<br />� I ��A � �:�
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<br />— -- - --. ,. . 5D018�KLQP1'&13filIT1 ETT CO.,tPrinlinB::Litlaagrapllingand�our�Su�Liest Q:malt¢, _ _ .-_ - -- - - _ _i - -- _
<br /> , . _�,
<br /> _ _ , . _ :�
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that tliis instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> 93�[�.TS�_C_� filed for record this---._---- --- -8th---- --------day of------NoY6�b�x---.------ ----------
<br />� - --------- --� �igh -&-- wi�s-- - - --
<br /> I'' A, D,, 19 10_ , at--- ------ -- -- u -- --dclock-- - -- p --M�
<br /> - - - - - ------- - ------ - - - - - Warranty
<br /> - -
<br /> TO Deed. '
<br /> - - --- . - -- ���-�-- -- - - -- - - - -
<br /> Co ty Clerk,
<br /> --- - - --- -Ther_e.se--St ol_1ay - __.-- ---- - -
<br /> - - - --- - - ---- -- - - - ---- - --- ---- -----
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> I�now All 1Vien by Tl.iese Presents:
<br /> T.hat-- -We_,_How_ar_d__ _C.Hi gh a�3_Sarah_P_ .High - --- - -- - - - - -- --- --
<br />' ------- --- -- ------------------ - -- - - - --- ------ -- -----
<br /> -------- ---- - --- --- -- - - -------- --- - -- - ----Husband_ an�-�!i�e- -- - - - - - -
<br /> - - -- -- --- - -- -- ------------ - -- -- ----
<br /> of the County of_--- ---------------Ha_1_ _1__------------------------and State of-,----------------N6bTa�ka-------------------------------------------------Grantor-�----, in c�nsideration
<br /> - -------------------- ---------�------------------------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> of the sum of - '�h�.�ty---_S.ev�n---Hu�Cl�_��--�2��-n-Q- -].4q--- ----------- ---------- ------------ ---
<br /> -
<br /> in 11and paicl, do_____________hereby GRANT, BARG4IN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto_____ThBTese___Stolley_________,_ _
<br /> -- --- ---- ---- - - - ---
<br /> -- ------- - - -- ---- -- --- ------ - - -- ------ -- - ------- - ___ - - --- - - -- - -- - - - - --- ---------- - -------- --
<br /> of the Countv of----------Ha�l--------------------.._---------------and State of---- ----------_._N�bra.sk�----.-__---------------------------------------, C�rantee---.__,the following
<br /> described prernises,situated in the County of____ ___ __________. . ____Hall________ _____________.____and State of Nebraska, to i��it:
<br /> ----Lot_No.-_ _T_ en---(-10)-_Block --Nc�._Eleven-_(�-],-)-_-R.o�.]��n�...A�.�tit�nn---t-o__the__�i_ty- -�f_�_rand-_I_s_l_�nd,_--Ns_bxa_s_l�a_--
<br /> --- as__Surveye_d -�-_ Platt_e_d,_ and_ Re�or.d�e� - ---- - - . - - - - -- - - - -- __ - -- - - --- - --
<br /> _ �uh�s-c-�---t-a---a--Mo_r.t_gags--af--�12D�.---in_-.favar- -af--�-.�.-A.olli�s; �a-i�---ma��gag�;---b��ra�--re�or-ded-----
<br /> in--�-��k--4Q---P-age----4�--&--Intere�t�---�n__��id---mor_�-�ags--from--Oc-�---21,---7-9-1-�--3vith---i_n���est_�t-- thQ---rate--of------
<br /> 7---f---Per--annu�-,---���nt_ee_._Gra��ee __as_suraes--anc�_ag�es-s--�a--P-ay-_a�--r�r_t---Q�_._the---abo��---considerat_i_on.---------
<br /> --�-�.�_._-.,..
<br /> - ---------- -- - ----- -- - -- -- --- ----------- - - -- -- --- - - ---- -- -- - - --- -- -- - - -- - --- - --- -- - - - --- -- - - -- - -- ------ ----
<br /> Together with a11 the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the .Estate,R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_�______, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any �art thereof.
<br /> TO H.:4VE AND TD HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________.and to____________her__.______._________heirs and
<br /> assigns forever, And____.______v�Q______ hereby covenant______with the said Grantee____. __.___that___��e_..___________hold.._____._said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; bhat____�te______________.______ha_Ve_good right and lawful authority to sell �,nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of �,Il liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever------------------------ .--,------------- -- ---- ----- -- ------ - - -- - --- - - - ----- - - ------- -- - --------- -- - - -- - - ---- ----- ------------- ----------------
<br /> -- ----------- ----- - ------ --- - --- ------- ---- ---- - - --------- - --- - - ---_And--------------- --- ----�e - - - -------- -- -------------covenant------to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, __________________.__________._____________________________.________ __
<br /> ---- --------- - - ----- ----- ---- ------------- - ----- -- - -- ------- - -- --------- ------------- --- ---------- - --- -------- - -- -------- ---------------------------------
<br /> Dated the------TI�rBTlt-y---E7.�t-h---------------da,y of_------------4_�'�S2k2ex---------- ---------A. D., 19---1-Q---, .
<br /> WITNESS ________________Hov�ard__C_,Hi_gh
<br /> ------ ------�arah__P.Hi-�h---------------------------------------------- '
<br /> --- -- ---------- -------- - --��_�_�_I3_u�tan---- --
<br /> �ss, i
<br /> -----------------xall-----------County, On this--------------7'��----------------------day of_--------N-Q_Y_embe-�----------------------A. D,, 19._1Q__, before me, the ;
<br /> i
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public______________________�______________________within and for said County, personally came________________,__ ,
<br /> ------- --Hor��rc�__C._Hi�h--�n�,_��r�h---P_._N_�_�h---- -------- -- ------------- ------------- ---- ------------------- �
<br /> --- - - ----- ------ - ----------- --- ---------------- --------- -- --(h�-:.sband and_wife-�-----�------- ----��_._ ----------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person.�________whose name___S_____________aTe__._________________af�ixed to the above instru-
<br /> (SEAL) ment as grantor__5_______, and____the_y..__________severally acknowledged the same to be______th��_r:__________voluntary act and deed
<br /> I for �he purpose therein expressed. '
<br /> �-�
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my� and afTixed my ofr'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br />' ___Grand___I�land______N��r�________.__________________________on the date last above written.
<br />�� ----------------------------�_..�..Hus_�.Qn-----------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires------------------- -------- Jul�------�5---------------------------------------------19---i-2---
<br /> ;
<br />