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� �. � <br /> D ' � ' D �° �� C' �0 � D <br /> �.�..v� � �� , o <br /> � <br />_ _ . _ . _. __---___�'���__.�.�_�—�.�,J_- <br /> Ci00d$—KLOPP dc BARTLETT CO.,Printing,LiEhographinp�cnd�G`ou�al?�SuPplaes;O�ahe. � � �� �� � � � � � �� <br />_ . �.. ; _ ---- =_--- ____-- <br /> _ ._. , _,. . ,._._. ---�... --°—_ _ ---_ __-�_ <br /> �`������ I hereby cer�ify that this instrun�ent was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed fcr record t�is__._._ _ . .1Qth-----_----day of---__N4_V_�mb�-r- _---------------- <br /> �, D,, 19--�.0- -; at - --__ -- -- -- - - 3_.4�- --o'clock_ . - - P-.___M, <br /> - <br /> --James F�entfrotv_& �if�- -_____ - Warranty <br /> �0 Deed. � ' �j <br /> - - - -- ._/E_ _ <br /> � <br /> '% -- <br /> - - - - <br /> G, znty Clei�i�, <br /> __ - Dani_el---ti'1--�_oore- �_ Cathe_rin�_-- ---- <br /> _-- --- -- -_ - - -- __- <br /> _E.P�oxe � ' De�iui,y-. <br /> _ ,__his_ euife_ <br /> �now All l�ien b� Z'�e�e Pr�esents: <br /> That _�!e,__Jar�es. Rentfro.�_ .and _��ar_y___L. �_e__n`;-f_ro�v,- _his_ _�ife. __ ----- - - - <br /> - -�nd Sta�e of_ --- NebraS�� - -- - _ <br /> of the Couniv of------------------__ H31-�.--_ --- ----- ---- -------- - ----------Grantor.__s__, in consideration <br /> of the sttm of---__ _ -__ �21e._'�hous3_n__3_ 00l1C0---- -------- -------- ------- ------- --------- ------- ----- - ------DOLLARS, <br /> ----- ------ - ----- ------ <br /> in ll��,nd paic�, c��--- ---------h��rebl� G�R�?NT, I3_1R�s�1IiV, S.�LL, AI1D CONti'EY unta __--- _ -------- ------- - ------- <br /> . . . <br /> L?anle� -�� fl � ^^ - - _ _ - - - -- -- - - --- - ------ . <br /> Ponre- '� C��herine__E,P_oore�- his ��? e; . _.__ <br /> of the County of_-- ---- ---- - --Hal�._-- _ _ _ _ -------__--a,nd St,a.te of___ _- ------ -----N�3Q�e��a --- ---------- -------------- - -------- --,, Gr°antee--S---,the following <br /> d�sc���bed Pre22�i,ses, situai�ed in �the Couu%y oi__ Hct�1 aald State cf iVebraska, to uit: <br /> ---_ __7,ots---Thirte-e-n-_(13) a__na _Fi�'t��z�- (_l.�)---�.n--Rl_o-c-k--'�hr.e_e --(3� -in---C-Qllepe--Adc�.i.ti��n --t_9.__�est--I,a:_v_n-------- <br /> - -----__i.n lhe C_i_ty- of- �"7r���, ���.�nd,-- �t.el�rask�-, aa -�urYeyeci, rlatt_e_d. .and_r��_�r_de�i-•-- - ------ <br /> Tobether u�ith aIl the tet�ements, Iiererlita,rt3ents, and appurtenances thereunto belon��il7b, Znd all the Estate,R,ight, Tiile, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Dernatacl whatsoever of the sai�i C,ra,ntor___s__..._;c��¢nC��hex��, of, in, or to the sa�ne, or any part thereof, <br /> TO ��3VE AN� 2'0 HJI,D the above-described prenlises,tivith the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__�____and to___thei�__.___________________heirs and <br /> assigns forever. Ancl_____. .____ _t7e_ ____ ____liereby coi�enant__ ___witli the G-rantees_ _____that_.__ ;�e____ _. _ __hol�l_________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; tha,t___.________�e______.______have:_good rigl�t and lau�ful autriority to sell a,rd corvey the same; that they a,ra free and clear of �,11 liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever----- ---- - ---- -- - -- -- --- ---._.- - -- - - -_- -..--.._ __ ----- -- - _ <br /> - - ---- -- --- - -- -- - -- -- -- - -- - - - - -- - - --- - -- -------- ----- ---- - - - ---- --- - - ----- -- --- ----------- -- ------------- <br /> -_-- -- - -- - -- - - - -_And- - - - -- - -- - -- "Q8 - ------------covenant-------to warraut and <br /> �lefend to said premises aga,inst the lai�fiil claims of all persons whomsoever, _____ _ _._ __ __________ _______________.___.__________ <br /> - - - - - --- - - -- -- --- ----- ---------------- <br />, ---- ------ - - ------- - -- --_ <br /> 1)ated the-- -- - - 10th-- - --day of_-- ---Novar:ber-- -- --- ------------A. D., 19_1Q---� <br /> WITNESS ---------------------James---Rentfro�r- ------------------------------------ <br />' ------------- --Mary_- L._Rentfrow ----------------------------- <br />�I ------- -- - Jo__r,n_A�.�.an -- _._._- --- - - - - <br /> -�--------------------------- ------------ <br /> ----- ---- <br /> -- -- --- - -- -- - - - � -- - - ----- - - -- --- -----------------------------------��_---------- <br />' ST�1TE OF NEBRASKA, ) <br /> }ss. <br /> - -Ha.l_�.----------County, S Oii this--------------lOth-------------------day of_---u�Vem-b.ex-------------------------A. D., 19---�-Q, before me, the <br /> undersigned, �, 1�otary Public____ ______________________________within and for said County, personally carne___-_______.____________________.____.__________._.__ <br /> J am,e s- R e n t f r o��v__anc�__�ax y_- L.Re_n t f r o�----hi�--��r%�e--------------- ------------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personally �nown to be the identical person.__�_____�vhose name___�____. _._�_�6________. a�xed to the above instru- <br /> (S�AL) mer�t as grantor__Q____, and_____�he_X__________severally acknowledged the same to �e________thei-�..._______voluntary act and deed <br /> for �lie purpose therein expressed. <br /> Il�' �VITNESS WHEREOF I have hereu to subscribed 1r�� and afl'ixed my official seal at______________________________________________ <br /> G��unt� <br /> ____________________Crar13___I_�l�and_,___in__uaid__;�:__on the date last above written, <br /> John Allan <br /> ------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Not�,ry Public: <br /> My comtnission expires------------------ ------------ ----------------------JaT1-�--5-s�-----------------------�9-12----- <br />