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<br /> 500�8—KLOPP�r BAP1'I ET7"CO.,Printing,I.ithographang and Counfy Supplies,°O^naha.. � � -'
<br />- -- _. _
<br /> FRO�lT I hereby certify Uhat this instl�un�ent was entered on Nurrlerical Index and
<br /> filed fo� rec�rl tlzis___ ---- 1G---- __. _.__ _day of __N_o_vembPr--- - -----------
<br /> �. D,, 19_.1,0 , a�- - - -- -- 4_._40 --- -o'clock - - -- P• M•
<br /> --- - --_--Jes�i-e-_ A_.�!�i1 son _�_ hus'�ar�� __, V�arranty
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<br /> K.�a+�v All IVien by B'l�ese Pr�e�ent� :
<br /> Th�,t- ---_.T�;e ,- _Jessie_t�_._'�'i_1_^_on_ and _Benjamin- �'i_1_s.ons._h�r---h,as�aand _ _. - --------- ----- -- -------- ------- - ___ _
<br />' of the County of_------ _---
<br /> -_H�11_-------- ---- - _ ___arirl State of__-------------- __----l�.ek�r��k�-- ----- -------- ------ ------------Gr°alitor__�._, in cnnsideration
<br /> I of the surn of - --_T'*1Q -T_hou_^and_ �n,�l C!Q - - --- - - ----- -- ------ -- ----------------- ------------------- -------------------------------------- --- -------DOLLARS,
<br /> iri 1�aYid pa.id, cIo---- _ -- ___--hereby xR�1�VT, �ARG�IN, SELL, At��I� CONVEY unto -- ------ H_enry �'..2vZey�r-- -----
<br /> - - - - - -
<br /> cf the CounUy of__ . ______I}ir�CO121 ______ _ __ __and Siate of___. _ _._____ ____rJQ_braaka_______ ________. ___, Grantee________,thefollowing
<br /> des�ribed premiqes,sit�aated ir�the �ori��ty of'______________ H�11,____ __________�nd State of Nebras�:a, to u�it:
<br /> -_.A1_1___of Rl ock Fifty_-thxee---�53-�- pf_ Char�_e_s _�`,!�.grrex_'__s__�e�ond__A_���i�i.sz�_._t_o _the--�it_y__ of--Grand-------
<br /> -- --- - - --Is�.ana,- Ne►�ra�ka_� -as__�urveyt,_a_�- r1a_tt_ea--�n�_ x_e_�orde�i� ------ ---------- ---- ----
<br /> -- . --- - -- - - - - ---- - - - - - -- --- - - - - - -- - --- -- - - - - - -- - - - - . .. - - --- -- - - - - - --- -- - ----------
<br /> To�etl�er u�ith aIl trie �enenlerits, hereditar,zents, and appurteliances thereunto belonging, �,n�i all t�� .Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and �
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the s�,ict Grantor__�_______, _ , of, in, or to tihe sarle, or any part thereof.
<br />� �
<br /> I TD _T-I4VE AND TO t�0i D �he abcve-descril�ed prel3�ises, u�itIi the appurtenanees, unto the said Graratee_______and to_________hi_�___.__________________heirs and
<br /> �,ssigns forever, �nd______ __���_____ __ __________rlereby eovelialit,_._____uwith the said i�rantee_.___.___that________�H_____ ____hold__________said premises by good and perfect -
<br /> title; brat_________.'�'e__. __.___.___haVe._gocd i�:gllt and ia���ful �,uthority to sell z�rid co:zvey the same; that they are free and clear of all lietis and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever------- ----- -- _ .- _ --- - - - ---- ----- - ---- -- - ------ --
<br /> - --- -- -- -- -- - - -- - ---- - -- -- - -- -- -- - -- - - - --- ----- - ---- - - - ------ --- - - --- -------------- - - ------------------ -
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<br /> - _ ---
<br /> --_ _ -- - - -- And-- --- - - .--.. '•"'e-- - - -- - ---------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premises against the lati��ful claims of all perso��s whomsoever, ____._ ____________________________.._______________ ._
<br /> -- -- -- - ------ --- -- ---------- ------ --- ----
<br /> I -- -- -- -- - ----- -- - - - --- - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - _ -- - - - - ----- ----- - --- ----- --- -- ------ - -- -------------- - -------------- - -------- ----
<br />', �'?ated the-- -- - 9t1't_ - -- - -- - - -----dar of_-- - --N_ovemk��r - ---- --- ------_._A, D,, 19---1-0-- �
<br /> V�IITi�ESS � �
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<br /> ss.
<br /> ----------------����1----------County, On this--------1_Q_yh---------------------------day of_---------Na_V_e_m�e-r---------------A. D., 191-Q----, before me, the
<br /> unclersi�ned, a Notary Yubiic_________________________.__________________t�ithin and for said County, personally came
<br /> --Je�s i e__A_,_�"i�_s Qn--�n�--Re z���ma n--t�"I�1_�_Qn-,---h�-x---hu�}�and---- --�-------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me persoiially icnown to be the identical person�________whose name_S_____.__�rs_____________.________af�ixed to the above instru-
<br /> (SFAT�� ment as�rantor�___.____, and___________tr,ay_.____severally ack.nowledged the same to �e__.___th�i_r_________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> nam
<br /> IN Z�lITNESS WHEREOF I �iave hereunto subscribed my 1� nd afiixed my ofiicial seal at_________________________________________
<br /> .__L?oni��a2^�_____7.�1___��i�.__�_QUZ1�_y__..____________________on the date last above written.
<br /> ----�----------------------------_._J_nhn__.S ch�Yn-----------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My comfnission expires---------------------------- ----------��ar---�--�--------------------------------------------19-�--�-'------
<br />; ;; �
<br />