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<br /> , -- _�.. �94�8�-1�Id?PL'�fc.&9&�'L1�4'T CCl.�Prtiudi�,.LzLlaesrs�daa�RarudG'eunt���s��ass:Q.�nsl� __ -- __ _=
<br /> FROM I hereby ceriify that this instrun7ent was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> ------------R_o'�ert--J_.Dill - - - - -- - -- --- - - 81ed for r�ecord this- - --2 - -- - -day of_. _.__NQV --- -- - -- � - -
<br /> , 3, D., 19_ _1.0__, at -- .-------_.3.- - - ---- _.__o'clock-- - - -- -P_,__M.
<br /> _____sa.n le
<br /> -- -- - - - ---- -
<br /> �- --- --... __-- Warranty
<br /> TO Deed.
<br /> - ---- . . . - --__ - ����r���-�
<br /> �bunty Clerk,
<br /> - -- --Sophi3-- �hul_�z-- - - --- �
<br /> -- - -- -- - -- - - - - -- ------- -- - - - -
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> Know All 1Vlen by Tliese Presents:
<br /> That--- __Robsr.�__�_.T�ill_- - --�singl-e) -- - ------ -- - -- --- - --` - ------ -- - - ---- --
<br />, of the County of--------------------Hal-1------------------------and State of--------------- Neb��t.Skd -- ---- - ------- ------------------Grantor-------, in consideration
<br />' of the sum of .T_y�en�X S�ven--Huzld�es:�--and__F.ift9' - ---------------- --------------------- --------------------------------------- ------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do____ _ __..___hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto_______Spph�3_�hu1t_�___-_ ___.___ ____ __ _______..
<br /> - - --- -- ---- - ---- -- ------ - - _ _ - - -- -- -- ..- -- - -- ------- -- -- ------- -- - ---- -- ------
<br /> of the County of__._________.________________Hall______ ___ ___________and State of___ ...___________N__6__b_TBSka___.___._ _., Grantee_______,the following
<br /> . --
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of____________._____H_�11________ __________________.._____and State of Nebraska,, to u•it:
<br /> _. fractional____L__o_t___nur�ber._Ten____(_10�___of___�ra��_�_��,7.___B�_�ck _numb�_r. Two_ __(_2�__._in_ R_ollins__Addi�ion_._�_o___G��n�l_
<br /> _Islan_d__,___Nebraska___and___fractional___Lot___number__ Ten___(].Q�__ .i�____fract_i_o_n�1_�lo�k__numbe_r___S_even___�_7_}___in_____.__
<br /> Walli ch'_s-----Addi__t__i.on_-to--aran3__I_gl.and_,N�.bra�ka--as---sur_vQ-yea---rP-1_at_ted--and--�ecorded.------8uh�-e-c-�--------------
<br /> __however---to_-one_ certai�__mor�_�age__in _�ha___�um-.-s�-f-_�125_Q_._�Q.__in_-fauQr---af._�oma _.Savings-- B�nki---and-------__--
<br /> ----i_ntes_est---ther��n---at----th�--�at-e- -of--seue-n �e�--c�r�t �er -�,�n�� �ayabl-e- e��i-&��u�31�,---��am--da�-e--a�-
<br /> del_i_very___of__this.__c�_e_ed,___unt_i1___gaid___�vhich___gr�n�eo___agree� __tQ_�a.X___as__.part._of____t__he__abo_y_e___considerat_ion
<br /> Together with all the tenements, hereclitaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the Estate,R.i�ht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_ , and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee._________and to___________hS_T_____________________._heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And_____I_________________.._____hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee______.____t�iat___.___I_____________hold________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; tihat_____.____I___ .______________ha.v8.good right and lau�ful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever------------- exce.�t--a�---abo_ve__��ated-- -------- - --- -- --- ----- - --- ----------
<br /> - -- -- - - --- ----- ----- - ----------------- --- ------------------
<br /> ---- --- -- - - --- ------------------- -- - ------------- - -- -- --- -- - ----- -- -- ------------ - --- ------- ---- - --- - - ------------------- -------------------------- -- --------------------
<br /> -- ----- -- -- - - -- ----- ----- --- - ------ ----- --- ----- - -- -- ------- And------------- - - --- -- --I- ----- -- -----------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persolls whomsoever, _exC_ept__as___abOVe___st_ated______________________________________________________. '
<br /> ---- ------------------ -- -- -- - - - --- -- -- -- --- - - - --- ------- --- -- - -- ---- ---- ----------- ---------------- ---- - - ----- - - - --- --------------------------------
<br /> Dated the---------- -----._- - 28--------------------day of_- --- �Ctober ----- - --- - -- --------A, D,, 19__1-0---� '
<br /> WITNESS ___________.______Robert_._J.Dill____
<br /> ----------------------- �
<br /> ----- ---- --------- ----S_,_C._Hi��t on---- ----- -------- ---- - -
<br /> �ss. �
<br /> ----�i�ll County, On this------------------2�th-----------------day of_---------Oct o r�e r---------------------A, D., 19__��__, before me, the '
<br /> undersi�ned, a Notary Public---------------_----_-------------.._-----------_-within and for said County, Personally came_---_-_-__---___--_-_--_---------------___---_----------------------_----
<br /> - ------------- --RQ�a�r_�--�_._�i11--- ------��singl-e-�---------- --------------- -- ------------------ �-- - --------------------------------------
<br /> (SEAL) to me personaily known to be the identical person__________whose name____________._��________________________a�xed to the above instru-
<br /> ment as grantor___________, and_______he__.__,________���i acknowledged the same to be______�ig_______________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed,
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed m��' and afTixed my ofr'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> ______ C,ran�.__I sl_and,___Nebra�ka_______________._____.on the date last above written.
<br /> ------------------------------_S_._�_._Hu�.t�s�n--------------------------------- '
<br /> Notary Public,
<br /> Mycommission expires----------------------- --------------�__Jul-y--25----------------------------------------------j9--12---- '
<br /> :
<br /> . i
<br />