. . . . . . . _
<br /> . . . � � .., .
<br /> .
<br /> -, : .. . . . - ---------...--------- . . �
<br /> • ,_._ .___.._------------ --- - _ __.. _—� , , �
<br /> � � �`� .` .. ` __
<br /> ��'����'��8
<br /> � � prir.cipal amount of the imisbtedness secured by this Desd of Tn�st,not induding sums advanced to pratett the security of this eed of , � _
<br /> Trus�exceed the original prinapal amoun!stated herein,or$ QQ�000_00 .whichever is greater.
<br /> • 16.lAtseellaneous Provlaion3. ` �=
<br /> (a)Borrower Not Reteased.Extensian of the Ume for payment or modificafion of amortizaGon of the sums secured by this • � -
<br /> Deed of Trust granted by LenCer to any successor in interest of Borrower shall na4 operate to release.in any manner,the liabtti- � • , �� �, �,
<br /> . � ty o i the origina l Borrower an d B o r ro w e r's s u c c e s s o r s i n i n t e re s t L e n d e r s h atl n ot be r e quired to commence proceadmgs � .•s �
<br /> ` aga(nst such successoc cr refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise madify amortlzation of the sums secured by this
<br /> Deed of Trust by reason of any demands made by the original Borrower and Borrower's suocessors in interest �
<br /> (b)Lendes'a Po�•rers.Without affecdng fhe tiability of arey other person liable tor the payment of any obiigation herein mert- � • +
<br /> � �oned,and without aflecting the lien or charga of this Deed of Trust upon any poRion of the Properry not then or theretoiore �
<br /> � reteased as securiry for the full amount of ail unpaid obligations,Lender may,from tima to time and withaut rtotice(7 reteass
<br /> any persort so liabte.(i�extend the maturity or alter any of the terms of any such obligations,(iii)grant other indulgences.(iv) •. .
<br />- retease or recomey,or cause to be released or reoonveyed at any tima at Lende►'s optlon any parcel,portion or all af the _ - �
<br /> ?��. Proparty,(v)take or release srry other or additionai security for an}!���hsrein mentioned,or{v?make composi�ons nr ___ ___ ____,_�
<br />. other arran�ements with debtors in relation thereto. � ,� . . .
<br /> (c�FofrDearance by Lender Not a Walver.Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any rtgM or remedy hereunder,or oth- • � • , _
<br />� erwise affo�ed 0y applipble Iaw,shall not be a waiver of or predude the exerase of any such right or remedy.The procure- • ; .� �
<br /> ment of insurance or the paymant of taxes or other Iiens or charges by Lender shatl not be a waiver or Lendets dght to aooeler- , N j.� ___,_ _�__
<br /> _ _ ate the maturily of the indabtednass secured by this Deed of Trust _ _._.�'�:_�r;_�_.��:
<br /> (d)Sacceasors and Asslgns Bound;Jotnt and Several Uab(lity;Capttons.The covenants and agreements herein con- • .
<br /> � ta:ned shatl bind,and ffie rights hereunder shall inure to,tfie respective succassors and assigns of Lender and Trostor.RII , � '�„�3:,0��
<br /> � covenanLs and agreements of 7nistor shall 6e jntnt and sevaral.The captlans and headings of the paragrdphs of this Oeed of • -_-. __
<br /> Trust are far convenience only and are not to be used to interpret or define the provisions hereof. .�,.:-
<br /> (e)Rea�uest for Nottees.The parties herehy request tl�at a copy of any notioe of dafault hereunder and a copy of any notice �:_�-
<br /> � of sale hareunder 6e mallsd to each party to this Deed of Trust at t he address set foAh above in the manner prescribed by ,,,`'� -_ ��'
<br /> • applicable law.Except for any other notice required under applicab(e law W be givan in another manner,any no4ice provided for �,� - , ����=•
<br /> in this Qeed of Trust shall be given by mailing such notice by certified mail addsessed to the other arties,at the address set �'2'��-
<br /> P . �^k:::;..�
<br /> forth aiwve.My nottce provided for in this Deed of Trust shall be effective upon mailing in the manner desfgnated herein.If .. :� �:�4��'
<br /> Trustor is more than one person,notice se�st to the address set forth above shall be notice W all such persons. :�-.
<br /> .�C_ '°r __
<br /> (�tnspecBon.Lender may make or cause W be made reasonabla entries upon and inspedlons of Me Pr�g.erty.provlded ;,,.;:5 ,:. .: �'$ •--_-�-,•.---
<br /> - that Lender shall giva Tnastor notice phar to any such inspecdon specifying reasonable puse therefor related�Lenders inter- ,`r.;; �, i�
<br /> - .- est in tha Property. ��}'s�-"-��—�' '
<br /> (g)Reeonvayance.Upon payment ot atl sums secured by this Oeed of Trust,Lender shalt request Trustee`:�recanv2y ihe ;_ ''��1
<br /> Property and shall surtender this Deed of Trust and all notes evidencing indebtedness secured by this Deed of Tn:st to '-'�::�� -
<br /> Trustee.Trustea shall recanvay the Properly,wiUwut warwanty and without charge to the person or persons legalty e�s�ad �� � . . ''d'-.
