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<br /> .Fid0t8=KL/JPP fi$AR7`I„�'7"t'CO.,Print%n�,Litho�raplainp and Count�Suyplies;Omuhe,. `' `" "` —— ��
<br /> F���i I hereby certify that this instrument was enterecl an 1�'umerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this-- .__2� --- - -----day of--- - ��'�Q�6T - ----- ------
<br /> �. D,, 19__10. , at - -_ �--- - - - -- - -- ---o'clock- - - - - __ ---�_.,M.
<br /> - - -The--�a�-s-Iz�uEStr�e-n-t- C�-- - _______ Warranty
<br /> T0 Deed. �
<br /> -- _ -- - - - _ __ ��- - - - - - -- -- -
<br /> Co ty Clerk,
<br />' -- - -- -____. Sor�n a. Ni�l_s_en --- --- -
<br /> -- - - -- -- - -- -- -- ---- - - - --
<br /> � Depui,y,
<br /> I��o�v All 1VIen bgr �l�ese �'r�ese��s : �
<br /> Tnat The Ros�--Inve_��rn_ent. C_o_._ a carn�.rat i_on---- -- - --- - - -_ - - --- --- - --
<br /> - --- - --- - - --- ----- ---------
<br /> of the Coun�y of__-- --------- ---- ._�s�1.1..-- ----- ---�.nd St�te of_-- .___.____N-ebra3ka----------- ------ - - -------- ---------Grantor------, in cnnsideration
<br />�' of the suln of----------Eight__.�iuri3xe�__&_ _ri.4�00----------- ----- - ---- - --------DOLLARS,
<br /> iia �and paid, do___ . ___hereby �RA:`TT, B�iPu-�IN, S�+;LL, �il�'D CON�E� uriUo__._ $_o�8n__�.Ni_e1�S_n_ __
<br /> of the Cou�ity of-- - -- ----- ---- I�all -------- ---- _ -----_ar.d State of----- - --.---- _ _.Nebr33ka---- - ----- - ----- --------, Grantee--- --,the following
<br /> describeel prerrises, sitlzateci ii�tlie Cci�nty of___ _ _ ___._ .Fia1.1____....__________ _ _ _______and State of Nebr�aska, to ���it:
<br />, - - Bl_ock number _Nine_ (�-� -�n__Kaeh�_e-_r_-_Su�adivisi_o_n.._ac�oxc�i.n�;_to_._���_-recor�3scl �lat-_-t�ereof._now--on-----_-
<br /> ---- f�..1_�__ i�_ the- -office_ �f -�he_�aunt�r-Glerk_o-f--sai3_ .Ha11___C_o_ur.�y-,.--Ne.b_raska. -----__ --------- ----_ - --__ _._
<br /> . -- - --
<br /> _ -- -- -- _ _ __ - - -- - ----___ - - - - -- -- -- __ -- - __- - --
<br /> __ - --- - --_ _ --- - - - - - -- ---- -------
<br /> Toget�ier witli a,li tlie fenements, liereciitame:2ts, and appurterialices tllereunto bslonging, �,nd �,11 the .Estate,R.i�ht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, C'laim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Crantor_.________, �'r�7C7�i7K�K�&�i, of, in, or to the same, or afiy part thereof.
<br /> 7'0 HAT�'E A�rD T(� HOLD the above-describe� premises,with the appurtel�ances, unto the said Grantee________and to____._.________Yii_�__________________heirs and
<br /> The Ros� Investment Co.
<br /> a,ssigris forever, �nnd__�_hP___s_�id___�__hereby covenant__�___with the said Grantee_____ ____that______1_t_________hold__g____said premises by good and perfect
<br />�I title; �hat_____._.__i�_______.____ha�____gooci right and lawfttl authority to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br />�, whatsoever---------------- --- -- ---- - - - -- ---�----- --- --------- - --- ---- ---- ----- ------------ -----------------------------
<br /> I� -- - -- - -- --- ------ -- - - - --- - - ------------------- - - ------- ----------------------------------
<br /> - - - --- -- ----- - -- - - -
<br /> --- - - ------- -- - - - --- - ------- - -- -- ----- ---- - - --- -- ---- --------- - --- ---------- ----- ---- ---------- - ---------------- ---------- --------------
<br /> --------And__th�._.s.�7,3__Th81n�-Q-$-�--Iny��t�net�t--4_q-,------------------------covenant--�----to warrant and
<br /> defend to said pr•emises against the lawful claims of all�ersolis whomsoever, In_ _�'Pi_t_ne�S___'.'!�'ie�6of_�___th@____�a�_d__Th8___ROB�_I21v9�tmen_'�___Ca
<br /> has---c�use_d�__thP,e---�-x��ent-s- -�-a--t�e--signe_cl_'�_y_--:�t-s____P_resid�:nt---and___i�s--c-o-i'?�o_ra�-e--s-eal---at.t_�cher.i--he_r_e_t.�---
<br />�
<br /> 3d�adc�e. - thiS- '�t�a --- _ _ --da�y of_- -- 4Ct4b-er--- --- ---- -----A, D,, 19_10-----�
<br />', ti��ITN��s ---------------------Tha---Ro_ss._.Invaa�ment---���---------------
<br />' ���������#���
<br />���� �� c o r�o rat�
<br /> � S E A L bY --- Fred--5�._A_s_h�_Qn- ---------------,_P_.r_e�a_��-�-�--------
<br /> - - ---- -- L_._R,Rr_i���:����- ---- - ######I���#�LL`�� att�s�-- ------ S._�._�.a_ss----- ------------------Ssa�e_t_ar-Y----------
<br /> - --- -------- -- - - ---------
<br /> ------- -- - - - - -
<br /> / - ------ ---- --------------- -------- ------------------------------ ---------
<br /> ss,
<br />', ---- - �Ia17�--- -- ----- ---County, On ttliis---- --- ----2�th-- -- -----------day of_-----QC�s�a�T------ ------- ----------A. D., 19--10, before me, the
<br />' undersigned, a iVoiary Publi�________________________...___________within and for said County, personally came__Fr�d___I'�.Ash�Qn____,p_r_esidan�____of________
<br /> - --- --- -Thp--�oss In�Te�tmen-� --Co�- - ------- ------------------ - ----- -------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -- - - --- ---- ------- - - -------- - --------- - - - -
<br /> r,� i - - --- -------------------------
<br /> - - --- - --------------------- -- - -- --
<br /> io riie pE�rso a �`y��ib'�Vn e� e n i � Q 1�. w '
<br /> �� �� ��'i� �C'c� ��i_.__ _ i_ hose name_-__---_____--1-s-_-_-----__--_--_ai�xed to the above instru-
<br />' � merit a��rantor_ _______, any________ ___________ _��]i�y ack owledged th ame to be__________�li.�____________.vol ntary act and deed
<br /> fi E A I� 1 anci � e volun�ax act and�--�eed of t�ie said �'�e Ross Investment �o.
<br /> ^ for �11e purpose therein expresseci.
<br /> IN tiVIT1YESS WHERFOF I have hereunto subscribed my and af�'ixed my oif'icial seal at_______.____________________________________
<br /> GT�nd__I,Zarid�___Ne'r�r3si�a_____________________on the date last above written.
<br /> ----------------------------------I,. R.Brinin,�er-----------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My coinmission expires--------- - --- - ---------------------13a�Ch--�--�'------------------------------------------19_�,__4----
<br />�_ _
<br />