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<br />�.� ,:. .. : _�- �4�--�n s�:sA�bT�ETT ca�.�r�uti�s�&s�l��s�lka�s s�co„au�s���;D mah� . . - —. .-- -=� -:___
<br /> FRO� I 1lereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> ------------Li_hb-i-e--E._Guy.--R�---Husb-and:-------------- filed for record this----.-------24___-------------day of-----O.ct_ob�r_---..---- • ---------
<br /> A, D,, 19_10- -, at- - .._�1 ���- --- -- ---o'clock - -- --- A.-M•
<br /> - ---� -- -- -- - --- - - - - -- - - - - -- - --- Warranty
<br /> Tp Deed. '
<br /> - ----- - - - - - ��� -- - - '
<br /> --
<br /> Couniy let�k,
<br /> - -- -- - Hiram ,�._�uy ----- - - - --
<br />, ---- - ----- --- -- -- - - - - - - ------------ - - - -- �---
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> Know All 1VIen by These Presents:
<br /> That- --I�ibbia__�._Cu�r and_.Hiram A.-�u�-a- -husband-and-�ife--- --- -- --- -- -- --- ---- --- -- ----- - -- - - - - - -- --
<br />, ---- ------ --- --- --
<br /> of the County of------------------�I�1---------__.
<br /> ---and State of__------ ___ .----N9b�8SkEt--- -- -------- --- --------------------------------Grantor---s--, in r,nnsideration .
<br /> of the sum of_- --- -4n�--IIallar___and--nat�ar-al__l.aue---a�d---a��$�tia�------- -------------------------- ---------- -- -------------------��
<br /> in hand paid, do hereby GRANT, Bt�RGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY urlto�a�-�d>.._Hir3m :A.._Cr_U.�t. ___ ________. ____-_ -.-- -__________________________
<br /> of the County of_------------_---------��1.1------------------------___and State of--- .------ -----N�bT_SS-k�--------- ----------------------------------, Grantee--------,the following
<br /> described premises,situated in the County of______________________fl�ll. _____ ____________________and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> Ls��---Qn�_-j-l� -3n---Hlnc_k_.4n8 _Hundrer3.--and--�hirt�rai-x---�1�6-�----of- the---tini-an- _Pa�i-fi-c- -Rail�ray-�-ompany-'--s-,------
<br /> �e_co_nd__A���t.�_qx�---t o---�'�e__Cit-Y---�f__G�and_.Ielan�i_,__-a�----sho.�n- -up�n__�he--se�s�rde�--pl-at--th�rs_of-i---BU?�j-�-�-�-----
<br /> howerer__t__o___a._mort_�age___in_.the__sum____o__f_ _Nine___Hundred___(_�_9q0._00)___Do11�rs__t o___�he.___Nebraska_Cent ral__Bui�
<br /> di-ng----and__Z��an._Ass-ociat_i_on.------------T.hi-�--bein�---�t-he--Homestead- o-f_-the--par-t-iss-,-- -t-he sa�d--Hi-ram--A.-�uy--------
<br /> ---s_ign�---tr�i� _�eed__tQ__him�_�lf--�o--ful.f�ll---the--r_eqi�rsmen`-s---of- --tha___Law--of___this---�.ta_ts--i-n---re�q�r_�is--,-------
<br /> -t a �nnueyance- af-a--Homes-t_ea.d.--- - - -- ----- -- -- ----- -- - --- - -- ---- - - ----- - - ---- - - ----- -- - - - - - - --�-------
<br /> -- ----------- - - - - - -- --- ---- - ---- - ---- - -- - - -- ----- - - -- -- ---- - ----- ------- ------- --- - -------- -- -- -- - ---- ---�-------
<br /> - Tobether with all the tenements, 1lereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belong�ing, �,nd all the .Estate,R-ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__S_______, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO HAti'E AND TO HOLD the above-described prernises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee._________and to___________h_��__________________ _____heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And___._____We________________hereby covenant_.______with the said Grantee__.._____that__________�[e____.___hold______,_,said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that__________we______________ha_Y_�___good right and lawful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of �,11 liens and incumbrances
<br /> w�atsoever---�------------------------- ----exce�t a�--above--��ate�d ----- ---- - -- -------------- - -- -------- --- -- ---- ------------ - - --------------------
<br /> --- - ---------------------- -- -- ------- - ---- ----------- ---- --- - ----- ---- ---------- ---- --- ------ -- --� .----------- -- -- --------- ---------------- --- ------------
<br /> -- ------- - -- - -- - --- - - - -- - --- - ---- ---- - --- - --- ---_ ---- And-- - ----- -- - -��_-- - - - ----._covenant------to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persoris who�nsvever, __________exCep�--aa---aU-4Y8--8ta�-8d------------------------------------- �--------
<br /> Da,ted the. - ----- - -- 6 n----- ----- - --day of_-- --38p�emb6T-- - --- ------ ------------A. D,, 19---�Q--,
<br /> WITNESS � _______________________Libbi_e__E._C�uy-_-__
<br /> ----------- -----Hi-r�!--A---�'�Y-------------------------------------------
<br /> ---- - - -----�---- -T._D._C-.Harxi�on --------- ------- -- --
<br /> �SS, •
<br /> - -- --Ha�.�----------County, On this-------------F!!-----------------------day of------5-6�-t8mb�r-------------------A. D., 19---1Q-, before me, the
<br />'', undersigned, a Notary Public_._�_._0._C.Har��._�.oi1_________within and for said County, personally came._ __________-___---_.________ --------_----------------_ !
<br />� - ------ -----Libl�ie E-•-�uY- and---H�x_�m--A-•-�u�--- -----husb�nd__and--wifa--------------------------- ----------- '
<br /> --------- --------- �------ ---- -------
<br /> (SEAL) to me personally known to be the identical person___S____whose name____.________�rs________________.___affixed to the above instru-
<br /> ment as grantor___�_____, a,nd_______�he_y________severally acknowledged the same to ue___.Th�ir______._____voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed. ,
<br /> name
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�a,�d and affixed my of�icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> �e
<br /> ___________.________GrEt11d__Islan�i.}__NQ1�����C�__________on the date last above written.
<br /> T.�.C.Harrison
<br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires------------------- ---- -----FebTU�ry--1Q'_'_---�-�-D-�..--------------------------is_�2------
<br /> i
<br />