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tl � <br /> ., Li � U I� r� � � D <br /> l� � ❑ <br />� ,, �0078—*�LOPP'�IjAR77,ETT'C0.�7'rintin9,I,iChejra�hingaxdCountj�.Siepplies:O�naF,n: __ _._, _, ,..,� ,.,�__ . _._,-=—_�—�—�--_—_.;—��— <br /> FRO?�1 I hereby cef°tiiy that t-his instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for recol�d this-----2-----------------_--day of----------NOV--------.-------------- <br /> - ------ ---Seymore C�nningham -- --- --- <br /> .. �. D., 19_.10.. _, at -- - - -- 11.20o'clock- _ -- - A�--M. <br /> -- - __ - _ . -- <br /> s�n�I e_ - - -- - Warranty <br /> T0 Deed. ` � <br /> - - - --_ _ _ - - -- - -- ��-�'=f-r-��- <br /> - - - <br /> -- Co nty Clerk, <br /> _ _ _ RhQ�a_I�_.Hanch�t t- - -- _ _ __ --- - <br />'� - -- -- -- - - - - - - - --- - - -- - -- --- <br /> Deputy;--- <br /> �o�v A�l �r� by `�"��se Pr+esent�: <br /> Thar- I, Seymor_�__Gunningham_- - - - - a sin�,l._e_man - - - - . -- - -- -- <br /> - - - - --- - - --- - -- -- <br /> of t;�e County of--- -------- ----R9S�-- -------- - - _and State of_.-. --------SJhi-c?- -- - ---- -- -- - --.-- -------- -------- -- ---------Grantor--------, in consideration � <br /> of the suni of---- T�It.Q Hl�n�re:�_..TweXlt.Y �n� no/1.OQ---- ------- ---- ----- ----------------- ------------------------------------------------� -------DOLLARS, <br /> in ha1��1 paitl; do___ ----- - ----hereb;y GR��'T, BAI�G_�CN, SFI,L, AND CO�VVEY unto-------- Rh4t�c1 .M...Hs�.ri�h�_�.� ..---- -------- ------- ------ - <br /> oi'the Co�nty of- - - -_ I��11._ . -- ---- - <br /> ___and State of_ _ _ ----2��ska__--- -- _ __ ...------ --------- ----------_.---, Grantee------,thefoltowing <br />, descril�ed premise�,sitiiate�in thP C,ou�lty of__ __ ___ ______ ____�i31.1._ ___ __ ._____________. .___and State of 1�ebraska, to ���it; <br /> -----Lots___No.,_ThirtePn---�-1-�-)---ar�3__.E_o_u�.�een---{-1!�-)---in__�lock --Kcz�_--Fou_r_-(_4_�_Ple_a�ant _Hi.l_l _Ac��.a._t_a._�n-t9--------------- <br /> -- �rand I_sl_�nd, Nek��ca�ka_, a�__�urve.��di _.glatt_s_�.__and. xecar��_d -- - - _ - - - -_-- <br /> - ---- - - -- <br /> --- --- - - - - - -- - -- - - --- -- - -- -- --- ----- - -- --- - - - - - --- - -- - -- - - - - - - - -- - --- - ------- --- ------------- <br /> - ---- - - - - - --- -- - ---- - -- -- - -- - -- - - --- - -- - --_ ----- - - ---- -- - -- -- -- - - - ---- --- - ---- <br /> - --_..__ __ -- - - - -- - -- - - - -- - - -- - ---- -- -- -- - -- - - --- - - -- -- --- -- - -------- - - ------ -- ----------- <br /> Together wit.h alI the tienements, h,erec(itamerts, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the Estate,lT�ight, Title, IntFrest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br />� Demand whatseever of t11e said Grantor__________, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br />'� TO H4ZTE AND TO F�OLI? the a.bove-described premises, tivith the appurtenances, unto the sai�3 Grantee_ _._____and to___ __________�1�T_____.____...________heirs and <br /> i assigns forever, And___ _I_____ _____ _______ _____hereby covenan�__ .____witr the said Gran�ee____ ______that_______I_________ ___hold_.________said premises by good and perfect <br />'' title; ihat._____.____I.___.___________ha__Y_6_.good right and Iati�flzI authority to sell a,nd convey the s�cme; that theyare free and clear of �,11 lie»s ancl incumbrances <br />' whatsoever----------- -----__---- ----- - -- - - -- ---- -- -- - --- ---- - - -- --- -- - ------- --------- --- -------- ----- ---- --------------------- <br /> --- -- --- --- -- --- -- - ----- - _ ._ --._. --- - -- -- - -- - -- ------- ------- ---------- -- -- -- - -- ---- -------------�_-- ------------------------ <br /> -- --- --.__- - -- - - --- ----- - - -- --... - --- - -_._.-- ---- --- ---- - - ---- - - -- -- ------------ -------- --- - <br />� -- _- --- --- - - - ---- ----------- --------------------- <br /> -- ------And----- - <br /> -- -- -- - --- <br /> - --------- ,__-----------I---------•-----------covenant------to warrant and <br /> ciefend to sa,id premises against tlie lawful claims of all persozis tivl2omsoever, <br />'' --- ------- - --- ------- ------ -- ------- --------- - -- --- ---- - - - - - -- ------- -------- - ------ --------------------- -- --------------------------------------------- ------ <br /> I� Dated the------------Fifteenth---------- -----day of_------OC_tob6r---------____------- ---------A, D., 19_10----. <br /> j -�JITNF.SS --------------------S�y_t�a.Q�e.__G.un����;h�n-------------------------- <br />' � ------------------- ----------------------------------------- <br /> ----- ----- �1_�ud��B._Sch��ffer -_ - - -- - <br /> -------------------------------------- <br /> --------------------------------------------------- <br /> --- ------ ---- -f�._�,_H_Q�ar�------- - - ----- --- � <br /> ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> STATE OF l��f�, <br /> ss. <br /> -- RS�-B-�__--------County, On this-___-----_17th--..-----_--____---------day of-------------d_�t_ObET_.--_------_----------A. D., 19-_-1A, before me, the <br /> undersi�ned, a LV'otary Publi�--,-------------------------------------------within and for said County, personally came----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----- - ----- - -- ---- --- - ------- --�e��r_e_._C_unningham-------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---------------- <br /> -- - ------- ------ --- ------- ---------------- - - ------- -- ----�a.._Single-man)- ------ ------------------- - <br /> -------------- ---------------- <br />, (SEAL) to me persona�ly knowll to be the identical person__________whose name__.__.______is____________________________�,��ed to the a�;ove instru- <br /> ment as grantor______.____, and______,_____hg_._.___severally acknowledged the same to be______hig_______________voluntary act and deed <br /> for tihe purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN tiVITNE�S 'vVHEREOF I have hereun�o subscribed my,���and af�ixed my official seal at--------------------------------------------- <br /> _____ChilliC ot��_,--_Qh;i.�_._____,____________________________on the date last above written. <br /> ------------------�I aude__B..Schae f f er------------------------ <br /> ' �.�.- �� � 1�'otar�Public. <br /> My com�nission expires-------------- ---S��t_�:�1�e�------------1���_------------------------��1�__ll---- `�`�"^.�„�,cs�,�` <br /> �: <br />