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<br /> 60C�8—ICLOPP&BARTLF,'TT CO.,Printing,I.ilhor�r�phing and Count�Supplie§;O�neh�. �'-`�� - �`—� -
<br /> FR0�1 I �iereby certify that this instr�ment wa:s entered ori Numerical Index and
<br /> Ge or e A. a er & �vi e filed for reccrd t�iis _ _ 2 - - ---- -----------day of-- _November--_- - .. ----
<br /> - --- - -_ _ � __� a_ --- -�- - --- - - _ -- - -
<br /> :�, D., 19 10 , at- -- _ 4•25 -. _ -___o'clock-- -- P= -_M.
<br /> __ _ -___ . - - ___- _ -_ _ _� Warranty
<br />, T0 Deed. '
<br /> - --- __- -- ._ --- ._ .-- -. -- - -
<br /> -- ------
<br /> C nt,y Clez°h,
<br /> - - - --Ru3o1�h_.Reher-- -- _ __
<br /> - - _ - -- -- ---- - -
<br /> - - --- -- - --- - -
<br /> .�epu�y,
<br /> now Ail en by Z'��se P'resents :
<br /> Tha,t, _ �e , -�eor�� .A.?,da�er__an�� _�nni� I.��_Ma�er� hnal��.n�__an.d_��ri fe - ----- ---- ---- - - - ._. .
<br /> of the Courty af_.--------. �iall_--- ----- --____ ___----ar�d Sta-te oi----_._.._ - ---. _ _Ne'��'�Ska__ ..---- - ----------��rS-----, iri considera,tiozi
<br /> ot'ihe sum of---------Thre�--Thousand--�e_uen -Hundr�c�--�nd--T-�en��t---------------------------------------------------------------------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> b�r Rudolph Reher of Ha11 County, and State�Nebraska
<br /> in hand paid,�dDX- ----3Q_hereby .��?�IT, B�4R(�,IIN, SELI., tlTr`D CONVEY,j'iint�. - - ---- - -,---- ---�!!Br-----�----,��'`�
<br /> - -- - - -- -- -- --- -- ---� -_ - ���e�1- -- -- -_ - - - --- -_ _
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<br /> describeci premises, situ�ted in the Coup�ty c�f________.__ __ ___ _--____ _.�ia1..1_______ __ __..__and Stat� of il�ebraska., to u�it:
<br /> ���1�"-"Z"`�
<br /> __�he---South-�a-s-t---�uar_t�r----(._S�.F_.�_)-._Qf--ths -N-or-th---"7s-s-t---�uart_e r _(N._�'.�4�---of---Se ct_i_fl.n,�Thi�ty--Si.�---��6�------
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<br /> -- - Ivieri_:.�i_�n ?�n__ Ne_b���ka. -- _ - -- - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - _ _ -
<br /> - - ----- -- -- - - - ---
<br /> - - - - - - - -- - - -- - -- - --- --- - - - - - - - ------ ---- - ----- -------------
<br />� Togetber with all t1�e tenements, hnretti�a�n.ents, and appurtenar���������n;�ing, �,nd all t12e .Estate,R,igh�, Title, Interest, .$¢���1�b�, Claim � OT
<br /> ir.cluain� Doeaer, Curtesy and .Homestoac� RiFhts of the said Geor�e A.Mader ana Annie T�.Mader
<br /> Deina,nd whatsoevel��4e,���xxxx.a�se,xdc���7�, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> R�do1,��eher
<br /> TO f�:4YE AND TO HO�L� the above-clescribed prem.ises, with the ap��rt,enanc,es, unto e sai� �ee_________and to_________hi_s______________________heirs and
<br /> Ru�. h Reher
<br />� a,ssigiis fcreti�er. �nd_.. :qe___�t� ___ _ _.___hereby r,overiant__._ ._with the sala��e_____.__.__that__._..__ _ __�e _ __hold_______said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; t1�at___..We________ .. _.____ha_.Ve_good r�g°1rt and la.tivful �utherity to seli and convey the same; that they are free and clear af all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever---------- - ---- ... --- - - -- -- -- - --- -- --- -- -- - ---- - - ------ -- -- - --- - ------ - -- - ------------------------
<br /> - - -- ----- -- - _- -
<br /> ------ -- ----- --- - ----- - --- - -- - - - -- - -- - - - --- - --- ------ - - ---- ----- ---- ------- -- - -- --- ------------------ -------------------
<br /> -- - -- ------ - -----___ - - - -- - -- ---- --- -- ----- - --- -- --- - ---- - --- - --- ----- --- --- - -- - ----------------- -- -------------------------------
<br /> - - -- --.. ---- ----- - - .. -- -- -- - .. - - -- - --And----- - -- - --- ---�e- ----- -- ---- --�-----------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> defend to said preinises agairst t�e lau�ful claims of�l.persozls wliolns�eve�°, ___.__ ___________________________________ _________________.._ _. _
<br /> -- - - - -------- --�----- ------
<br /> -- - ----- -- - ------- ----- - ------ ---- - ---- - - -- - -- -- - - ------- --- ------------------- ---- ------------------ -- ------ ----
<br />�� ------- -- - �
<br /> ��'`����� -- - 2"-_ --- - - - -- __day of- - -- NoYember- ---_.- ------------ ---�--A. D., 19--�-�---�
<br /> �
<br /> 6�ITNESS ----------------------��-Q-x-�e---14.�Ad�x--------------------------------------
<br /> Annie L.Macler
<br />, - --- - - -- -Fi�n rY-F.Cl_i_f�_ord -- - - --
<br /> �ss,
<br /> ---- - ----Hal_1 ---- ---County, , On this. �"-- --- ---- - --_-_----day of_-----�to_uar�b�r------- --------------�1, D., 191-Q----, before me, �
<br /> H. ��rc1� �
<br /> �� a o�ary Publi�------------- -------------
<br /> -------------witl�in and for saia Uounty, Personally came---------------- ----- ----------------------------------------------------
<br /> - -- -------Geo-xg�--�,_._:���sr--and -Ann�-Q �,�aaa�--- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> - - ---- ------ - ---- ------- ------- - ------------- - - -- ---- - ------ ------------------------------------- --------------- -----------------
<br /> t:o me personally knowri to he the identical person_.S.____whose n zne�_______�r�__________________________affixed to the above instru-
<br /> -�. execut�ion of the
<br /> ment as grantor__8-____, and____________.._______.__severally acknowledged,�t� same to be_____._�xl�ir___________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed,
<br /> �SEAI,) IN tiVITNESS WHEI�EOF I have hereunto subscribed m n
<br /> y�G�and af�ixed my ofr'icial seal at________________________,____________.____.__
<br /> _ _ ___ ____GTan�__I slan�l�__Ne=r�raska____.__.______or� the date last above written.
<br /> F�.E.Clifford
<br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------�--------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires----------------------�- ---------- - -Jant�a�y_------9---------------------------------19---�4---
<br />