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<br /> — - _ -__— �_ —__ _ ,— __ ..,__— -_
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<br /> �'��� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on 1Vumerical Index and
<br /> ----- -----GeQr-ge--BaTt.en�a�h--8s---=�Y�._£e--_-- filed for record this- - ------ 15th --------day of -----rlovember- -- -----------
<br /> �. D,, 19-10 , at------ - ------ -__4._-- -o'clock_-- --- -- - . P• --M•
<br /> - - - - -- - - -- -- _ ___._ Warranty
<br /> - - ------- -- - TO /
<br /> Deed. 4 � `
<br /> - - -(��-�_���=�-� f - --- - -- --- -
<br /> ���untiy Cierk, --
<br /> James Rentfro*�
<br /> - - - - ------ - -- -- -- - - - -- - - -- - -----
<br /> Depuiy.
<br /> Know All 1VIen by Tliese Presents:
<br /> That- �!e.� C:�_orge__Rar_tenhach_ _and__Charl_o_tt�a__Har_tenbach,---- -- - -- ---- - - -- - ---- --- ---- --- -- --- -- - ---------- '
<br /> -- - --- -------- ----- --- -- ---- - - -- -
<br /> � _hu$'��nd--an�i r�ife -)-- - - - - -- -- -- --- - --- - '.
<br /> of the County of______ __Ha11 _ ,_._____ ______�,nd State of____ .. N_ebraSka________ __ _ . _ ______ _ ________Grantor__B___, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of- Ei_f'�y �nd--nO�1QQ - ----- ------- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------DOLLARS,
<br /> --- ------------------ - - ---
<br /> in hand paid, do hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, Al�'D CONVEY unto_._--__J�mB-s--Rerit_fTO_�---_-__.__ _ - ._.--._-...__..-----_ -__------------_-_--__-------
<br /> - -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- - - - ...- ---- - -- - __ - ---- - -- - - - - - - ---- --- -_. -- -- --------- -- -------- --
<br /> of the Coulity of-------------------�al.l----------------------------_and State of-----------.-----------�Is_�.ix�sk�-------------------------------------, Grantee__._---,the following
<br /> described premises,situated in the Count3�of______._.__xa_11_.___.____________ _____and State of Nebraska, to wit;
<br /> _Ta ot ivo.--T�e1.Ye--�1�-)- R1_ock. _�lo. -Thixta�n- �13)- -C�1�e-�� A�i.�:�t ian -�-a �Pe�� -����►r;--��-�r-����--��1 a�c�-------- ----
<br /> -- --_tae�ras_k_a__s_ �s__sur_v__eyo�i_,_ _P]�attec�__ an.�._ �ecarae_d,_-__-_ -_-
<br /> --- -- - - - - -- - ---- - ----- -- ---
<br /> ------- - - - - ------ -- -- -- - - ---- --- ----- - - -- -- - ---- - ---- _ -- - - --- - - --- ---- ---- - ------ --- --- -------
<br /> Tobether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, and all the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__�________, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with�the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__._____and to___.._his__________________.__._____heirs and
<br /> �,ssigns forever. And_____!'1e___________________hereby covenant__.___with the said Grantee___. _ ___that___________Mq�____.____hold__________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title,; that___________^7e__._____________ha_!Le_good right a,nd lawful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens a,nd incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever------------- --------..----� -------------- - - ---- - -- ---- - -- - -- --- -- ------- ----------- ---------- - --- ------ --- - - ------ - ----- ------------------------------------
<br /> ---- ------ ----- - - ------ ------------ - - -- --------- ---- - ------- - - --- --- ------ - - - ----- -- ---- - -- - -- ---- -- --- ------------ --- - - - -- - - - -- ------ ----
<br /> ---------- --- -- -- -
<br /> --- - -- ---- - -------------- -- - - --- ----- - And----- -- ------- ------_ - - - - --�?e --- ------------covenant_-- ---to warrant and
<br /> ctefend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons wliomsoever, ______ _ ________________________.____.____________________________________________._________________________________
<br /> Dated the---------Fift_8_�n�h-----------------day of_---------1�I_o_u.em1��T--------------- ----A. D., 19_--1-0---•
<br /> WITNESS ----------------------r�_QrgS---$�.T�_�S���G�'1-----------------------------
<br /> ---------------___�ha�lot-t-�--�ar�°nb�.��--------------------
<br /> ---�_an��__E._Dill- -- - ----- -- - - - ----- --- '
<br /> ----- ---------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------
<br /> ss, ,
<br /> ---- F��,11---------County, On this----------------l�th- - ----------day of--------Noyam�e-r--------------------A. D., 19_.10__, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a T�otary Public________a»p.o_in_t�cl___._____________within and for said County, personally came_________________________________________.. _._______________________
<br /> -------(`��o r��----B_ar_t enbac-h---an�i--�harl-ot t-e--Bart-enbach---(-hl�_sba�3--ar��-:.�v�-�$-)---------------------------
<br /> to me persdnally known to be the identical person____s___whose names__________are_ af�'ixed to G�ie above iristru-
<br /> (SEAI�) ment as grantor__s_____, and.____________th8y.----severally acknowledged the same to be__.______thei_r.______.yoluntary act and deed '
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> name
<br /> IN ti�ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my I��and afCixed my ofiicial seal at______________________________________.___._
<br /> __,Gran:�_ Is.�an�;___i_V_ebx.__________________________.________on the date last above written.
<br /> J,E.�ill
<br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires-------------------�u1-Y---1.6_th---------------------------------------------------------1913------
<br />.. _ i
<br />