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<br />� 5004$-KLOPP&BAI�TLI�TT CO.,Printing,I,ithographin�and Count7j Supplies;Omahc„ . v ^ i_ � � -� �- __�—. ^._ ._�._ . -____.
<br /> FR��� I hereby cer�ify that this inst�rument was entered oti Numerical Index and
<br /> file�l for record this---. __.---- --29--------day of_--_4_��ober------------------ ----
<br /> - -- ---- - - - - - - -- --- --- -- - -
<br /> A, D,, 1910-_., a,t_ -- 3,30- ------ --o'clock - - -- P�-�T,
<br /> _----��.b�xtu�--�.�ilb�x�--- - ---_-- Warranty
<br /> --- TO
<br /> Deed. � ' /�
<br /> __ - -- -l�v'rz��-�i -- - -- - --
<br /> outity Clerk,
<br /> Realty _Sn�.eyt*nent- Co.-.__-- - ----- -
<br /> -- -- -- -- -
<br /> --- - - - -- - -- - - -Deputy°. --
<br /> k�n�►w A.II 1VIea� by Z'�i�se Pre,�ents:
<br /> That---- Alber_tus- .D.-Gilhe_r_t---(--�n--unznarri�d-man)-- ---- ---_--- --- ----- ------ ------ _ .---- ---- ------ --
<br /> - --- - - - -- - -- -
<br /> of the County of--- ---- ----Fran_klin------ -- --- - - ----and St��,te of_.---------NEbras_ka---- -- -_ ---------- ----- - - ---------Grantor------., in consideration
<br /> ct't1�e sum of--Three Hun�.r_e� .& no 1QQ -- - - -- ------- ------------- -- -- --
<br /> --- ------ ------------ - --------------------------D OLLARS,
<br /> i1i haiid paic�, c�oeS_-- --- __hereby GRA�tiT, �A�X_4IN, S�;LL, �l���D CONVEY unto_ _ _Realty_ IT1VeS.tm_6_nt. _CO_.------- ---- ---
<br /> G•ran3 Island
<br /> Hall_----------- - -�U�cl State of-- NebT38ka_----- ---- - -- --------, Grantee---__,the followin
<br /> of the Couniy of- --_ -- - __- - - -- - - - g
<br /> described pren�ises, sittz�,ied in tlie Cou�ity of_._ _ _.___ ____._ Fia1� _______.__.__ _____ ___._ ___and Stat� of Nebraska., t,.n �c�it:
<br /> _I,o_t� �i�c _ .(C)---and__�i�ht- -($-)---�n B1Q�k---N�.�ne-_-�9-)--- in---Sca����_ Ac�dition_ to_-'�e�t____L__a:�m-_in_-t_he__City_ of--_--
<br /> ___ Gr�n3 .Is1_and,__ Ne�ra�ka,___a� _ _surveyed.,____�latted__an3__recorc�ed._____ _______
<br /> - - -- - - - _ . - - - --- -
<br /> To�etlier with ail the teneinerits, here�iitamen�s, ard appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd all the Est�,te, R.i�ht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the saicl Gratitor_______. , and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO %�4VE ANP TO HOLD the above-describcd premises,vrith tlle appurtenances, unto the sa,id Grantee________and to____________it_S________ __.._._____heirs and
<br />, a,ssigns forever. And_._____________ I_ _______hereby covenant_______witfl the said Grantee_________tha,t_______�___ _._______hold_________sa,id premises by goad and perfect
<br /> title; that_______.__.___I-.--_____--��_.yg_good ri�ht a��d Iau-�ful autl�orit,y to sell a.nd convey the same; that tlley are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever----- - ---------- - - - -- --- ---- - -- --- --- ----- - -- ---- - -- -- ---- - - - ---- ---------- -------------------------------
<br /> - - -- - ----- - - --- ---
<br /> ---- -- --- - - - - - - - --- - -- --- - - ----- ----- ---- -- - - --- --- -- -------------- ----- -- - --- -- - -- ----------- - -------------------------------------
<br /> - - -- - -- --- -- - - - -�nci-- -- --- - -- _ _----I------------ ------------_covenant--------to warrant and
<br />' defend t,o said prernises against the lawful claims of all person_s wl�omsoever, ___________ ________________.___________________.____..
<br /> - --- - -- -------------- ------------- -- -----------
<br />�� - ----- - - - - - -__ --- - - --- - ---- - - - -- ---- - -- --- -------- - - ----- - - - ---------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------
<br />, �ated the- --- ---- -- __2Qth-- -- ------da,y of�u_�,u$�_ - -- ------ -- - ---- -----------A, D,, 191Q- -•
<br />, WITrT�SS --------------------Alhar_�_us_._I�_._��ilbe_rt------------------------------
<br />�� -- ---- -------- ------------------ ------------------------
<br /> -- ----- - ----------R.A.C_oll ier ---- - - - - - -
<br /> ---------------------- ----- -------------------
<br /> ---- ----------
<br /> -- -- ------------ -- - --- -------- - - - -- - -- -
<br /> ------------------------------------------------
<br /> ss.
<br /> II�', ---------Fr�n�l�,�.--------Count , � On this-----------------2�t-h-------------------day of_-----Aug'Lts��------------------------A, D., 19------1Q before me, the
<br /> Y
<br />', undersi,ned, a 1Gotary Public_____.___________.________...._____________within and fo: said County, personally came
<br />� - - --- -- - --- --A�l�e_rtus_D,_C�i_�.k�e��---------- ----------------------- ------------------------
<br />' to me personally known to be the identical person___________whose name_______1.s--_____________ af�ixed to the above instru-
<br /> (SEAL) r�lent as grantor____.___, and_________h8.___----_severally acknoi�ledged the salne to be__.._______hi$.._._____.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for ihe pnrpose tl:erein expressed. �� ;
<br /> I�"y ti�'ITIVESS WHEREOF I have hereunto sizbscribed my,��d and a8'ixed my oft'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> __C_3rt�be:,l__Nebr,_____.______________________________.__________on the date last above written,
<br /> ------------- ------------- R._A._�_Qlliex----------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public,
<br /> My commission expires--------------- ------------ - ---------Fsh-s----�--------------------------------------------j9-14------
<br />