /> -- - -- ---- -- --- - - - --_ - -- -- - - --- - -- - ------ ------ - --- ----------- - ---- -- --- ---- - -- -- -------- ---- ----- --------------------------
<br /> -- --- - --- - - -
<br /> -----------------------------------And__the-- sai�.-The---R�p�---Invee�tmen-t--Co..-,----------------------------covenant�-----towarrantand
<br />', defend�said premises against t11e la��ful clailns of all persoiis whomsoever, _�n__"t!.�.'��e��___j,'��7��e_of_�____�h4____��.i,:�__ThQ___Ros�__Tny_estmen�__ C0. �
<br /> ----_has--caus-e-d---th�s$_ rr�s�r ta---�o _'��---si-gne3--k�-Y----i-�-s---P_r�si_�en�-,----anc�__it_�_--c_ornnr_a-�-e----s��l--ax_t_ache�.---h�_x_et o
<br /> ��t��- --t!��.� -�"'t-r. -- - - ----aay of-- - --�uoue�he�--- --- ---- ----------A. D., 19--��----•
<br /> WITNESS ----------------------��18---R_o�.s---�x1.v�_�txr.�nt---C o.-a-----------
<br />, SE�LF -�-Y--------Fr���i_?�a��ht,an---------- P_r��i�.�_nt-------
<br />'' __I,._F?._�x'1�,_:i�l_L,E:� --- --- - - -- -- -
<br />, ---- - _
<br /> --- - at t e s t--------S_._D._R os.s-------------------------Se cre t ary---,--.
<br /> -- -- -- --- ---- - - ---- --- -- -- --- -- --
<br /> --- -
<br /> - -- _ _. , -- - --------- -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
<br /> ss,
<br /> ------------H�11-------------County, � On this-------------_l7��-----------------------day of-----N_ouEmh�-r------------------------A. D., 19__1Q__, before me, the
<br /> under°si�ned, �c Ii�otary Public_______________._____.__._..______________within and for said County, personally came__Er�d__�"_._!�sht_Q�1.,---Fr�_s_i_�.�3xit__o�__Th�
<br /> ---�?q�s--I��re_��me_nt--�_Q.�-- - ---------- - - ---- ------ ------------ ------------ -- ----------------------------------------
<br /> --- ---- - --- - - --- ----- ------ --- - - ----- ----------- -- ----------------- ----------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------
<br /> the F��evic��;�t o� sai� Gompany �an�
<br /> to me personally �nown o e th�identica person_.________w ose name________.____________________is__________a�xed to the above instru-
<br /> inent as grantor_________, and_______________________X9&�l�t acknawledged the same to ue_________h�._�3______________voluntary act and deed
<br /> a�-�i ±h� �;o7��un�urv ac� and :�eed o._ the said The F�oss Inve�tment Co. ,
<br /> (SEAT�) �'or the pur•pose erein ehpresse ,
<br />' Il�' ti'VITNESS tiVHEREOF I have hereunto subsci�ibed my�"and afr'ixed my of�icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> I __�_r_ar.d__I_s1_an�.,___N�'czr.aska_._______________.--_-___-on the date last above written.
<br /> I ----------------- L.R.Rrininger------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My cominission expires--------------------�--�Jta_rch--1�-�--I_914-------------------------------------`�------------
<br />