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<br />� 5b048—KLOPP F BARTLF.TT CO.,Printirg,Lithographing and Cor�nty Supplies:Umahc ` - `-' "-. -"'"{- `-._��—�---==�—i—�--�'
<br />—. _ .__ _ _ _ _ _
<br /> __:. ,.__ »— ----..__._._
<br /> --- . ,:_�——_--_._____
<br /> —_.... _—. ��_��__ . .—'----__�.___._�
<br /> FRO7�T I hereby certify that this instrun�ent was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> ---�!iZli_am__R,�2�_ter�_ -&.---- .------- filed for record this--- -21 ---- - --------_day of_----Octaber-___ .-- -----------
<br /> �, D., 19 1Q -• a-t- - �,._4�� ---- - -----,o'clock---- - - -- p• -M�
<br /> -- - - - --
<br /> wi_�e____ _ - - -- - - -� Warranty
<br /> TD Deed. �
<br /> - - - _
<br /> ountiy Ciei°k,
<br />'� - � - - - Mary-�,_Tuffs __ - -- -- -
<br />� - ---_ - - - -- -- ------- - --- - ------- - -- --
<br /> Depu�y.
<br /> I�.r��w Al� rVIen b� Tl�ese �'a�esents :
<br /> 2hat--�tilliam A._�'��.t.ers and--F-1-si-e--1.._�alt_e_rs -� Hubb�nd--and �i�e - -- ------------ -- ---- - - -._ - - -- --
<br /> of the County of_-- ----------- - Hall-------------------and State of_------------ -Nebraska _----, --------------------------------------------Gra.ntor--s---, in cnnsideration
<br /> -----------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> of the s�un of -��v�n���n-Hundx.�d I�94 _l44 - - - ------ ---- - ----- - --- ----------------- -- - - ---------------------------- -
<br /> in han.d pai1, do___ ._ _______hereb3� GRA�'T, Er;RG%�ITT, SELL, A1��D CONVEY unto__._.___Mary E.TuffB___
<br /> - ---- - - - ---- ----- --- ---- ---
<br /> of the Countv of_--- --------- ----F�a_l.Z-- -- -- -------- _ --------_and State of___ -------Nebra_S_ _k__2�.__.. -------_ _ __.---_ . ___--- -- ------- --------, Grantee-------,the following
<br /> describec�premises, sit,uated in tPie County of______. ._.______H�.11____ ___ ____________- ----_-------__and State of Nebraska, io wit: �
<br /> --Fi-f'�y_--tw_o.. &---four__fift_hs--(_5�__�,L�--- �---f-$-e-x--Off_--�f---�h�___E�a_st--�ide----s�_f. _fr�ct_�..Qna�--Lot---number--Seven---(7.�_
<br /> _.__i.n_Bl�ck__nl�m�e-r- �even-�7)----in- H.�.__Cl�rk'_s__1�d.ditiQn__to___the--�ity--o-f---�xanel _�sland-,_-Nebra�ka,___and---
<br /> ____it_s__cam�lerr:e.r,��L_,__�.t_ bs_ix�_f_r_acti4nal__I�ot____n__umbex__E_��k�t ___(_$_)__ �n_ _Bl_o_ck___number_Ei�hte_en__(18_�____in______.
<br />'� _ Ru�_s_e_1---�[heel_Q_r'__s_.���li_tion__to--�h�--Ci.ty---of__.G_xan�l__Is_lansii -Ne'�ras_�a,------------------- __ _ _
<br /> _ --- ----- --- -- --- -----------
<br /> - - ---- -- --- -- ---- - - -- ----- - -- -- - - -- - --- -- -- ---- -- - ---- ---- - - - -- -- -----
<br /> -- - - - -- - - - - ---- - -- - - -- - -- - - --- -- - -- - ---- ---- -- -- -- - --------
<br /> --- - -- - -- -_._ - --- -_ -- - -- -- - -- - - ---- -- - - - --- - --- --- - - - - --- -- ----- ------ ----------- -----
<br /> i ogether with aIl the tenements, hereclitarnents, and appurtenances thereunto belonying, �,r�d all �he .�state, R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> De,mand whatsoever of the said Grantpr___>-__., ancl of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO �I�VE AIVD TO FIOLD the above-describeci premises,with the appt�rtenances, unto the said Grantee________.and to.______._____her_____________________�eirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And____ _________�t�____ _____.__hereby covenant_._____ivith the said Grantee.__________that_________4�te____. .____hold___._____said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that_________�at8_______________have-__good rigl�t and lau�ftzl authority to sell and convey the sam�; that theyare free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever____s_ub_a��t--.t-o--taxe-s---of--191_0----�hi�h--pur_chase r__.as_s�umes---and---agr_e_es--tQ--p-a�r-----------------------------,-----------------
<br /> - ------ --- --- ---- - ---- -- ----- -- --- --- ---- ---- - - - --- - -- ------------- - ------- - ------ - - - ---------- -- ------ - --------- -------------------------------- -
<br /> -- -- - --- - ---- - ----- - - - -- - - ---- ------- --- ------ --------- ------ - - - ---------- ------------- -----------
<br /> --- --- ------ ------ -- - -- - - - -----------------
<br /> I --- - - ---- -- --- - -- -, -- -- _-- - -- -- -- ---- -- And- - - -- ---- -- - ---- -- - - �6 -- ---------------covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> III, defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons uhomsoever, __Q_xC_ep_t___as___a�oY_g___s_t_ated______ ___________________________________________________._
<br /> - - -- - ---- - -- -------- ------------------------------ ----
<br />�I --- - -- - - -
<br />;� Dated the-- -- -- --4t h--- ----- - __.__.�_�ay of_ - - --- 4C_t_S?.l�e r --- ------ - - --- ---A, D., 19---10._.
<br /> I' WITNESS --------t'lilli_am__R_._M�lt_�_x_a_. --------------------------
<br /> � - ---- -Elsi.s- -I,_._�!�1��rs-------------------------------------------
<br /> --- - ---�_ohn___R._�'hom�_�on----- - --- - ---
<br /> --- H--- �ss,
<br /> all---------County, On this------------4�h-----------------------day of_--------Q�.t_Q�.Q�---------------------------A. D., 19_1_�___, before me, the
<br /> undersi�ned, a T�Totary Public____ ___________________________within and for said County, personally came_________________________________________._______________________________.____
<br /> - -�i�._�_ian:--R-_��_7�ters___�.n�__F1si_�__L_.?".►��_tere_,__hu�l�and---___& _Y__�!i_�e--------------------------------------------
<br /> (SEAL) to me personally known to be the identical person3_____..___whose name_�___________��"�______________a�xed to the above instru-
<br /> ment as grantor___S_____, and______ths_y___________severally acknowledged the same tio be________�h6ir____:_____voluntary act and deed
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressed.
<br /> � ��«-�=s�,
<br />; IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my 1�and afCixed my ofI'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br />�, _Gran�__Is1ArS�__N_��;r_._________.__.__________________________on,the date lastabove written.
<br /> I'', ------- _------------------------John---R.Thompson_----------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My conimission expires--------------------- ------- --------------------�'eb3�---��---------------------------19-�1�-----
<br />