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<br /> 5005$-RLOPP&I3ARTLETT CO.,Printing,Lithogr¢phing¢nd C�unty Supplaes;OmaTi¢. � - !���'�
<br /> F��'�1 I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> J�hSI---H._�u.Q�_& _�i�e _- -- --------- file�for record this--. . _._22----- -------------day of-- ---4.C�.Ob��' --- --------.-
<br /> A, D., 191 0 , at- -.__ _..._3_,4Q -- -- - - - - o'clock- ---- - P-,-M.
<br /> ----- -_ - - - - _ --_ ___ __ - - -- - - - Warranty
<br /> �� Deed. `
<br /> - -- -- — _._- -�rir-�i_ -- - — —
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<br /> ouniy Cierk,
<br /> -- -- -- �-ames E•-.F�u�k -- - __
<br /> - ---- - -- - - --- -- ------ - - --- - --
<br /> Depuiy.
<br /> I�no� Al� 1VIer� by 7['liese Presents:
<br /> That-- _John__H_.�uer_and__Ds�rothea--�..Ruer --husl�and__and �rife- -- - - -- ---- - ---- -- - ---- - - -
<br /> _ - --_ - - - --
<br /> of the Coulity of____ ___.____ _Hall_ _____ ___ ______. .__ _____and State of_____ ___._ ___ _ _N.ebTaska____ . __.___.___Grantor_______, in consideration
<br /> of the surn of -T4p0 T��:u�t�tnCl__--=—_=-,_-�,_�� _._- .-_---_-_-_-_°�-_---___f_�_�_�_��a - - --- --- -- .------------------------°------------- ---------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do- -- __ _____hereby GRA�'T, �r�Rt��I.+T, SELL, A�'�'D COl1VEY urlto._Jt3m�s---.E_._BU.Ck ------- ---------
<br /> -- - -- - - - - - -- -
<br /> of the County oi--- -------�all_ _ ---- ----._-----._ __- ---__ ._ard State of___ -----------Neb_raska_----, _ --- - , Grantee .._---,the following
<br /> described pren��ses,situated in t11e County of._____ ___ _ . H�11 ___ __ ___ _.________arid State of Nekiraska, to tiviti:
<br /> -- _ _Lo�--ru�bere�__Eive__(5-�-.--in-f31oc_k__numhezsd_Thirty----tw_Q--(-3-2-)-- in---�fhs_sle-r'-s -A�ldi_t_�_an_-_�o__C�a��.--Is�._and
<br /> -- - Nebraska, as_ �l;at��� ._€�nd--�ec_Qrd�d- -- - _ --- --- - --- - -._. - _ - -- - --- -- -- - -
<br /> - ---- --
<br /> - - -- - - - - -- - - -- ----- -- - _ -- -- -- -- -- - ------- - --- -- ------ ----- - --- ----------------
<br /> Tc��ether witli all the te��e�n�ents, heredita�nerlts, and appurtenances thereurito b�lon�ing, �,nd all t�?e Estate, R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoe7�er of the said Gra-ntor_ , and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO .F�.!1VE Al1D TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenar2ces, unto the said Grantee__________and to__ ________hi�________________.____heirs and
<br /> a,ssigtis forever, And______.____t�Fe_______ _____hereb;� covenant______with tha said Grantee_.__ _______that_________.�fl____ __hold________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title,; that___._____We__ ..___________haYe__goc�d right and lativful authorit,y to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of �,Il liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever-- ------- --- --- - - - -- ---------- - -- - - -------_. - - - - - ---
<br /> - ----- ------ -- -- -- --- - ---- -- --- -- - - ---- --- - -- -- ---- --- --- ----- - - - ------ ------ ---- --- ------------------- ----------------�-
<br /> --- ---- - - -- -- - - ------ - -- ---- --- ----- ------- - - ---- - -- --- - -- --- - ------------ ---- - - - - ------------ ----- ---- --------- ----------- --------------------
<br /> ------ - -- - - - - - -
<br /> _ - - - - _. - - - --- -- - - - - - - - _And--------- -------- - -- - . - - --- - --��------------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premises against the Iau�ful cIaims of all persons whomsoever, ___________ __ ________________________. _______________ _
<br /> - - -- -- -----------__.. - - ---- - -------------------
<br />'� ---- - -._ _.--- - -- --- - - ---- --- --- ------._ --- --- -- -- - --------- - -- -------- -- -------- --------------
<br />� Dated the- - 22Y1d - -- -- -- - - --da,y of -- - 4C_'�.p1?_�_�_-- - - ----A. D., 19_10--,
<br /> � WITNESS --------------------s�0�'1�__�_._$L1Q�--------------------------------------------
<br /> ----L-i-Qr_Q.�hQ�__E�Buer-------------------------------
<br /> ------ ---- -- - C.Ii,_�i_�ne� -- - - ----- - ----
<br /> ss.
<br /> -��11-- ----County, On this- - - -- -�'.2nd ----- -----------day of_--- ------OC,t-o=�c�8r--------------------A. D., 19---1-0-, before me, the
<br /> undersi�;ned, a Ivocary Publi_e-------------------------------------------within and for said County, Personally came------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />' ------ - - ---- ---�_�hn--�_._�uer---ahd__Llor_�_�hsa__E_._B�_:�r- - -- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
<br /> --- ---------- ------------- ---- ---------- ---- -�- - ------x��b�n�.._��a---��_�_�------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__8______whose name_8________,.______S2�_____._________a�'ixed to the above instru-
<br /> (�EAJ.,} ment as grantor___S_____, and_________t_he_�t________severaliy acknowledged the same to be_____t.heir_____.._____voluntary act and deed
<br /> for ihe purpose therein expressed,
<br /> n m�e
<br /> IN 1VITNESS WHEREOF I have hereuilto subscribed my, and af�'ixed my official seal at______________________________________________
<br /> _ __________CT�,I�_d__��13nd�________________._______._on the date last above written,
<br /> --------------------------------�_._�i.._2��_nak----------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires------------------ -- - -------------------------��---1Q-----------------------------------19-13-----
<br />�
<br />