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<br /> ��o��1F I liereby certify that thls instridmen.t, u�as entered on Numer�cal Index and
<br /> : �- • .
<br /> filed f�r record this--- �7tt1_---. __.. ------day of----. ��t 9�:���_--.._ .__._---------
<br /> I�;���c :'_.- Au�us���n� ��_ x���.�'� .-- ----
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<br /> of the Couniy of____ _________T��tl� _. __.___and State of___ .___ __ ' �''����`` '�1____ ____ ____.______Grantor__u.._, in consideration
<br /> of tlie suz�, �f---- -'�'_:�;ri� :i_�;.r�u_��Ci -- -- -- - -- - --- -- - - --------- ------------------ ----------- -----DOLLARS,
<br /> ------------------------ ---------- --------------------
<br /> in ha1i�� p�,i;�, d�__- -- - -- ---hei°eby GP�1:IlT, 13:4?���IN, a'ELL, AND CONVEi' unto_ _._ - _- ------- -------- ----. ----- - _ ----
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<br /> of the G'ounty of-- - j:i_,,�.�._ _ __ __- -- - _at�d S�ate of -- _ _. .T�:,�z�.;_:.;=� -_ -- - --- - _, Grantes ---,thefollowing
<br /> descrik�ed nremises,sitlza,tec�in the C��uu�y of=-____ _ r�ial% -_._ �____-______-_____--._ .___--_an.d State oP Nebraska, to wit,: �
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<br /> --- _- ---- ------ -- --- - -- - - - - ------ -- ---- - - - -- ---- - _-- --- - -- - ------ ---- ----- -------- ----------
<br /> Tc,gether witl? a11 the tenements, i�eretlitarnents, ancl appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, 2nc1 all the Estate, Right, Title, I1�terest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Dematicl Whatsoever of the saia Grant,or , and of either of them, of, in, or to the sa�me, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO _TI�VF AND TO HOLI1 the aaove-described prelnises,u�ith the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_.._.____and to___________r.i`'___.._______...._.____heirs and
<br /> assigns forever. �nd_ ..t.� _ _ _ ___________.__hereby covenant_______wiih the said Grantee___..._____that_______�:,�___________h�ld_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that_____:�t:�___._____________ras,L___good ri�ht and iawful authority to seli and convey the same; that they are free and clear �f all liens and incnmbrances
<br /> whatsoever-------- --------------- -- -- - - --- -- -- - --- --
<br /> - -- ------------- - --- - - -- - - -- -- -- -- -------- ---- ------ - - ------------ ----------------
<br /> ---- ------- -- --- - -- - ----- - -- ------ _--- -- -- - - - - - - - - -- - --- ------- ---------------- -- --- ------------- ------- ---------------- -
<br /> ---- ----- -_. --- - ------- --- - -- -- ---- - -- -- - - - ------ --- --- -- - — -------- -------- -- ------------- --- - --------- -------- -----------------------------------
<br /> - --- - - -- -- -------- - ----- - --- -. -- -- Arzd--- - ---- ----�-��----- - -------- - - -------------covenant-------to warrant and
<br />' defend to said prernises against the lawful claims of all persolis wliomsoever, ____.______.____.______________________.___________________.______._________________�
<br /> - - ------- ------------------
<br /> Dated thet�zr�lA�;' ��lzl_�:i - --- - --dati� of-- --CG_�_oi:-�-x--- -- - - --- - - -_---A, D,, 19---1�.,
<br /> WITNESS ------I_u a;�C---'-" '---Au;u��i ne
<br /> ____Ax�anda___.�u1us uine
<br /> . .
<br /> ,��,.::e� -�-•-- P�11
<br /> ss, ,
<br /> --------F-i�,11- -------------County, On this-- --�-_�th.------- -- ------ -------day of_------Cc_!_o»�r- ---------------------A, D., 19_10---, before me, the
<br /> undersignecl, a ilotary PubIic- ----------------------------_----witliin and for said County, Per°sonally came---------------------------------------- -------------------------
<br /> . .
<br /> r�rw ,� n:� .
<br /> ���uc'�v^ . ii:;.^'4ia�12^_E3 1Tl�l �I:1�IL;.l.i1 �U;_,_t13�1.,::8_ '11:i--S"11f C3-------- -----------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ---------- '-= - -------� --- - ----------------- ---------
<br /> -- -------- -- ------- - --- ----- ----- -------- - -------------- - - ---------------------------------- ----------- ------------------ ---------------
<br /> t,o me personaIly knowrl to be the identical person�_______whose name_S___._____._�.T_�___________________a�xed to tfle a,bove instru-
<br /> me�lt as grantor_u__._____, and______y�v�-__-------severaiIy acknowledged the same to be_____���l��r._._.______.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressed. _;��,�Q
<br /> I�V Z�ITNESS TdJHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed m_y�-��,nd afC'ixed my ofI'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> � �; : h L ) T-r__anc�--I�---�.na " Y
<br /> !�' " 1� _ _ ,__r,�u�.____________._,_______._____________.___on the date last above written.
<br /> --J t--�-�----Di 7.1--------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> 1v l�til Notary Public,
<br /> Mycommission expires_-------------- -------`-�u---- ---- ------------------------------------------------------------191i-------
<br />