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<br /> -.... ...: .... . :. —.59fld�S3.Q�l'�IiA&mz.F2'_T.1;4.fFrtiz�dau� z_ztb.,.,:„��na�_�erev�E�,su�t�da�s.9±�xut�._ _ --
<br /> _ ,— _ �—�--r�-----_— ' ,,,� _. �_ � ._ _- ---=- ------ __�,__ ,
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> ---F!i_lli�m---I.Yers__&_.t�_if�__._-- -------------------- filed for record this--- -- _29-------------- __day of____Q��obsr-----------------------
<br /> �, D,, 19 10 , at-- - _ -----10._��---- - --o'clock A:_M,
<br /> -- -- - - - - - - -- - -- -- - -- - - .._ . - Warranty
<br /> T0 Deed.
<br /> - - -_ __ �=��,� `�-�- - ------- �= ----- -
<br /> Count Clerk,
<br /> -- --- -�harle_s_ Henn_�ngs ------ - -
<br /> - - - -- - - - - -- - -- --- - -- - - - - - -
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> I�now All 1VIen by These Presents:
<br /> That- -- cve-,--�i�.li.am--Ivers and--C�.ar�___I_ve�a--,hus�b�.nsi__and--wifs ----- ----- - - -- --- -- -- -- - ----- - - - - ----
<br /> of the County of_-----------------H&1-�.----------------------------and State of-----._.--- ---N@.bx�_Bk$------------------ ----------_------------------------Grantor-s---, in c�nsideration
<br /> .
<br /> of the sum of -- T_@r'1__I�?.��1S���CI__F�.��y -----__.___,..�..-_,_--_-___---___--_—_°_---------�------�-------F----=----—.�_.��.,-�,�_„=,--�--._DOLLARS,
<br /> - -- --- - ---- ---------- - �
<br /> in hand paid, do____ ___________._hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SFLL, AR'D CONVEY unto____.__C-haTlHB--Herinirigs--- ---------- -----------------------------------------.-------------- !
<br /> - _ ---- - ---- -- - - -- -- --- -- - - --- ---
<br /> of the County of-------------Hall-------------------------------- ._._and State of----------.------NebTaska__-----_.- - - -------------, Grantee--------,the following
<br /> - - --- -
<br /> described premises,situated in.the County of______._____________.__Hall______,___________ ______________and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> _.Lote--Th_rs_e- -(_�_)_ _az�d_F_QUr-- -(4�---i n__B1 Q�k__Ss_uen_--�7�---in__!�indol�h'_s---Addi-ti_on--�Q---t-he--Ci�y--�f---Gran�i__I_s1 and
<br /> '��in�_�ame--p_r�ma,�es__�_Qn=v-eys-d---t�---gran�_�_r___by___�ised .r�_co.rled.-in--B-o-o�---Nn._39_.__of--De_e_ds--at___�aae---�C___of_--the
<br /> ---Tecor�.�__ o�--��ll._.G.ounty .-- --- -- - -- - - ----- -- - -- - - _.-- - --- _ - - - - - - - -- - - -
<br /> -- - - --- ----- - --- -- ------
<br /> --- - - ----- ----- - -- - -- -- - ---- -- --- -- - -- - -- - -- - - - -- -- _ -- - - - -- ---- - - - - - --- -- ----- --- - --- ---------- -..
<br /> --- - ------- - - --- - - - ---- -- - - ---- - -- --- - -- -- --- - --- - ----- ---- -- --- -- - -- - --- - - -- -- --- ------- --- -------------
<br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, and all the Estate,R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor , and of eitl:er of them, of, in, or to ths same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to__.___his______ ________________heirs and
<br /> assigns forever. And________e��_____________.___hereby covenant.___.___with the said Grantee__________that____.__kq8________.___hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that____we______________________hao6___good right and Iawful authorit,y to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever------------------- ---------- --------------�- - -- - --- - - ----- ----- --- -- ------------- --- ----- ---------- ------------ -----------------------------------------------
<br /> -- ---- - -- - ------ - - --- ----- --- - - -- - ------- -- --- ------- ------ - -- ---- ----------- - -- - - ----- - - - - --- - ----- --- ---- - ------------------------------------
<br /> -- - ---- - - ----- -- - -- ----------- -- - -- - - -- - -------And_ ----- -- ---- we_- - -- --- --------------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ___.__..__________ _.____________________________________________________________________________________
<br /> Dated the-----------T�velf th--- -------------
<br /> day of_--- -.._MBTCh------ ----- - --- -- - ------A, D., 19Q_F_�_-----�
<br /> WITNESS -----------yg i1_1_7.a�1.__�v�xs----
<br /> - ------C_la���__�.vers- -- --------------------------------------------
<br /> ------ -----------------Ar�hur -C��-Y�r-- '
<br /> -------------- ------------- ----------------------------------------------------
<br /> ss,
<br /> -- - -Hall----------County, On this-------------------12"--------------------.day of_-----MBrCh--------------------,-------A, D., i9---O�i--, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public-----------------------------------------------within and for said County, Aersonally came----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> --- ---Willi_am__I_YerQ---an�__��.a�'a__I_Xe��_;__hu�b�r�d__an�i--�if-e------------------�---------------- --------------
<br /> to me personally knowr to be the identical person_s_____whose name__�_________�r@_________._______affixed to the above instru- :
<br /> ($E�L) ment as grantor__�______, and_______�hey___________severally acknowledged the same to be___thsir______________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> ���
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my,�and afCixed my ofI'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> __________.Grand__Island,_______________________________._______._on the date last above written.
<br /> ---------------------A rthur__C,_�aye r------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires------------------ -----------�---- -----�$y-1-7----------------------------------1911------ '
<br />'� '
<br />