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<br /> 6004$—�LOPP�BAR'I`Z;ETT CO.,Pri�aling,Zzlzegraphirp¢nd Countg Su�plies3 O^nahe:° ` �'—`� �—
<br /> F��T� I hereby certify t1�at this ir�strrzment was entered or� Numerical Index and �
<br /> __ - -----The___R__o�_�_,_��1Z*�,t,^.:9ri�--CI�J._---- -- filed for record this--- ___3r.1___ -------day of___ N_ov6m}��_r.---- -- ----------.-
<br /> A, D,, 191Q._ _, at----- - - -------3._40 -_o'clock- - -- - p•-- -M.
<br /> ____- __ _ _ - - __ _ -- - -- Warranty
<br /> TD
<br /> Dees�.
<br /> .���--�i�,
<br /> - - -
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<br /> Cot y Glet°k,
<br /> --G1-�y�-�n-E._Ti�iball - _ - - -
<br /> - -- -- - - -- -- -
<br /> --- - - - -Deputy,__
<br /> K��w 1�.�� I�en by T�ese Pr�esents �
<br /> That---_ _T__h_e--R.o_s3. _Investment_Co-•- -a--cor�_oration----_ - -- --- ---- - ---- - ---- -- ------- -----
<br /> - - -- -- - - - -- - --------
<br /> of t11e County' cr------- -- - Ha?I -------�,nd Sfate of_.-- -.._-----Nebrat�ka _ _ _--_------_ _ --------- ------- -- --------�rantor-------, in cnnsideration
<br /> ot't�� sum of- - Four__.��undx�d__E'i f�y -& no�QQ_ -- ------- -- ---- ------- ---------- - -------- - --
<br /> �------------------------------------------------D OLLARS,
<br /> i.i hand paicl, c�ce, --------hereby G't���.�dT, �ARu�iN, SE�L, qi'�TD CG`NVEY iznto----- .__C1-ay_t-on----F._T-i3ha11---------------------------------------------------- -
<br /> of the Cou�it of_ . --- Hall---- ._---- ---__- -___a,12d Sta,te of__ _ _ --. Nsbr�sk�____ _-- -------- -- -.. __ _. _____.-- ---, Grantee-------,thefollowing
<br /> --
<br /> t e Ci ty of Gran��i I sl and
<br /> tiescl°i�ed premises, situa�,ed�in the Cour�ty of.___. _ __ _ __ __ __ __.-----I��1.1_-__________and State of Nebraska, ±o j�-it:
<br /> _--T�_ot .numbe_r__Thi�rte�n__(1_3)__.in_.E�l.o_�ak___numhe_r____Seuen__-(_7_�_ in __Ko_eh1,�r_-P1-ace_,__ acrardin-g_�o___t-he-_x_e.c-o�de_d
<br /> -----t�lat ther�Qf__ no�r. on_file__in__the--��fice -of--the_ C_QUn�-�r-- C1-er�---of---sai-d- -Hr�il ��ur�t-3r-,---Na��as-k�-----------
<br /> ---- -- -- - - -- - --- -- -- -- _ ------- -- -- -- ---- ------- --------- - -- -- - - --- -- ---------- - --- -----------------
<br /> Together T�iih al_l the te�!e��en�s, hereditam_ent,s, and appurierances t,hereunto beIon;�ing, �,nc� all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and � �
<br /> Deliland whatsoever of t�1e s�,id Crantor____. ______, �d�Df'cffi��g�'��t� of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> 7'0 K_4VE AIvD TO HOL]) the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Gran_tee_ _______and to__.________�?is______________ ______heirs and
<br /> The Ross Inve�tm�nt Co.
<br /> assigns forever, And_the__�ai-3---�,___hereby covenant_..s__u�ith the said Grantee___:_..___that_____i�_...__ ____hold__t�__said premises by good and perfect �
<br /> title; that____1_t___ __________________ha_s___good rign� anc� iawful aui,horit,y to sell and contiey the same; t1�at tl2eya-re free �nd clear of all lie.a2s ancl incumbrances
<br /> wliatsoever------------- ---- --- -___ - - -- -- - --- ----- - -- --- -- - -- -- -- -- - ---------- ---- -- -- --- -------------------
<br /> --- - -- - -
<br /> ---- --- --- --- -- - --- - - -- --- ----- - -- -- --- - - -- ------ - - -- -- -------- -- --- -- --------------------- ------------------
<br />► _ - --- --- - - - -- - - - -- --- --------- -- - - -- ------ ---- _- - -- -------- - ---- - --------------------- --- -- ---- -- --- ------------------
<br /> - - An1__ the--sai�3__'�he---Ross_.Inv�s#]m��t_--C-Q.--------------._----------------------._------------covenan�-----towarrantand
<br /> clefend to said premises a.gainst the lawful claims of ali perso�ls ti;�homsoever, In__�1litne_ss_,.V6ho_reof__�hE3_ __s_c�_7.d___T_h�__c�_4��___I21vQ_�yment___Co.
<br /> has _c�use3_ theae _�r�_cent-s_--to- b�_-si_�nea-_hy_-it_s__P__xe�i�ent___and_-i_ts_._�arp_ox�48:_so_a1-_att.achetl.--�e-r-�-t_a--
<br /> 1���ixtX- thi-s �4th-- - - - -- - --daY of - ---�;-to:��� -- - - --- -----�------A. D., 19-�0----�
<br /> WITNESS cor-^orata --------------------T��---��_s�---Znv�_s_�r�ent---�Q-----------------
<br /> SEAI� 1��r----FrEC�__�[.A�ht-on-------------�?-��side-r�t-------
<br /> - ----- - I,..R.Ar_i.ni.ng�-r- - - -- - - --
<br /> - --- - - atte_s�-----5_._Il._F3a�.�-------------------------�€�-r-��a�3�---------
<br /> ss.
<br /> -- ----Ha11- ----CountY, � On this----- -- - - - --�t�----- ----------day of_-----Q��_�b_e_r_ ----- -------------------A. D., 19_�0----, before me, the
<br /> undersi�zted, a Iuotary Publie__________________________...____----______ within and f'or said County, personally calne_____Frad--VP.A,��i'tIIII�___�!_��g�3��,.t---��__--__
<br /> �he-__t�a�s--Inve���-e�t---GaY------- --------------- ---------- ----- --------------- ----------------------------------------------------
<br /> - ---- - - -- -- ----- ---------- -- - --------------------------- -- --- ------------- ------------------ ---------------
<br /> Pres'� ent gf ��.i,� C�.o� an� �-
<br /> - -- -- --
<br /> t,o me personaIl�y�noti�n o be e� en ica �ers _________whose name___________i-s_____________________________a�xed to the aboi-e instru-
<br /> rnent as grantor________._, and__________________________����tacknowledged the same to l�e_______�$____.________._voluntary act and deed
<br /> (SEAL� ��o tkehp rpos°e t�'ieren e�prs et�, anci deQd of the said The Ro3s Investment Co.
<br /> name
<br /> ItV lVIT1VESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my,��l and af�xed my afI'icial seal at________________________________________._
<br /> Grand Z s�_ana__Nebraska___.____________________on the date last above written.
<br /> ---- ---- - ------ -- --
<br /> ----------------------------J�._R.B r i ni nge r--------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My cominission expires------------- ------ - ---------��a_rch---�--��-_----------------------------------------------j9-14-----
<br />� __
<br />