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i` <br /> � �,�ti �• <br /> � _�. tJ <br /> DD ° 0 ° Da � ;_� <br /> __ _ _ _ . _ . � _ _ _ ___. _ _ -_____ - - <br /> � � <br /> .__ . _ _ :. _ _ -_ _ ---- -- __�—� <br /> _ � . <br /> --:--- 5a048-jCLl11'1'�B98TLETT CO,,Prinla.n,gtLithagra_�l�zag¢nd�'nruzty S„m�/'°�;Qznahc�!: ._ -- -. _ ._ _____-- -_ -_. -- <br /> __ _..___ _ _s_ _ - -_ : <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument wa.s entered on Numerical Index and <br /> ------Je.�sie_G�d�.ngs__ & _h_us�and---- - ------- <br /> filed for record this___ ____1Oth _ _ ___day of__._Noyembe_r_____.____._ ___________ <br /> �. D., 19.10 -, at -- .- --- -- - 4 --- o'clock -- -P..__lYl, <br /> - - - - -- -- - - - - --- - -- -- Warranty <br /> TO Deed. ' <br /> --- - -- - - -- -- -- - - - _ - <br /> "ounty Clerk, <br /> _____ ____An��re_w_.J��s_�n__&___Chxi_s___Je_s�en_ <br /> - - ---- _ - -- -- - - - - - - - -- -- <br /> Deputy�. <br /> _ _ <br /> -- _ <br /> Know All 1Vlen by Tliese Presents: <br />' That,----Je�s_ie--�idi-ngs---and_R�ch_ara_--�,Gic�.�n��_ _.(--_yv9.f�---an�._.hus�and)-------------------------------------- <br /> - - - - - - --------------- <br /> of the County of--------------Hdll-------------------- ------a,nd State of-------------------�e__braska---- . ---- -- -----------------------------------Grantor---$---, in consideration <br /> of the suln of________S__ix___Hu2ldxed-------- --w-------•---- - - -----�a DOLLARS, <br /> ---- - --- ------ - - - -- ----- - --- ----------- -------------- ------- ------------------------------------------------ ------------------- <br /> in hand paid, do_-______._____hereby GRA?VT, BA.RGAIl�T, SELL, AND CONVEY unto_____Anc�_r_e�4_JeS�@.�..�nd _Chri_�__�Te_�Ben_______________ _____________.__ ' <br /> --- ------- --- -- -- - - - -- --_._..- - - - - .-- - -- --- - _._. - ---- - --- -------- -- - ---------- <br /> of the County of------------------------H�11----------- -------__ ._.__and State of---_ ------- N��x�lika-------------- - - --__.--.------, Grantee--------,the following <br /> - -- -- <br /> described premises, sitnated in the County of____.______._________Fiall______________ .._...________and State of Nebraska, to tivit: <br /> -- Lot numb_e__r---_F__ive---(-5__)- -in_.Bl_o_c__k_.num��r__Qn�---(1-)----in__H,_G:-��-ar-k!-s-----Addit_i_on -��---�_he_._�i-t-Y----�f_�_rand------------ <br /> ---I�1_and�--Na_bra�ka,- as �urveyedi-�1at_te�. and re-cor;ied. -- -- - - _ --- - - -.. -- -_ __ - - ___---- - --- <br /> -- ------- - ---- --- - - - - - -- - -- - - -- ---- - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- -- -- ----- ---- ---- - --- - - - - ---- - - ---- -- ------------ <br /> - --- - --------- -- --- - -- - - -- --- -- -- - - --- - --- - - - - -- - ---- -- - ------ - - - - - - - - - -- - ------- <br /> - - --- - - - - - -- - _--- -------- - - ---- -- -- - - - - ------ - - - --- - -- ----- --------- - -- - -- --- ------ -- ---- - -------- ------- <br /> -- --- ---- ---------- -- - -- --- --- - - - -- --- - ----- -- - -- -- - - -- - -- -- -- -- - - ---- ---- - -- - - --- -- -- ----------- -- - - - ---- <br /> Taaether with all the tenements, hereclitaments, and appurtetiances thereunto belon�ing, and all the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_g________, ancl of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO H_4VE AND TO FOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the sai� Grantee_______and to________thier_________________heirs and <br /> �ssigns forever, And__ _____._____�!e___________hereby covenant______with the said Grantee___.______that_______��___._._____hold_________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that_____._.�e__.._______________ha_ve_good right and lawful authorit,y to sell a,nd convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all liens and incumbralices <br /> whatsoever----------- ---------- --- --------------------- - --- ------ -- -- - - - - ----------- - -- -- - - -------------- <br /> ------ ----- ------------ --------- - ---- --------- ------ - -- - -- ----- ------------ --- --- --- ----- - ---- --------- ------ -- ------ ---------------------------------------- - <br /> - ------ --------- --- - -- -- - - --- - -- -- ----.. - -------And------------ -- ---- -�� --- - ----- - - ------------covenant--------to warrant a,nd <br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persolls whomsoever, _______________ _____________________________________________________..________________________________._.___________ <br /> Dated the- ----- -tenth - --------- -- --day of --- __NQV��ther -- --- ---------__.A, D,, 19--��----� <br /> WITNESS ----------Je a s i e__Gi_�li n��-------------------------- ------------------------ <br /> - ---Ri ch�_rd_ A.Gidi-n�'----------------------------------------- I <br /> -------------------- - ----Jame-�--E�_pi_1_1 <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss, <br /> Hall-------County, On this--------14�h-----------------------------day of-----_Ns�_vez��r_-------------------_A, D., 19__1Q__, before me, the , <br /> undersi�ned, a Notary Public_______________________________________________within and for said County, personally came ____________ .. _.__________ <br /> - -------- --Je_�s�-e--Gi_�ing�--�.nd__Ric_hard__�,��s-,--her- h��sban�i--------------------------- -- ----------------- <br /> --------- - ---- ------ ----------- -- ------- ------------ - -------- -- --- - -------------------------------------- -------------- ---------------- <br /> C�FAL� to me personally known to be the identical person S_____._whose name_S_______.____a�'8_____._______a�xed to the above instru- <br /> ment as grantor__s___.___, and___._�he_.y________._severally acknowledged the same to be______�h��r__________youluntary act and deed <br /> for �he purpose therein expressed. <br /> na e <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and af�'ixed my ofi'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> ---------_rr�:?�-_Isl_�xlc�-#---Ke_hr---------------_-----------------on the date last above written. <br /> ---------------------- --------.J�.�.D_ill---------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires----------------------------------------,-Jul�---16th------------------------------19--1�---- <br /> i . i <br /> , <br />