<br />{ ��. . � � ° � � �
<br /> � � � ,� a
<br />�__ : _ . ____ _ ________.___..___�._ _ -_—_-_
<br /> 50048—$LOF7'&BES PTLF'1'7'CO.,Prinling,Lithographinp¢nd Caurzty SuPplies:Oar�ahd: � -- � _--�:�_ _.� �__,�,� ._-- � �----�-_�--_.- ---
<br /> FRQ�� I hereby cei�tify tha,t this irstrun�ent was entered on Nurnerical Index and
<br /> ni ,. �led for recorcl this--- ---- -��---- - -- ___-day of___(�Ct ObeT__----- ---.- -
<br /> - _- -- �].t��__Jo�e�hi:�e �_..�xp -- --- --
<br /> A, D., 1910._._., ai-- _ .._1.(�_._30_ ._--- --dclock -- ---- P�-��
<br /> ---
<br /> � rusband_ - -- ---- -- -_ _- 1�Varranty
<br /> r� Deed. '
<br /> - .._------- - -� _
<br /> - - ---- -
<br /> v_nty Ciet°k,
<br /> -_ _ E�yth Strai�ht�__ _ -- ---
<br /> - - - - - -- __ - -- -- - ---- - - -- ---
<br /> � Depu�y. �
<br />� � Kno�v t�il �'l[en by T��se �'r���nt�se
<br /> That______we,___Alma_Jos__ephine_ Clark_and___C.E,_(:_l�rk___( be_i_n�_.qn_�__Q�_ .�l�e _he_i.r_�__q�___S�amus�,_ _Hu$_t_Qn_Deceased) �
<br /> �-_��.fe a�d husba�d) _ _--- - - -- -- - - - - _ - - -- -
<br /> of t,he �ounty of-------. ---.-------Bro�Fn------ -------- ---- _a,nd Sta,te of._-.--.---------�T�bT�skB- -__--_---- --._ ------------------------------Grantor-s---, in c�llsideration
<br /> of t�e sum of----Ona---ana__n_o_ 100---------------------------_--- -- - -
<br /> ---------- - ------- - -- --- ------ --------- -- --------------------------------------DOLLA_RS,
<br /> in cia,rd paid, do__. li�reby� GF��'�T1, ?3y_Ri�!�I��', SELr, A_ND �ONI'�i� uz�tc- --Edy__th_--- ---�tTi�i-ght-- ------__- ------ - -
<br /> of the Cou12tJ' �f - - --- H��,I - . ._-- -- and ,State of __ _ N812Ta8k� -- - - - g
<br /> ___, Grantee________,the followin
<br /> described prernises,siti.ated in ilie Coti�ity oi___---___-.---------��11_.__. ____________and Sta,te of Nebraska,, io �it:
<br /> --------Al.l---_o___f____our- -undi.vided_i_r�te.�e��- �.-n-.Lot�__�tQ-.----�_;�e_l_Qe-j_l.2_)___and_T_hi_r_taen- -(13�---�n__Bls��_k--NQ-•---Th�ree---
<br /> ---- ----(.��_ in__Bogg- &___Hills---A�.di.tisn_t-o--�rand__Island-,-�T_eb���ka,---aa__sz:,r.vsXed,--F-la�_�_ed--aucl---r_e_c_orr�esl.-----
<br /> _ ---- - --- - - - - --- --- - -- - --- -- - - - -- - - - -- - -- - - -- - - ----- - -- -----
<br /> - -- - - - _ -- _ -- - - --- - - --- --- __ - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - ------ -------------
<br /> - ---- -- - -- -- - - -- _ - - -- - - -- -- - - - - - _ - ------- ---- - ----------------
<br /> Together with aIl the tenelnents, Iiere�Iitalneni�s, and appurteriances t�ereunto beloli�ing, ancl all the .Estate,R.ight, Title, Intel°est, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Dema,nd wl2atsoever of the said Granaor___.& ___-, arid of either of them, of; in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO H�VE AN.D TO FIOLL the above-described prenlises,with the appurtenanees, unto the said Grantee________.and to_______.____th�iT._______________heirs and
<br /> assigns forever. �r.d__________sR8_..___ ____________liereby covenarit_____with the said Grantee_________that_______�te_______hold_._______saicl premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that_______W8_______.__._____ha_Ve_gcod right anel l�,wft;l aUthority to sell a.nd contiey the same; that they are free ard clear of �,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever----Sub j_�c�- -�Q -��.1---taxes.__or__,a.sges.sme_nts- -nf_-e_u�rY- natur� ----- - - ------ ------- -- ---------- - - --------------------------
<br /> -_ . --- - - ---- - - ----- - - - ----- --- --- ---- - ---------- - - ---------- - ---- -- - ---- -- --------- ------------------------
<br /> ----- ---- ---- ----- -- - -- - - -- ------- - ---- ----- ---- ._ _ -- - -------- --- - -- -- -------------- -- --------- - ------------ --------------------------
<br /> ----- -- -__ - - --- - And------- -- ---- ---�� -- ---------------- ------------covenant------to warrant an�
<br /> defen�l to said premises against the lawf'ul claims of all perscns tivliomsoever, ___EX�e�,?�__38___�.bflY6.__�_�E�tsd_________________________________. ___._______________
<br /> D�,ted t1�e-------Th�_�t_�.exlth- ----day of_-------Q_CtQk�flr-----------------------------A. D., 19--1Q---•
<br /> W ITN.ESS ---------------------�lma---.I Q s_e�h�.ns-�-1-a��C---------------------
<br /> --- - - - -----��_E�._C1_arl�---------------- ---------------------------------
<br /> -�-- - -------S_..C_.F3us_t_�n- ----- _.__---- - -
<br /> --- - - -- - ---- ---- - - - - -__ -- - - - i - -
<br />' �ss.
<br /> - -- - _------H���--------County, On this--__---_Thiz�ee_n�h--------------day of_--_--_-IIatahe-r----------------------A. D., 19-----�,� before me, the
<br /> undersigr.ed, a Notary Public---------------------------------------within and for said County, Personally canie----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> - --- Alma_Jo�ephine--C��rk--�nc�---��F._C�,�rk--- - -- --- ---------------------------�--------------
<br /> ------------------
<br /> _�l�l� �„,d�_ Husband 1
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_S_--____whose name__.�________________8TE-______________af�xecl to the above instru-
<br /> (SEgL) rnent as grantor__s_______, and___ths_y_____________severally acknowledged the same to be_____.�he-i_T_______.____voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed,
<br /> n
<br /> IN Z�'ITNESS WHEREO� I have hereunto subscribed my�and afI'ixed my ofl'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> __________Gara�.d__Is_l�.nd_,__NeY�r._____________________._.___on the date last above written.
<br /> ---------------------------------�--�_._C._Hus�on--------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My con�mission expires------------- ----� ----J_la�y---'��------------------------191�-------
<br />