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<br /> 50038—.niLOPP&BA_RTL�'1'I'CO.,Prirti�zg,Litirographing�nd Co�u�aty Su�plzeat<3rzahe.. �� ���
<br /> �
<br /> FRO�Il I herehy r,ertify that this insi•rulrient was enterecl on Nunierical Index and
<br /> filed for recorcl this___ ---_5th- ---- -------day of-----N9Ve�be_�'__ - ------------
<br /> - _ - - rearge__A._�ader _&_..�*rife ---- -
<br /> �, U., 19 _1Q _ , ai -- _ - - .___ ___- _3._- ---o'clock_.- - --- -- - -P. -M•
<br /> -
<br /> - - __ -- _ _ - -- - _- �arranty
<br /> To De�d. �
<br /> - - ---- ---
<br /> - - - -- - - -
<br /> ounty Cieric,
<br /> - --Herman _C.,�aoeller - --- - - --
<br /> __ - - _ -- -- -- - ---------- -- --- - -
<br /> Depu�y.
<br /> �c��v All en l�� Z'�a�se 1'resent� :
<br /> Tha� __�"e_,_ Geor�e _A.��der _ana__Anna--I�,.Pdader_,_hi;--;�i_�e - - - -- -
<br /> of the Countv of___ _------- - ---.__and State of_-- -------- -- Neb1'�sk3- ----. -------- -----_- ------- -----------Grantor�-----, in consideration
<br /> � - Hal�. - - _
<br /> cf the su�n of--__Six_ ThOUSand_ CO_��.OQ - --- ---- - - ---- ------- ---------- -- - ------- -- ------ - --- -------------------------- - �-------
<br /> __DOLLARS,
<br /> ir han_d pa.id, c�o_ -----_nereby Gt�r2iVT, P<li�.AIN, �ELL, ANI� CONVEY unto-- _HBrr�ari_G_._i,Q_Q�t116r------ .- --- -------____. -------- -
<br /> - - -- -
<br /> �I311 __a.rc� Stat� of-_- _ _ --- -_----Nebra�ka---__-_-_ _ --_, Grantee-_-----,the followin
<br /> o1'th� County of'- - - - ___-- - - -- - _.___ . --- - g
<br /> described premises, siir�ated i��the Cct.nt5�of______ __ __________._._��11____.______ ancl Stat� of Nebraska, to tivit. �
<br /> --------- -The---North._ -�'�st _�ua��.e�__of---the-- lvar�h-=�as-t---�Uar_�er -_ _and_ _thB_Alarth—_eas.t------Qu_ar_tsr--Qf---t�e-----------
<br /> _ - North -�cest-- Quart.er- -(X?---►P-�- -of--I��t� _.��__.Qf__Kd�--� --o-f__Se�ti�n- -Thir_ty _S_ix----(-36-�----in._TQ�nshi�--------
<br /> - - T^�elvQ ��.2) N_orth-:- af Ran�� Ten (.1Q)- �Pest �f t-he--6�h P,M. .
<br /> -- -_. -- ----- - ----- -----
<br /> ------cont_aining-80_-acre�- acc_Qrdin�---t� th�__�QVQ_rnrnent___surv�y--thersQf. --- --- ---- -- ----- - --- ------ -
<br /> Together�vitli all t1�e tene.nents, iiereditan_Zents, az�d appurtenar�ces tflereunto belorz�ing, �,nd all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest,�Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand wl�atsoey�e_r of the said urantor__e___ __, �.�f���st&�, of, in, or t� the same, or any pa•rt thereof.
<br /> TO �I_�VE AND TO Ii0I,1? the above-described premises, with the appurtenane,es, unto ihe sa,id Grantee________and to_______.__.__ .h_�,s________ __________heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And___ __I�� ____ __. __-___liereby covenant__ ___with tlie said Grantee_____.__that___ ____4P�________hoId_______said prelnises by good and perfect
<br /> title,; that__._ `"'6_._ _____________ha`7e.__goo�l right and lau�ful authcrity to seil a.nd convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever---- -------- - - ---.. -- ---- --- - - ..._ -- - - -- -- ------ - - -- - - -- ---- ---- -------------------------
<br /> - -- - - ---- --- - - -- - ---- -- - - - -- -- - ----- ------ - -- ---- - ---- -- - -- -- -- --------- - ---------- ------- - -------
<br /> ----- ----- - --- -- -- - ------ ----- --- - - ---- - - ----- - - --- -- - -- --- ---- - - ---- -- - - -- -- -- -- ----------- --- -------------- ----- ----------
<br /> t
<br /> - --_ -- -- - _ . - .. - . --And- - - - - - --- - _- v�e _ _- - -_ --- -------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persor7s u�llomsoever, ____._______ __.__.___ ___________________,____._____ .___________._______________
<br /> ------- - ----�-----------------
<br /> ---- - - - - _-- -- - - -- - -- -- - - -- - ----- - -- - ---- --- --------- ----- ------------------------------- --- --- -------------------------------------- - ----
<br /> Dated the- - -- - --5th - --- --. - - -�a5' �f --- -- NOVBmber-- ---- - --- ------A. D,, 19---�.4- �
<br /> WITNESS ----------�e-Q-��-Q---A,._���d�_r__ . ---- ------------
<br /> ---- -1�I�X�a--�_._A+I��i�-x-----------------------------------------------
<br /> ------- - --- - J.ohn---�1_1an. - -- - --- -- --
<br /> �ss,
<br /> - ------H3�.1-----------County, On this--------__�th-----------------------day of_---------�I.QVSmbe�------------------A. D., 19---1Q-, before me, the
<br /> undersi�ned, a Notary Publi�---------------------------------------------within and for said County, Personally came-----------------------------------------------------------------,--------
<br /> ---r�o_x��--A.�t�.d��---and--A-nna- L,_�dadar,--his -�ife--------------------------------------------- --�----------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__s_____whose name_s________________3re____________af�xed to the above instru-
<br /> �5���'} ment as gra:�tor__s_.____, and____�h6y______________severa/1y acknowledged the same to be__.___�.hQ_i�__._______voluntary act alld deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed,
<br /> x��
<br /> IN tiVITNESS WIiEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my,�1�1 and affixed my official seal at_______________________,_____________________
<br /> _ __4rand_I�13n3_,___�n.__��id___C_�uxity�_�______.__on the date last above written.
<br /> - ------------ ----------John__Allan---------------------
<br /> 1Votary Public,
<br /> My commission expires-------------- -- ---------------------- -- -------------Jan.---5-a-------------------------1912------
<br />