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<br /> 6bb4S-KI.OPI cf BARTLETT CO..Printing,Li!hographing and County SaUpplies;Oniaha °" —"—" ' �°—_-- — - --_ - — _
<br /> FR0�1T I hel°eby cer�ify that this instruznent was entered on Nu7nerical Index and
<br /> Joverh__�dille_T_ - .. --------- - filed for record t��is _ - ----_3T�.---- -,_ ---day of---Nov_e_mber------- --- -
<br /> _ __- -- - _- t- - ----
<br /> �. D., 19 1.0 � at- _ _. . 11..-40 - -_ ---o'clock- - - A.�_. - -M�
<br /> sin ,le
<br /> - - - -- -- -- - _. ._ . _ _ � - .._ __.__ Warranty
<br /> �� Deed. �
<br /> - __ - - -- - - ---- - - �� ��-��.��,_
<br /> -
<br /> -- - -
<br /> Co ��y Clerk,
<br /> - N�n�� Carth�_n_ - -- - - - -
<br /> -_ _ -- - - -- --- -
<br /> -- - -- - -- -- - ---- - - - ----
<br /> De�ucy,
<br /> I��o� ��l ��� b� `�'�.ese Pr�eser�t�:
<br /> That --J_oue�h Mi�1���',-.sin�l.e - - - _ _ ---- -___ _-- - - --- ----
<br /> of the County of---- --------- -- -Hall------- -- ------and State of______--- --Ne_b_r3ska- --- ----- -------___. ------ -------- -----------Grantor�------, in cnnsideration
<br /> of the sur�l of Seven Hunare�. and �if ty, t- �'759,-C'0�--- - - - --- -- ----- ---------------- -------- ----------- ------------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, cIo---- --- ----her�eby GR�NT, Br1R�'�IN, SELL, Ai�'� CONUEY unto___Nani6__C3r�hen------ ----------- .-----______------
<br /> - - -- __ __ _ - - - _ _ --- - -- ---- - _--- -- - -- --- - --------- .
<br /> of the County of_-- ----------------Ha1.-1------_ , _ _ __--a,��d State of__. - -- ------ _Nebr���_ka--- ------- ------ - , Gra,ntee-------,thefollowing
<br /> df�scribed prelnises, sitnated in tlie C�z,rity of_..____._______�-1.�11 ________.. .____ ___-- --.--and Stwte of Nebraska,, to ti��it:
<br /> - -_-L_ot _numb.er___�i�---(�-)---of__�1_ock_nuTn��r__E_l._ev�n---(-11-�- -of- Evan'_s- -A:�di-t_�on--ta--the---Gi-ty---af__G_r'an�.--Isl_and, " � :_ ;�
<br /> --_.---Nebra��ka---as-- ��xve;�a3-,- --P-1_at_te;i--and--r_��_or�l�;_d,_.._s��b3_ec�-- ha1Qe_u_er- --t�--t-he--Taae-�--f_or__.the__��ar---A._D.----
<br /> 1910 �rhich the G_rantee__assumas__an�._a�ree.s__to___pay.,___________ ___ ____________. .. _
<br /> -- - -- - - --- __- - - --- - --- ----- ------ -- ---- - -- -----
<br /> Together wit�1 al� the, t�nanzents, hereditan3en�s, a�ld appurtenances tl�ereunto belong�ing, �,nd all t�e Ls�ate, �i.ight, Title, Intarest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Derlaand whatscever of the sa.i� Gi°antor._________, �,nd of eitlier of them, of, in, or to the satre, or any part thereof,
<br /> T�J I�qVF ANI� TO HI�LD the al�ove-�aescribed premises, cvith the appurtenanc,�s, unto the said Grantee______-_and to__ _._______h6�__________________heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever, �nd____.__.____.I____--____ ______hereby r,ovenant_______with the said Grantee_________that_____I____._________hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that__________I__ ___________ha ve__gocd right and la��ful au±hority to sell and convey the salne; that they are free and clear of all liefis and incumbrances
<br /> �vhatsoever_Qxco_x�t-as.__�bovQ -�_ta�e3_ __ -- -- - - _ ----- - -----..- -- ---- ---- -- - --- --- - ---- ----
<br /> -- ----- ---------- ------------------
<br /> --- _- ---- _ . -- - -- - ---- _--- -- And- -- � - - ------- - - -- -- - --------------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> defend to sa,id premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, _____e���p_t.__�.s___3�0_1tE�___Stat-es�.---_-------------------____________ _.____
<br /> ---- - ---- - --- ---- - - ----- ------ ------ -- ----- - - --------- -- ----------- ---------------------------
<br /> Dated the-- ---- - -1„ - - - -- - --daY of_-- - - - - -AIQ_V_exabBT-- --- - -------A. D., 19_10-- �
<br /> WITIVESS ---------------------,IQSSph_Mi11s Z--------------------------------------
<br /> - - --------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> - ------- - -T_,_0._�.Harrison -- - . ---- -
<br /> ss.
<br /> - H���--- - ----County, On this- - - --- - ---�-n--- -- ----------day of_--------DI4ue.�b8-r-- ------------------A. D., 19_�-4---, before me, the
<br /> undersir�ned, a i�oiary Publi�____�._�._r_.H��_x_7.�30T1______within and for said County, personally came_____________-______
<br /> ----Jo 3Q�h --.P��,11 e r--------- ------------ ----- ---- ------- -------------- ---
<br /> ------- - -- ---- ----------------- - ��-�1�-- - - _. -------- ----- --------------------------------- -
<br /> - --------------
<br /> (SEAL) to me personally ��nown to he the identical person_____.____whose name_________________is____._____.___________af�ixed to the above instru-
<br /> nient as grantor_________, anrl__________h�___________���y acl�nowledged the same io �Le__.._____hi�_____________voluntary act and deed
<br /> f�r �he purpose therein expressed,
<br /> �m
<br /> Ii'�' Z�'ITNESS WHER•EOF I 11ave hereunto subscribed my�� and afl"'ixed my ofTicial seal at___________________._____________________.__
<br /> ______________��dzl�__I_s13Tii�_____I�B.b_ra.&ka_______.______on the date last above written.
<br /> II ----------------------------------�T_._�.�..Iiarrismn--------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br />��', 1V7y com�nission expires---------- - -- -------E�=12ru�Y---�Q--------------------------------�9-1u-----
<br />�
<br />