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<br /> ' 50048-'iI.OP?&73ARTI,ETT CO.,Printxng,LithograZhing anci Count?;Supplies;bmalaw v ^ _
<br /> F����I I her•eby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> Geo�ge _.A,?�ader__� "Pi fe----_- -- -- �1ed for reeo��c� �his _ __3�d__ __ ---day et'--_�tovsmb_�_r.---- -------------
<br /> 3. D., f9_1Q_ , �t --- . _4._45- -__ __ _ -- -o'cleck ---- - -P•- -- -M,
<br /> _ -- - --- - - - -- ---- - V�arranty
<br /> - - _ _ -- � -- -
<br /> ��j Deed. '
<br /> _ _ - _ --_ __ - - -
<br /> ounty Clerk,
<br /> - - - - Kenne_th _MeDonald._ - -- --
<br /> --- -- --- - - - -- -- - - - - - -- - - -
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> - --- - - _ - - - -- --- _ - --�
<br /> I�n�w A�� 1V�en lay Z'�ese Prese�tsa
<br /> That _ti�e,_ George .A._Mader and.Annie. L ,?�a�er_ ,._hi��band an�__t�t�.f�,-- ---- --- -- --- --- ---- -
<br /> c�77�,x1.��� of___Ha��_ _C Qunt.Y__--- -------.- --- ------and State of__--I�Isbr.a.ska-------__ ------.-- ------ - _----- ---------- - ----,��D�[-------, in consideration
<br /> of the surn o£ - E_��ht0�3n htzndr_ed__nQ�l_0_0 - ---- - - -�---------- ------ - -------------- ------------------------------- �- ----DOLL�IRS,
<br /> by Kenneth :�eDonald of Hall County an3 Stat� of�,�,N,,�br� ska,�p
<br /> in 1ia,lid paid,��o-- - - -- -----herebt,� GR�V�', B�R��I��, SELL, � CONVE�T�"unfo��"�`^'"� !<[,,�--�o-�-�,-- ---KB_nn6_th___P�CDonald_-----
<br /> -- -- ---
<br /> �C�t�t1s�-��- - -- _ ---- -_ _ _ -- -- ��G���4Etx - - - -- - - - -- _ -_. - -,���F- ,the following
<br /> described pre�ni�es, sit;tzzzted in �he C�urlty of_.________.__.__ Hall___________ _ ..__________a,rd S�ate of N�}�ra,s��a, to u-it,
<br /> ---- Lot. Number__T�ro--�2) . in---S���iQn__�Tum�_ere�--Thi-r-ty---(�0� --of--T.aw�i�hip---D[urr�her::--T�¢alva--�12-)--biar�h--of_-----
<br /> --------Ran-�e---�Vumber___.Nine- -�-9�--�Ic�gt--Q;---the--Si-xth-�?-r-;;n�i.}�al i�e-r��aiaz�-ir�-Nsbr��kaj -�cca��li�$- to �he- - -
<br /> - U_, �• .�avs_r_nment -sur_vay--there.of. - --- - -- - - - --- - --- ---- - - - -- -- ---
<br /> -- -- - - -- _ - ------- - -- -- - -- .__ - - - - -- -- --- - -- - - -- --- - - - - --- --- --- -------- ------ -------
<br /> - - - -- -- --- -- - - ----- - - - - - --- - - ----- -- -- -- --- - - - - --- -- --- ----
<br /> - --- - -- - -- -- -_ -- -- - __-- - --- ---- - - - - - ----- - . --- ---- ---- -- - - ------ - -- -- - --
<br /> -- -- -- -- --- -- - - - - --_ -- -- -__ - - - - - - _ --- - - -- - --- -- ---- -- ----- - -- - ------ - -- --------- -- - --
<br /> -- --- -- - -. __ _ -- - - -- -- -- -- - - -- _ - - -- - - - - ---- -- - -- -- ---- ------
<br /> Together witli atl the tenemen��, heredi�ar�.el�ts, and appurtenar�cet�����ing, 2T�d all the Estate, .Right, Title, lnterest, �Il¢D��C��4y, C1aim��
<br /> inc7.,.zdin� Do^�vr, Curtesy and Homestea3 Ri ht� of the sai3 Geor�e A.Mader anci Annie L.Mader
<br /> Demand whatsoeve ���p���r�L_----_ __--, ���h�e�II&6h�i, o�, in, �r to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> � Kenneth McDonal3
<br /> TO K!�VE AIYD TO �IOI.D the above-clescribed premises,with the appurtenances, unto the saic�l���e_________and to_____________hi.s__ __ ,__________heirs and
<br /> gennoth McDonald
