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<br /> -/ LJ � t� �L�.
<br /> _ __ ',_ _ ._ _ "..- ' -,. _ ._ _ . ._ ' ' '_ ' _ - '_ _-
<br /> � - 5�18-%LD�P&�AR7'LETT CO..Prinlinp.L4thoqraph,xng and G'our�t;�Sup�s.Omaha. - _ ,- - -- — _
<br />�_.__ ._.... _. . , �- - - ,.._ _ ___ _ _ _ -.- -_` _- �-- -
<br /> �ROM I liereby certify tha.t this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> • filed for record this--------21-------------------day of----OCtobeT------------ ----------
<br /> --------------�s_aa�--�mith - - -- - s1-n�l�---------- -- --
<br /> �, D,, 1910 , at- -. .-1,-4�_ -- - -_ - --o'clock--- -- - - P� M•
<br /> - ---- -- - --- -- - ----_- --- - ---- - - -- - Warranty
<br /> TO Deed.
<br /> -- - - -- - - .. _ ___ d� - - �
<br /> Coi�nti Clerk,
<br /> - - -- ------ -- Adar�r E.Tuffs -
<br /> - -- ----- --- -- -- --- ----- -- - - - - - - ---
<br /> De�uty.
<br /> I�now 1�11 1Vien b� These Presents:
<br /> That- ���_�C 8mitY� ---- - - - - - ------ _ - --- --- - - - - --- --- - - - - - ----- ----- - - - --- - - - -----
<br /> - - - -a--s�_�gl_e--m�xl-_ - - - - - - - - �- -- � - - - --- - -_ - - --- --
<br /> of the Coun�y of_---------H�311-------------------------- --.__and State of---._ _--------- ---Ne-bTa3k8-- ---------- ---------- ----- - -- -----------Grantor--------, in c�nsideration
<br /> . of the sum of----$e_vex�teen_huncired---�nd_ OO��.CO------------------ -------------------------------_ _ DOLLARS, ,
<br /> in hand paid, do----- --------hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONti'EY unto____ ��xy- �._Tu�f�---------__.---------- --- ----- --------- _ ---- -----._-- ------------..
<br /> of the County of_ - -- Hal l - -- - - - - --and State of-- -_N.�1��'ask2�- - - - __ - - -_ - , Grantee ,the following
<br /> � described premises,situated in the County of_____.______ _____HA],1_ ._ ___.___________________and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> -- -Eif�y--_.t�Q._�nd__f_our---fift�a_-(-52 --4-/5-)----f���_-off----of_-Lhe- East_-side---Qf_ _f.ractional- -I,-ot---numbe-r----Sevan----_
<br /> �
<br /> __(7? _in___Block____n_um_ber_S_e_ven___�7� _in__ H,_G,CI_ark's_�d;�ition_ to__tht�_Ci�y.___Q�__Gr�.n3__Islan3__ Nebraska,_________ �
<br /> • ---a.nd---�,��__�_��l�men�- -be_ing---fr_ac_ti.Qnal�__I,_o_t._n-�he-r- Ei-ght--(8-)---in__B1.ock--numb.ex___Ei�ht_e_en___(_18�---in--------
<br /> Rus�el___F!he_elers___Addition___t_o___G__rand___Island_,_.__Ne_�r�ska,,____Thia__deed___is__m�de__u�on_�he__same__con��,deratibn
<br /> -----an�.__f or__the._r�rp��-�--af--co�re�t in�--a�__e_r�ar---i-n--a---��rranty--d�_ed--givs-n--b-Y---t_hi-s---�rantor_--�-o---ons_-------
<br /> --Harvey,_Ro:�ding-,--Pated--July--6----�90$---�ckno��.eci;�d--�--xe_c_ar.s�_ed---o�i---aams---da�e---in_��_ok---4�---o-n-P_-ape--25�.
<br /> o�'__s�f�3-_Hall-_C_ounty-,---ds�d-_r_e_c_ords,-_-a.nd__this---de-ed--i s--alsa--made--f or---t he---�ur�o-s-e----o�---�er_f_e-ctin�-_-_---
<br /> _ �he--Tit_ls---�Q---t-he---ab_oYS--de_s_cribad--p-ro�aer_ty--i-n---the---abaua--namer�---gr-ar-�t-ve---- ----- --- - ---- -- -- �--------
<br /> Together with aIl the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto beloi��ing, �,nd all the Estate, R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor___._______, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO KAVE AND TO HOLD the above-describ�d premises, with the appurtena,nces, unto the said Grantee________and to__._______h.e__T________________________heirs and
<br /> assigns forever. And____________I_______________hereby covenant______with the said Grantee____ __.____that_____�_____________hoId_______said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that_____________�______.______.__haVB___good right and lawful authorit,V to sell and convey the same; that theyare free �nd clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever----e;��_���e_n�lu�br_anc-e-s--Q��nr_r_i.n;- �zinc-e- -�Iu1_y_ -� -1-9D8 - - --- ------------- ------------------------------------------- -----------------
<br /> -- - --------- - ---- --- -------- --- - ---- - ----- ---------- -- - -- - - - ---- ----- - ------ --- ----- - ----- -- -- ---- ---------------------------- ----------- --------
<br /> - ---- - -- - - - - - - - And------ -- I--- - ------- ------ --- ----------covenant-----_to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premises against the lativful claims of all persons wliomsoever, ____ _e_xC_8p�___�r�k__a�2ovs_________________________________________________________________________
<br /> ------------ ------ - ---- --- -- ----- - ------------ ---- - -- -- -- ---- --- ------- ------ ----- - --------- -- -------- - ----- ------------------------------=--- ------
<br /> Dated the----- - 20t-h-- �- -._dati� of_-- - - - --- OCtober --------- ---A. D., 19�.Q----- ,
<br /> WITNESS --------------------Is-�t-aC---$�it.h
<br /> ------------- ------------ ------- - ---------- ---------------------------------
<br /> -------- -------JQhn__R.-Sh��np-son------ - -
<br /> ss.
<br /> ------- - -------Hal-1 -------County, On this--- -- ---- �_Qth----------------day of_------4C_t-ob�-r------ ----------------A, D., 19�-4 --, before me, the
<br />� - undersigned, a Notary Public---------------------------------------------within and for said County, Aersonally came------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Is�ac Smith �
<br /> ` -- ------------- ------------------ ----- - ---------�-�in�l�--man --------------------------------------------- ---- ------------- -
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person___________whose name________�$____________________________af�'ixed to �he above instru-
<br /> (SEAL) ment as grantor_________, and__________h_e________severally acknowledged the same to be_____his_______________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for Lhe purpose therein expressed, ;
<br />+ ..� Y�a Y ------------------- '
<br /> . .
<br /> 2z2a�r��
<br />:,,
<br /> - � IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed m nd afCixed m official seal at___________________________
<br /> _Grand__I�1ans��___�Iel�r_�_._,____________________.___._________on the date last above written. ;
<br /> i _ . ----------------------------�_�hn---B..T_homgs.�n--------------------------- '
<br /> ' Notary Public.
<br /> '� My commission expires------------------------------------- --------------------------�'�b-y---�-��--------------------19�Q-�---- '
<br /> -
<br /> �
<br />, , :
<br /> , _.�
<br />