<br /> thereto.Tn�stor shall pay alt oosts of recordation,if any. �'� - ?�
<br /> .� �.
<br /> - .•�. (h)Personal Property:Sewrity Agreement As additional securiiy for the payment of the Note,Trustor hereby grants
<br /> � Lender under the Nebraska Uniform Commercial Code a searfty interest in all fixh�res,equipment,and olher personal properiy ,; 'm'�`�,.:` `'--
<br /> � usad In oonnecGon with the real estate or improvemenffi located thereon,and not otherwlse declared or deemed to be a part of ' ,;` �, ,:�
<br /> . � the real estata secured hereby.This instrument shall be construed as a SecuBty Agreement under said Code,and ihe Le�r '��;�,;•
<br /> shall have all the rights and remedies of a secured paRy under sai�Cade in addition to the�tghts and remedies created�:;d9rr �I
<br /> ' and accorded the Lender pursuant to thls Deed of Trusfi provlded�+�.at Lenders dghts and remedies under this paragrapfi���'J :+,�¢;�: �%y �`rt:.�..
<br /> be cumutative with,an��no way a Iimitatlon on,Lenders dghts and remedies s:�der any other securtty agreament stgn..d by � �:._ ,;•:�:...��;k�.;
<br /> Borrower or Trustor. '
<br /> � (�Ueos and Encumbrances.Trustor hereby warrants and rr�yresents that there is no default under the provisions of any '' " r-
<br /> . _. mortgage,deed of trust,lease or purofiasa contract desaibing ail or any part of tha Property,a�other oontracf,instrument or ?�� ;�.:..
<br /> • agreement constituting a Uan or encumbrance against all or any paR of the Property(collectivaty 'Lisns7,exlsttrtg as oi the ' ,��. -
<br /> � date of this Deed of Trust,and that any and all existing Uens remain unmodified except as disclosed to Lender in Trustors writ
<br /> ' ten disctosure of liens and encumbrances provided tor herein.Trustor shall tlmety perform aIl of Trustors obligaUons. ' �'.�,-
<br /> covenants,representations and warranUes under any and aIl exfsting and future Usns,shatl promptly forvrard tn Lender voples ��___—d"'�
<br /> ' oi atl noUces of default sent tn cbnnectlon with any and atl exist3ng or future Ltens,and shal!not without Lermars pdor written �
<br /> consent Uo any manner modify the provislons of or allow any futnre advarnrn�ss undet any exisUng or future liens. ��:
<br /> ' (p App7icaUon oi Paymenffi.Unless othervulse requlred by law,sums pald to Lender hereunder,Including without limltatlon __
<br /> • payments oi principal and interest, insurance proceeds, condemnation proceeds and rents and profits,sha11 be apptied by —�
<br />� �• Lender to the amounis due and owing irom Trustor and Borrawer ln such order as Lender in its sote discreLion deems desir- �
<br /> able. : ;,;t:.;
<br /> . ' (kj Ssverabtlity.K any provlslon ot thls Deed of Trust conflicts w(th appllcabte law or Is dedared invali�xc othenHlse unen- � � ''
<br /> � forceabfe,such oonflict or invalid3ty shall not aftect the other pro�i�cns of this Deed oi Trust or the Note v►h.�cb can be ghren _ '°�-� �
<br /> ' effect without the conftictlng pmvlsion,and to this end ri�e provlslmrs af this Oeed ot Trust and tha Note are ct-h�red to be sov- �
<br /> i
<br /> erable. ��' :
<br /> . (Q Terma.The terms'Trusto�'and'Bortowar sha11 inctude bo�singular and plural,and when tiva Trustar�nd Borrower are . =-
<br /> the same person(s),those terms as used In this Deed oi Trust shall be interchangeable. ;,;.,.
<br /> , (m)Govemfng Law.This Dead of Tn�st shall be govemed by the laws of the Stete of Nebraska. �"`• . .'y��� -
<br /> ' ....:�•�k;•
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<br /> . .:t`.. �.i�•
<br />� . Trustor has executeQ this Deed oi Trust as t 0 date wtittEet aboVe. �� '�r_ '' �
<br /> . � • . •
<br /> . . ." ',.
<br /> Jam . ta o d, usband rrusrnr onna J. t ood, wife rruseor
<br /> , 't Trustor Trustor • � _-
<br />- ' � F - 1 FI :. .. . " ' ..
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<br /> • • . �
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