<br /> assigns forerer. And____ __!"»__��O________._hereby covenant____with the sai��(2k��__- - -_---_that______�_�_____..____hc2d_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> tit,le; that___ ______"T�. ______----_ha_ _�t@goed rignt and lawful �uthorit,y to sell �nd corvey the same; tha.t tl�eyare free and clear of �11 liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever-------- - -- - - - - --- - - - -- ------ --- ---- -- ---- - -- -- - - -- --------- -
<br /> -------- ------ - --- --- --------� - --------------------------
<br /> ---- - - ---- ------ -- -- - - - -... - -- - -- --- -- -- ------ ----- - - --- ---- ------ - ----- - - ------- -- -- - ------------------�---------------------- -
<br />, - - -- - - ---- ----- -- - - - - ----- --- ---------- -- - -- ---- ------- - ------- -------------------- - -- ---------------
<br /> ---- -- --- - - -- --- - -- -
<br /> - -- - And----- --- - - - - �8 -- ------ ---------covenant_-------to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persoris tivliomsoever, ____�_X��nt___t.�XSS__.fOr_._1�1Q_.___.______________________________._____________________________
<br /> -- -- - - ---- -- - - - -- - ---- - --- ---- -- - - -- ---- - -- -- ----------- - - -
<br /> --- ----- --- -----
<br /> N November -- -- --------A, D., i910-- •
<br /> hn
<br /> - -- ---- -- - ---- - _-- -- --da,y of-- - - -- ---- - - --- ---
<br /> WITNESS -------------------George---�,Made r-----------------------------------
<br /> - ---------Annis__L,Mad�r---------------------------------------------
<br /> -- - -- ----- --- ---H�nry_-�_.�liff�rd ---- - - _
<br /> -- -- - --- - - -- --- -- -------- --- --- - - .--
<br /> ---- --------------------------------
<br /> ss,
<br /> �n
<br /> - - - ----
<br /> Hal� County, Qn this. ---~'--------------------------da�of_-------NQVer1b�-T-------------------�:, 191Q----, before me, X�
<br />' H-.E.Cliffq,�� .
<br /> �D�D�X�¢�t�e a 1 o ary Publi�-- -------- ------ --------------------------witllin and for sai�t Count , personall came- - -- ----------------------------------- - ---------------------------
<br /> _ --G�Qr��__A_,_?��d�r_---an3---Anni-e-- L_._Ma�er-------------------- -----------------------------------------------�--------------------------
<br /> - - - ----- ---� - ------------ - ------- --------- ------ ----- ---------- - - --_------------------------ ---------------------- ----�--------- --- --------------
<br /> to me personall,y known to be the identical person__�______whose name_s___________.__aT_Ei__...__.____________afI'ixed to the above instru-
<br /> (SEAL) � e e� tior of� the
<br /> rnent as gralitor___�_______, and______________.__,______,__severally acknowler�ge t�ie same to ,e_________t��1�_�,r________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for �he purpose therein e�pressed.
<br /> �+�_
<br /> ZN ���ITNESS WH�REOI�' I have hereunto subscribed my�and af�i�ed my of�icial seal at_.___________________________________________
<br /> GraTld__Ia13213}__N���A�k�___________________on the date last above written.
<br /> H.E.Clifford
<br /> ------------------------� ---------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public,
<br /> My coll�mission expires-------------- ---- ------------- ----------J_anua ry-------�-�----------------------�-----�9---1`�---
<br />